Why are black humans so prone to violence?
Why are black humans so prone to violence?
Brayden Lee
Lincoln Cooper
Camden Hernandez
Stupid people are prone to violence when they fail to properly communicate or have no retort. Niggers are some of the dumbest species on earth.
Tyler Wood
The universe is a nasty place. Only the strong can be kind. Charity is a luxury.
James Jackson
John Jenkins
because white people can't keep their racism inside their head
if they keep their racists thoughts to themselves maybe they wouldn't get beaten so much.
Adam Carter
Cooper Baker
this. Lack of prefrontal lobe development.
you must be a newfag cause this is discussed every day.
Zachary Mitchell
Fuckoff nigger.
People aren't racist enough--that's the problem
Jeremiah Hernandez
>"blacks are violent and stupid, they should be killed
>black: *commits assault*