Important speech from Tony Blair

He gets to the heart of the issue: the primary purpose of the EU is power. If the EU dissolves Europe will be dominated by the US, China, Russia and other future world powers. Regardless of your political opinion, you can't argue with his logic.

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Who isn't


Blair is wrong. Europe can be strong without submission to the Franco-German access.

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My numerals didn't lie leaf. R.I.P. DR David Kelly

If the EU was for the good of europe it wouldn't be so bad that countries want out of it.

the Commonwealth lost a great man when he left politics . its a shame that the modern brit is to stubborn to accept this truth


He unironically looks better now.

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Spoken like a true statist. This guy walked in lock step with George W. Bush after 9/11 knowing it was an inside job. The European Union accomplishes many things for the true power brokers worldwide.

1) It unifies all the interior borders in Europe removing sovereign border controls designed to catch and halt the trafficking of slaves and drugs.
2) It emboldens Europe's old money and thus colonialist control of what are popularly considered to be non-European sovereign nations.
3) It places the burden of responsibility of European citizens directly upon the shoulders of the leaders of their respective country, i.e., the Greeks can no longer live on a constant siesta.
4) Foreign labor will no longer be taxed to pay for cushy retirements for mid-level European aristocrats.

Fuck Tony Blair.

Blair is the one who pushed open door immigration into the UK. He should be the most hated man in the country

that ship has sailed
and Blair Bush and Clinton sold us to China

Most Europeans don't. Even Orban is pro-EU. The European Union is fundamentally a good idea, it's just being run by a pack of cretins and morons. Europe must remain united.

I fine with the EU ruling Europe but I don't understand why the EUROPEAN Union also means exterminating EUROPEANS.

I don't know if he's a "great man" - he's pro-mass migration, supported the Iraq war, etc. - but he's right on this point.

We will unite the Anglosphere, Europe will pay us for protection and we will continue to dominate the planet and push human civilisation forward for another 3000years.

God Save the Queen and fuck Tony 'Traitor' Blair

That's so simplistic and bleak, it must be true

1. Europe dissolving into a bunch of politically impotent colonies of the US and China will not help the immigration problem.
2. The "old money" folks are not who you should be worried about. The real villains live in DC and Tel Aviv.
3. Don't have a strong opinion one way or the other
4. See 1
You shouldn't get too wrapped up in personalities

We cucked China and India and the rest of the world when our population was ~5million.
Did it once, we'll do it again.

Because of America

Good luck with that

>trusting this fucking guy ever

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Nope. EU was designed to undermine national sovereignty and encourage a one-world government. It has no real benefits and must be dismantled.

After decades of terrible policies both foreign and domestic the cancerous political leadership of Europe now pretend they care about Europe

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> tony blair
> important speech
post discarded.

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Someone's going to dominate the world. Russia and India can't do it and the US and China shouldn't. If Europe isn't united the 21st century will be dominated by America (Israel) and China (literal fucking totalitarian dystopia).


Should Europe be united or not?

Show me evidence that he murders babies. Doesn't change the fact that he's right.

If the European Union is to exist at all, it should be a hard-right one that vigorously polices it's borders, has a deliberate preference for racial/ethnic Europeans, mostly homogeneous societies, cultural and ethnic preservation, and has carefully limited power.

The problem with the current incarnation is it is a project with no limiting principles, and based upon liberal universalist ideals (internationalism, humanism, "anti-racism", diversity, anti-nationalism, pro-Islam, anti-borders, etc...). This is why Brexit happened. They've leaned nothing from it.

You are forgetting how relatively powerless and under-developed India, China, and the rest of the world was compared to Western Europe at the time. Colonialism was mostly shooting fish in a barrel.

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He is a globalist pedophile who shills for the NWO. Once nation-states don't exist anymore and only mega-multicultural and multi-ethnic countries remain they can establish the One World Government through the UN. It's been the plan since the beginningof the 20th century.
But they didn't realize the world wasn't only the west and now they're fucked because they've weakenend it too much and China is already too powerful, so they are likely going for option B which is a few mega-countries against each other like in 1984.
They are absolute idiots who are too arrogant to realize how stupid they are.
It is all so tiresome

>If the European Union is to exist at all, it should be a hard-right one that vigorously polices it's borders, has a deliberate preference for racial/ethnic Europeans, mostly homogeneous societies, cultural and ethnic preservation, and has carefully limited power.
The only way to achieve this is through a united Europe. The nations of Europe will either hang together or hang separately.

>option B which is a few mega-countries against each other like in 1984
And Europe must be one of them.

NO, Fuck off leaf.

I'd agree with you but it''s already too late for Europe mate, eastern Europe is too poor even united and western Europe is dead demographically.
Western Europe has only three possible outcomes at this point and only one can save it:
- mass re-emigration of non-nativds and their offsprings (basically impossible, their countries won't take them back, they will not want to leave and the elite will never attempt that anyway)
- demographic replacement by maghrebis and sub-saharan africans mostly muslims (what's happening and will happen if nothing is done, the birthrates of maghrebis aren't that high but those of thrird generation africans are still higher than 3 children per women)
- civil war between the natives and migrants

The end result is a balkanized Europe with an East that's poor and a west that'll become a poor shithole.
Shit's fucked mate

>Doesn't change the fact that he's right.
In the very general sense that a divided Europe of entirely independent, smaller countries acting without any concern for security of Europe may be vulnerable to dominance and interference by outside powers (e.g China), yes he's correct. But then that's not hard, given that it's a position all sorts of people have - including those who despise the current EU. It's a myth that everyone who dislikes the current EU is against co-operation between European nations.

In practice nothing has been more damaging to the security of Europe in the last 30 years than EU ideologues like himself, Merkel, any French leader, the EU itself, etc...

Given a choice between an EU led by people like that, with their liberal internationalist beliefs in universal humanism - a belief that says it matters not if the people under their control are actually ethnically/racially European - many might actually prefer to take their chances with the USA and Russia.

If those, like Blair, Macron, et al. are so concerned about China, Russia (etc), then they should model the EU on the values of Hungary and Poland, rather than the City of London.*

*They won't, because their concern is really a loss of their own power. They couldn't give a single fuck about Europeans.

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your entire argument has been that without the EU, Europe will be dominated by the USA/China/Russia, and it must remain for Europe to be strong. Yet here you state that the EU's active policy of exterminating its own people is...because of the US.

200 IQ argument you've got here

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The first option is more possible than you think. US influence in Europe is quickly waning. Anti-immigration sentiments are skyrocketing. Every political system seems stable until it isn't. However, the only way that's possible is through a United Europe. America and China will annihilate a divided Europe. We might disagree about how likely the first possibility is, but if Europe is disunited it's definitely impossible

would you suck a log of shit from his ass?
he is the Andy Sixx of Politics

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>The only way to achieve this is through a united Europe.
You have that backwards. The only way to unite Europe is embrace the values I outlined:

a new treaty/union based more on the values of Victor Orban than of Cosmopolites in London and Paris.
>strong, clearly defined and enforced European borders
>an end to people-smuggling of all kinds
>a preference for homogeneity ahead of diversity
>pro-European (racially/ethnically/culturally) rather than a universal humanist/egalitarian belief that absolutely anyone in the world can and should be European and in any number
>joint co-operation on defense
>a limiting principle (i.e no "we might just decide to bring in Turkey next year")
>carefully limited power of the federal body/a respect for national sovereignty, and a sensible balance between the two
>bring freedom of movement under the control of nations

I guarantee you at least half of the people who voted Brexit would vote to enter such a union.

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Someone please end this man

>traps r ghey
What did he mean by this?

Europe is already dominated by the fucking kikes. Blair is exhibit A. Hang the bastard.

Europe dominated the world for 1,000 years.

All of a sudden it needs to be united into a gray mass known as the EU in order to compete.

Right. No.

Why do people still shill the idea that the EU has anything to do with German or French power when those who represent Germany and France in the EU are JEWS.

I know that the EU was an American invention. But European unity isn't. I'm not really arguing for the EU per se. I'm arguing against the UK and other European nations becoming even more utterly dominated by the US, which is exactly what will happen if Britain leaves the EU. The EU, while bad, is better than total colonization by the US *and* provides a framework for a truly pro-European supranational union.

OP he has a point....yeah.... but it's power to jewish 'europeans' so....meh.
this 'european power' hasn't stopped the invasion since 2001 so fuck em, lets try something else and see if it works.

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That'd require an entire elite replacement of every west european nation, unless there is a litteral coup (which would most likely make things even worse) it's not gonna happen

holy shit today you finally made a post that isnt nigger tier im proud of you

Blair is the last person I’d want siding with Britain. He’s a backstabbing fucktard and he’s always been up to no fucking good. I wonder what his agenda is acting like such a good patriot?

I agree with that completely. The point is that Brexit makes this less likely.

Ironically the only thing that unites Europeans at the moment is the anti-immigration sentiment because of how much it has been forced down everyones throat. By forcing immigration through all these years, Macron, Merkel, Blair and all those guys that are right now whining that Europe is divided, were and are the ones dividing it.
The EU could have been a good thing if it were not for the morrons ruling it.

Flew on lotila express. Lied about Iraq. Still tries to push mass immigration. everyone hates him and he won't fuck off

Rule Britannia

Also what people don't realize is that most of the people pushing for immigration like Juncker are useful idiots only doing it for muh GDP and only that.

So everyone must surrender their heritage because the aristocracy has an inferiority complex.

>>trusting this fucking guy ever

>Doesn't change the fact that he's right.

>If those, like Blair, Macron, et al. are so concerned about China, Russia (etc), then they should model the EU on the values of Hungary and Poland, rather than the City of London.*
>*They won't, because their concern is really a loss of their own power. They couldn't give a single fuck about Europeans.

Exactly: the current EU is already too dominated by the USA and China, and it has (along with NATO) spent the last few decades pushing Russia away (and into the arms of China), and the cry of the Blairs, Merkels, Macrons. Junkers etc is:
>"Give us more power"
>"We the same geniuses behind Iraq, Libya, Syria, mass-migration of people dubiously called refugees, the unwise acceptance of Islam in Europe, the fetishisation of diversity over homogeneity, the use of migration as a quick fix to all economic challenges..."
>"Give us what we want and we'll get it right this time

This is their response to absolutely everything: "Give us more power"
>we can only stop the terrorism we caused if you give us more power
>we can only effectively deal with the migrant crisis we caused if you give us more power
>more federalism, more diversity, more freedom of movement, stronger suppression of dissent

Liberal internationalists are responsible for all the West's/Europe's woes, and they're convinced they are the solution to them as well.

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Fuck this bastard

This is fundamentally about geopolitics. Once America loses its grip on Europe, the elite class will change. The current elite class of Europe was more or less installed by the US at the end of WWII. Once America's gone, things will change.

Your country is worse than us in that you fucking help these traitors and never go to war to help Europe. Why are you so pissy all of a sudden?

EU needs to die, everyone save yourself.

He is

Daddy Trump isn't going to save you.

This is the one that ruined Britain! It's all Tony's fault.

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>european war criminal and Dubbya's loyal mutt says something
>every european now knows to do the opposite because Blair is a piece of shit

>Tony Blair
> important


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He’s a fucking psychopath

the entire EU elite have adopted the same opinion - you may not like us but we protect you from China, Russia etc False!

>If the EU dissolves Europe will be dominated by the US, China, Russia and other future world powers
Yes, I do agree with that.
EU would be cool if it would be purely economic union. We wanted free trade, they gave us globohomo.

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>national sovereignty
This is what always lead to terrible wars on the continent, and not only my people are to blame. Not saying I'm entirely pro-EU, but we've been living in an era of peace for 70 years if you don't count the Balkan war, which didn't influence my life one bit.

>The point is that Brexit makes this less likely.
Well the first thing to do is recognize why Brexit happened, and I've outlined it in all my criticisms of the current EU in this thread.

The 2nd thing to do if one is really serious about co-operation between European nations for the good of those nations, for European people, cultures (etc) is to start coming up with a new vision of a European treaty/union that those who are disillusioned (including British Brexit voters) could support.

...and as you agree, this isn't exactly rocket science: we know what that treaty should look like, we know what values it should be based upon and those it shouldn't.

Blair doesn't. Blair, like all the "Post-Trotskyists", has ambitions that don't stop at the border of Europe, though he will try to pass himself off as "pro-European". Loyalty to all humanity indiscriminately is not pro-European. One must have a preference for humans of European stock if one is to represent their self-interests.

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Even if it didn't come to war, a significant split in Europe would effectively kill European civilization.

The idea sounded nice, but it was hijacked by the jews and communists.
The only way they make a union is by destroying culture and identity. Pic related.
We're better off without.

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Yeah, we're in total agreement. I agree with what most Brexiteers *think* they're fighting for. I don't like Blair. He's just articulating a point - essentially that a disunited Europe is a weak Europe - that isn't made very well very often.

Europe breaking up will do nothing to stop immigration. All it would do is prevent the ability to ever stop it.

Not total agreement on second thought. Brexit would likely fully and irreversibly draw the UK into the US orbit. They won't be able to form any kind of substantial union with other European nations after that happens.

Although, there is an argument to be made that Britain leaving the EU would make what you're proposing more likely. Something worth considering.

Nothing wrong with working together, but the EU is clearly a fucking mess which only purpose is to pull tons of distinct sovereign nations with different cultures and ideologies under one banner. Why do we need a bunch of unelected beurocrats governing the whole thing when we could have a group of separate nations that respect each other's policies and cultures and form trade and military alliances to achieve what that traitor Blair says the main purpose of the EU is?

>This is what always lead to terrible wars on the continent
This is a misnomer. It wasn't sovereignty but imperialism - which is a lack of respect for sovereignty. Sovereign nations like Switzerland and Norway weren't responsible for the bloodbaths in Europe. It was attempts to build global powers (Imperial Britain, France, Germany, etc). WW2 was a result of WW1, which was a result of Imperialism.

Sovereignty itself is not the enemy. Getting rid of it completely is dangerous and unnecessary, and attempts to do so will only lead to more violent conflict.

What you need to do is get the balance between national sovereignty and co-operation right, not do away with sovereignty all together.

The EU ideologues tried the exact same trick Tony Blair tried in the UK (see pic related here and here ) that is to use non-European migration as a tool to undermine homogeneity and sovereignty. That plan lead directly to the current conflict in Europe (terrorism included).

You have "peace" but did you ever stop to ask yourself at what price? Mass migrants coming in? States deteriorating? Culture and identity losing itself?

Germany would've let the migrants in regardless of whether or not they were in the EU.

And there you betray a profound ignorance of who controls what and how.

>Brexit would likely fully and irreversibly draw the UK into the US orbit
I don't think so. Britain really isn't that important to them anymore (despite what flattering noises Trump may make), and that trend is only likely to continue. There's no reason why a "Brexit-like" withdrawal of entanglements with the USA couldn't take place in future.

Again, Germany would've let the migrants in regardless of whether or not they were in the EU. That's indisputable.

If the EU never existed, and if Germany was a completely independent nation state, it would never allow masses of migrants into its borders.

The EU is hostile to its own people. It doesn't deserve to continue to exist. Radically change it or abolish it.

Europe isn’t losing strength and influence because of a lack of unity. It’s losing strength and influence due to mismanagement, and because it’s a collection of has-been countries.

It's still the world's sixth-largest economy. It's a hell of a prize. As for pulling off a Brexit-style withdrawal from the US empire once it's fully in its orbit, I'm gonna press x to doubt. Ping ponging around from one geopolitical bloc to another is extremely risky.

Ok, why not throw in as US states then, give us the consitutional rights afforded by that, free movement between them and we abolish our government for seats in the senate.

Our military is basically shared with the US anyway. In return the US gets a multi continent empire and could power project the entire planet to such a degree nobody stands a chance, military, economically and socially, economically it could outcompete china and probably india combined for the next 100 years, it would have the population, the economic reach, the military reach to destory anybody and couldnt be easily defeated without global nuclear war, of which it would have all the advantages there.

Why not fold the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Canada and Australia into the Greater United States, give states more autonomy, but the government is centered in washington, with backups in London, Ontario, Paris, Brussels etc.

Russia and China would shit their pants, imagine the fucking space budget, we could colonise the moon within 20 years.

>if Germany was a completely independent nation state
Do you think the EU is the primary factor preventing Germany from being its own nation-state?

no more nato, and we leave the UN.

Yes, I believe it's a huge part of it. Not the only one but a huge part. The EU would never allow Germany to act completely independently and without regard for other nations in the EU. That's why it was set up in 1946 or so.

You want to give the US *more* power? Do you realize who controls the US government?

and we end up with the euro dollar sterling or something, they are pretty much all pegged anyway right now, like 20% in it.

Elon musk can build his hyperloop under the atlantic.

>Franco-German access
>British humour