This will go down as the event in which nothing of interest occurred. I am getting sleepy. There’s nothing of interest in this story. We should all go to bed. Let’s go to bed, anons.
Austin Phillips
Press Release from IsraeliPM Betty Nuttyahoo about the non-incident incident the north:
That IDF APC only had 8 of our fine and glorious troopers onboard, and none got hurt when it was hit with an anti-tank, wait..Uhh, there was NO one in the APC, it was just sitting there, that's not it...uhh, it was an ambulance that was transporting our glorious IDF troopers who were injured when the Hezbollah that's not it. I got it! The ones being transported to the hospital were only dummies we had put there prior to the missile hitting the APC ambulance! Yeah, that's it!
Now VOTE for me on Sept 17 or I'll set this entire region on fire to stay out of prison.
Mason Ward
All praises be to Allah (swt)
Gavin Martinez
Nasrallah speech : promised further attacks on the Zionist enemy by the Lebanese resistance. Said Israeli red lines no longer matter, and that 1 September 2019 will forever be remembered as the beginning of the Resistance campaign to liberate the Occupied Palestine.
Luis Bell
>tfw hezbollah has to make fake drone footage from outside your office to own you
that's all well and good Nasrallah but you actually have to do it
Adam Ross
>be kurd >get 90points on 5 minute long internet iq tests >parents are cousin >shitsking >people online still doubt that you're a kurd
How? Why? Anyways,
First for Greater Kurdistan as vassal state to Greater Israel. Long live Israel. Long live the jewish people. Fuck Iran. Fuck Nazis. Fuck Palestinians and Palestine.