>be me, make a few experiences with them >a black guy in my work group in university: lazy and retarded >a black gut which I did serve some juice didn´t know how to behave and got rude for no reason while being sober at 1 pm despite me being polite >a few other stories about niggers, not noteable
Okay, so no Nigger did really offend me yet, and I´m trying to give everyone a chance first, as I didn´t experience bad things personally yet. However I know the stats. Friends call me out for being a racist when I mention such things and tell me "that all humans are equal" which is definetly not the case.
So Jow Forums, on a serious note: How do you act towards them in real life and how do you handle the subject with your friends?
>"H-h-how do w-we deal with these n-niggers, Jow Forums?"
Zachary Hughes
But how do you behave towards them? How do you approacht the subject in real life? I mean 80% of the time they are just worthless niggers
Jason Wood
Don't talk about that subject with friends, and just don't interact with them, if you can avoid it. Shouldn't be that hard
William Sullivan
Im a nigger, i hate myself, and everyone around me are dumb chimps, soo yea i guess.
Camden Williams
People are obviously not the same, but that doesn't mean you need to hate anyone. At the same time, don't be completely naive, because there is some truth to stereotypes. Treat everyone with respect and as individuals but also don't be an idiot. Understand what I mean?
Kevin Jenkins
>are you hating ugh, it's "Do you hate every black person out there".
Jose Martin
I avoid the situation as much as humanly possible. Treat them with upmost respect and patience whenever I must interaction.
Juan Gonzalez
I avoid and don't speak to many. Best not to keep company with savages. If you are forced to due to work/uni, just keep talk as minimal as possible, as then they will probably try to take advantage of you.
Camden Powell
Niggers are absolutely repulsive and arrogant. Never be polite to them.
Cute girl at work is black. Perfect personality, sweet as pie. Said she hates being black, says she feels inferior. Makes me sad, user.
Austin Robinson
>some truth to stereotypes So are you into bestiality?
Ian Bell
A female friend of mine (which is propaply into me as she texts me all the time) told me recently, that Niggers are equal to Whites and that it´s all a matter of education. That´s is obviously bullshit. Then she told me that it´s not, and her sister was 3 months in Africa as a teacher and taught 12 year olds there, that when you draw a dog, that it only has 4 legs. I think I hate those white people who do such stuff, even more
Kayden Brooks
Man up weak nigga. Acting submissive towards crackers isn't going to do anything for you. Be proud of who you are, crackers can't stand a confident black man.