Be Dave Chapelle

> Be Dave Chapelle
> Demolish collective progressive ass
> Get 0% in Rotten Tomatoes
> Kek

Please /pol, provide link.

Attached: chapello.jpg (1500x839, 137K)

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Rotten Jewmatoes is a joke. It's like Twitter.

Still, 0% means I might end up paying to watch it

>imagine not downloading it online

Dude it's five retards saying how offended they are. It's not a big deal

Is it actually bad? Remove the politics, are the jokes funny or not?

Are there rare Hong-Kong-pepes already?

I thought it was funny

Attached: 86048945.jpg (750x744, 149K)

he was never funny, just amusing.

But you have to be a fucking brainlet moron to watch these to 'laugh'.
They ought to make you think, be interesting, stimulating, controversial etc.

Attached: gal-carlin-1-jpg.jpg (1200x1435, 176K)

It's true. lol
Best standup comic of our generation totally BTFO!!!

Bill Nye the science guy - 100%
Dave Chappelle - 0%