
Wtf is going on with that pic?

Attached: EDex4gUXsAAlWIv.jpg (2048x1364, 420K)

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fake, the earth is flat

They are trolling us at this point

Attached: EDex4h0WwAENbOX.jpg (2048x1364, 709K)

God hates jews being In Florida so he seeks his vengeance wrathfully

Why does everything look like a butt hole to me lately?

>what is a fisheye lens

i fucking hate black niggers

Schizo thread

yeah by that way, that doesn't look like a round earth. That picture literally makes the earth looks flat, so good job reatrd nassa fags

This is with 4K lens distortion - earth is still curved
Flatearthers BTFO once again

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 12.57.16 PM.png (4028x2142, 3.09M)