Forget gun control, we should ban assult bicycles from our streets

i fucking hate them

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I fucking hate faggot ass yuppies riding their bikes in the middle of the fucking road, and now the faggots are riding around on scooters, literal manchildren

Ban all assault bikes. Who needs 27 speeds? Isn't 5 enough?

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Cycling is for faggots.

hav a laff

Bicyclists area plague all across the world. It's something if the person is poor, but the type of bicyclist that likes to brag about the fact that he is "doing something to save the world" is fucking annoying.

Ban mountain bikes and multi gear ones. What you're going to go into a mountain in NYC? Also ban tactical lights, those things can flash up to 100 times a second and blind drivers. We really need common sense bike control but those fucking republithugs won't let us,

I forgot, there's more

What a gay ass jew faggot show. kill yourself post haste.

What's wrong with Portlandia, dude? Might wanna remove that stick from your ass.

Cyclists deserve to be killed.

gb2 reddit

Lol. Imma go on a bike ride.

>What's wrong with Portlandia

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>the type of bicyclist that likes to brag about the fact that he is "doing something to save the world" is fucking annoying.

Also fucking fictional. You saw this stereotype in a cartoon, not in real life.

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good one newfag

what kind of chink is that?

Cry more fatass

Idk, I would take a mountain bike to the city, the roads are shit in Manhattan.

>NOOOOO can you can't pick another form of transportation than my Jew mobile STOPPP

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triggered scooter fag

regular cyclists are ok but bicycle messengers are a whole different talk.

oh oh I remember now. are you guys thinking about the st. vincent episode? yeah, that was pretty gay, but the rest of the show is decent.

This wouldn’t have happened if you had appropriate licensing like here in the UK.

next they will ban common sense, because its a weapon against mass immigration, gun control, the jews and many other things.
Oh, it already happened. We are being censored. My bad folks.
Now lets get to sleep and tomorrow play some vidya, fap to BBC and tranny porn, do some drugs and watch tv! This is the right way to live!

thats diamonds .. kek

Any bicycle fags on the open road are fair game. They NEVER abide by the rules of the road , which by the way WE ( gas/diesel powered engines) pay for thru fuel TAXES. Electric cars & bikes ride for free. GET OFF OUR ROADS.
Anyways , just do what i do when im forced to drive into the city ( only few times per year ) spend a week collecting my morning piss in a gallon jug , right before i leave the driveway i fill my windshield fluid to the top with my old skanky morning piss, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive by some bike faggot ( obviously not kids) i crank my wipers & fluid and spray those faggots down with piss. Ahhhhh hahaha , then my city trip is enjoyable.
Enjoy your golden shower faggots.

You are all just envious of people that can actually fit on a bike, fucking fat asses.

It's bad here in my area of Los Angeles. They keep getting hit by cars and some even ride on the fucking highway. The city installed bike lanes but installed them in busy streets where parking is premium and there is heavy pedestrian traffic.

Luckily we don't have a problem with the shooters since our local blacks like to steal them and break them.

Guarantee he stepped into the road without even looking, almost no one looks.


Literally female logic, get your faggot bike off the fucking road

These fuckers in my city complain the streets are too unsafe for them (because they don't follow any of the rules of the road). So they ride on the fucking sidewalk and sneak up behind you without ringining a bell. Almost got taken out a few times this summer. Hate these entitled pieces of shit. Hope they all get their brains painted on the sidewalk.

Paved roads were invented for bicycles; also you are a coward hiding inside your cage and using thousands of pounds of machinery to assault people who are just out enjoying their life.

Ha maybe dont be a bitch then. Bike dudes have just the same rights as everyone to use the roads.

>i fucking hate them
Kids or bicycles?

Literally doesnt deny it, stop eating cheeseburgers fatass. Tomorrow when i bike to work ill make sure to do it in the middle of the road, nice and slow.

fuck cyclists


You have never startled a KOM nigger riding his segment

>t. spandex faggot

yeah dude everyone's just fat and totally jealous of your gay bicycle, that's what it is

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Who do you root for, the virgin scooter or the virgin cyclist with a mounted rocket launcher?

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Nothing of value was lost

The Jews have scared the younger generation about cars thats why they don't drive

rocket launcher.

Fucking bad ass assault bike

>living in the city
nope nope nope

keep that trash downstate, cucks

Agreed. I lived in NYC for 4 years, they have no regard for traffic laws or pedestrians

Also agreed, the city I'm in now is littered with these gayass scooters and they're probably worse than bikes.

So that's what aussie cops are always wasting their time on. That explains why drivers over there are all so goddamn awful and how there are never any police cars on the road.

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Why the fuck are people in cities still allowed to drive cars all they do is kill people and themselves everyone should be using ebikes escooters for smaller commutes

>Ban Multi-gear mountain bikes.

No one needs an Assault bike!

Kek, look out pedestrians and wagies, the chad cyclist is coming through.

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its the people not the bicycles burger
people don't ride like shit in my country

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That's because people drive like cucks over there

they drive better then in NY and trust i have been to NY so this is not something i'm pulling out of my ass

>paying $25,000 for a kikecart is a great deal, goy!
>buying $50 of gas a week for the rest of your life and spending an extra $200 a month for a place with garage parking is fun!
>remember to buy a new one every 2 years
>for that new car smell :^)

fuck cagers. and fuck smartphone addict peds. stupid kid was probably on his gaymeboi because his parents ran out of money for his autism meds.

This, wagies need to slow their roll

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

I hate those cunts. They never respect the laws of the road, or otherwise.

Sometimes cyclists are at fault: flying down sidewalks, running red lights, blocking crosswalks.

Sometimes pedestrians are at fault: walking in bike lanes, stepping into bike lanes without looking, jaywalking.

There are stupid people on both sides of this issue.

every bike nigger deserves this, day of the bush when

>Meth problem
>Nothing to do
>people are all weirdo's that act like its south Carolina
>Dixie flags so far north they are closer to the Canadian border than D.C
Upstate new yorkers are biggest larpers ever. They are all in the middle of nowhere unless they are near big colleges. And all the kids upstate are fucking weird tranny hillbillies

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yeah, not many soi bars up here for you.
city people are fucking useless

Hate these self-important fuckers.

Literally none of this is true unless you’re retarded.
Also enjoy going anywhere with ease and speed

I don't think anyone likes cyclists.


>Please be patient i have autism

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>Anyways , just do what i do when im forced to drive into the city ( only few times per year ) spend a week collecting my morning piss in a gallon jug , right before i leave the driveway i fill my windshield fluid to the top with my old skanky morning piss, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive by some bike faggot ( obviously not kids) i crank my wipers & fluid and spray those faggots down with piss. Ahhhhh hahaha , then my city trip is enjoyable.

stay mad faggot kikelist.

grape smuggling faggot detected. get a real job homo. no one cares how easy your weekly bike ride to gamestop is.

Bikes do a fraction of the road wear and tear of cars and trucks and they also pay taxes. You want pedestrians to pay to walk on the sidewalk too, idiot?

Why should they? They've really earned their reputation.

>stop cycling, buy more oil

When I encounter these pussy faggots I purposely drive close to them to ram them off the road. I stopped beeping and driving slow years ago. 3 times I made them fall of their bikes and got a ways with it. Especially where I stay in the summer they're everywhere. I go out and hunt them down when I'm bored. It's open season for me. These yuppie faggots in their spandex deserve it.


>everybody that has to drive to work in the morning is overweight because liberals refuse to obey traffic laws