>The event was organized by veteran owner-operator Bill Bogar.
>Bogar told KRCTV that he is worried about the impact that driverless truck technology could have on the job prospects of the men and women of the industry: “This is my job. I mean, once these things come in, I’m done; I’m out. Most of these people coming in today are literally a week out of being out of business.”
>The drivers also raised concerns about the impact of driverless truck technology on highway safety.
>Another trucker protest organized under the name “10-4” is being planned for October 4 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
I admit I'm hesitant on driverless trucks. With so many, it translates to lots of accidents.
Xavier Perez
No hesitation for the big boys at the top who need their shipments delivered under budget and ahead of schedule. The machines do not fatigue. Their AI only improves when trained on new geographical data.
Kayden Allen
Fuck truckers. They can all burn in hell, they can't stay in their lane, go too fucking slow, shit up the far left lane, and tailgate others. Bring on the autotrucks
Automation is a meme. Self driving trucks are a silly dream.
Xavier Flores
Y’all are retard if you think human truckers are better that autonomous trucks, humans are slow and retarded. machines don’t get tired don’t get road rage they react instantly, they can even predict accidents before they happen. Face it humans suck at driving
Justin Hill
Think about it. A few teenagers with a couple of cars decide to hit the highway and fuck with these self driving trucks. Make them ditch themselves to avoid accidents. I dunno, just a thought.
Owen Evans
>To me without dramatic change the best-case scenario is a hyper stratified society like something out of The Hunger Games or Guatemala with an occasional mass shooting. The worse case is widespread despair, violence, and the utter collapse of our society and economy. This viewpoint may strike some as extreme, but consider though that trucking protests were common in the final days of the Soviet Union. A large unemployed group of working age men is a common feature in middle eastern countries that experienced political upheaval and there are approximately 270 to 310 million. Those who have other options will flee the field. But for many their opportunities will be minimal and they know it. Many are ex-military. About 5% are Gulf War veterans, ~80,000 worked in transportation in 2012. They'll be proud and desperate. What might happen when the 350,000 American truckers who bought or leased their own trucks are unemployed due to automation and angry?
>All it takes is one out of 350,000 to lead the others. It doesn't take a big leap of the imagination.
This technology is inevitable, eventually we just won't have the need for menial labor jobs. It's stupid to make laws to ban technology that eliminates the need for work but we won't need people to wagecuck like they do now... so then what?
Universal basic income? Limit working hours so full time jobs are now 20hr work weeks? Some kind of IQ based genocide?
Henry Ward
They won't be driverless overnight. I'm very sure they're going to still have one person in front of the pack while the rest of the line is driverless. Still a fuckload of jobs displaced and it can only get better from there. They want 24/7 trucks and it's highly likely they will have that in the next 5-10 years.