Golden One no longer pagan

he was a pretty hardcore pagan back in 2015-18

hes a Christian in 2020, screenshot this

Attached: 4768.jpg (923x587, 111K)

hes taking the based pill and recognizing both as good things for europe

theres alot of good books on the crusades

most islamophile myths about the crusades like everyone in jerusalem was killed is bs

>>like everyone in jerusalem was killed
>implying that was a bad thing

Attached: SiegeOfJerusalem.jpg (913x694, 113K)

well yeah of course theres going to be casualties but muh hundreds of thousands killed is a load of shit like le 6 gorillion

After a certain point, chasing this vague idea of a pure European culture just becomes a larp. Just work with your fellow people and quit unnecessarily dividing yourselves.

what an atheist cuck

Dont you remember his and Vargs beef around two years ago about this?

Varg eventually got paranoid, and thought Markus and his swedish gym-buddies was coming to his farm. For no absolute reason.

Nobody cares

He's culturally Christian. That's not the same as worshipping the Jewsicle, Brainlet.

but varg is fucking autistic lol

why is it that this "hurr durr 1488" pagan shit is only consist of autistic boomers and beyond ugly snownigger girls like carolyn emerick? kek

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