Why can't millennials understand this?

Why can't millennials understand this?

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>Take out a loan
>Buy the bank

lol students are the stupidest people in the world I dropped out of high school and I'm smarter than 99% of this ridiculous board

I know boomers who thought they'd be cool and go back to uni for that Masters in Social work degree.
Yeah... xie's not going to be able to pay it back in her lifetime, and xie's bitchin' 'bout it; Xie will vote for whatever candidate that lets xer off the hook for her idiotic life choices.
I kinda laugh
Yes, xie is a militant jew.

That cartoon doesn't even make sense. The 'crisis' is due to student loan payments displacing other forms of spending and having collateral effects like preventing family formation and marriage. Those effects take place even if (perhaps ESPECIALLY if) the loans are paid back.

Is this seriously how Boomers think of the student loan issue? The problem is that universities are using students to channel money to themselves from the US federal government, dumping a mini-mortgage on top of those students before they have become participants in the economy. That's the nature of the crisis.


>mutts actually pay for education
>land of free

If you're stupid enough to take a huge loan out in order to finance a worthless degree, that's your problem

>because it's like
>OMG yah know
>like uhhhhh
>Jobs don't pay enough!

That and the boomers brainwashed all their kids to think that they absolutely NEEDED college if they wanted to make it in life.
The Student Loan Crisis is a bunch of people going, "I did what you told me to do, mom and dad. Now what?"

i had to take out some, paid it all off in 4 years. wasn't that hard

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Student debt is literally pushing down the white birth rate. That's not an individual problem; that's a society-level distortion effect. If you are thinking of "student debt" in individual terms, you are doing it wrong, since individuals don't really matter here. The problems have to do with the large-scale effects that this debt has on society and the economy.

>paying for education
wew no wonder america is fucked up

They literally can't afford to pay it back

They choose to pay for it or not. That’s a freedom.

You pay for the educations of others, whether you go into higher education or not. That’s the opposite of freedom.

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come and take it

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To be honest, I feel kind of sorry for them. They were told to go to college, they majored in crap because they were all brainwashed into the PC nonsense when they were too young and stupid to know any better-- now they are saddled with a huge debt they can't afford to pay back.

Still not my problem. Pay off your fucking debt, no one forced you to get a loan. Falling for the college meme was your decision.

They can.
What they didn't understand is getting a meme degree will put you in debt slavery for like 20 years, working a minimum wage job.
I can't believe that they didn't have people in their lives who could have told them getting a gender studies degree is a bad idea.

>hey goy, if you go to college you'll get a 60k a year job right out of the gate
>the employers will be swarming you with offers
>the debt will be paid off in like 2 years, don't even worry about it
>what, do you want to flip burgers for a living or something? you NEED to go to college
>here, have 17 years of indoctrination and constant propaganda from every parent, teacher, counselor, television program, book, radio show, cartoon, governmental office, and authority figure that you MUST go to college or you'll be a failure
>here, sign this, 17-year-old goy

4-5 years later:
>so what if the cost of living in a shared rental hovel subsisting on ramen and rice is 30k a year and you earn 32k after taxes? pay the loan back you lazy ingrate

This. It's funny that they blame the 17-year old who doesn't even know what interest on a loan is, yet don't blame the fucking boomers for pushing college & these loans on their kids.

Both sides are wrong. It's unethical how much a college education costs but it's also literally retarded to take out 100s of thousand of dollars to go to a private university to get drunk and play video games

I had to take out a lot. Paid it back in 8. Don't be a degenerate and it's not hard.

>take out loan
>pay it back
no :^)

That cartoon’s peak boomer, but there is an element of truth to it. No one forces anybody to take out a loan. They tell you when you take one out what the interest rates will be. If you take out tens of thousands of dollars for a shit degree that won’t land you a job to pay off the loan, well, it’s kinda your fault.

Of course student loans are kiked as fuck. But you have to be smart enough to know that going in.

Don't take out loans, especially for college with no 100% return of investment ie job placement with regard to the field of study. Most people have no business going to college and a lot of what college teaches is useless in the real world or will be outdated by the time you enter the work force.

I think you’re the most stupid person on this board

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the real problem with the USA is that the government hates the citizens and treats them like shit
that's why I'm not having a kid

What is usury?

>Still not my problem.

Are you being intentionally obtuse, or is your IQ legitimately low? I already explained how these negative effects take place even if the loans are being paid on time.

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Birth rates are down in countries without student loans.
You can use the exact same argument when it comes to having the government pay off car and mortgage loans. Even gambling debts

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Fuck em never pay em back let the parasites feed off someone else it aint me

My tuition is like 3500 a semester, paying it isn't THAT difficult, but millenials were fooled into going to places where tuition is way more than mine. I can't blame them for delaying rites of passages if they barely have any fucking money, just end the crisis and fix the job market so they actually get to pay the fucking things off.

>>take out loan
>>pay it back
>no :^)

Exactly. Even if I could afford to pay back my student loans, why shouldn't I just vote for Warren / Sanders to pay it for me?

>US government doesn't want you to have a kid and treats you like shit
>It wants to replace you
>do what the government wants
Boy you're a fucking retard.

People pay their debt several times over and are still in debt. There needs to be a limit on interest or a set amount owed. Borrow X pay back X plus 1.25

The delusional Eurofag thinks everything paid for by taxes is free, what a dumb bastard.

Anyone else glad that student loans are extremely expensive and hard to pay back? College is nothing but a scam that turns you into a brainwashed liberal. It makes me happy that the dumbass fucks who go there get stuck with huge amounts of debt. You should have grown up and got a job instead of spending half a million to party and learn to hate white people.

This. Only private segregated schooling has any value in the long term.

Technically, taking out a student loan for a job that isnt guaranteed should be considered gambling and gambling is illegal in some states where students have student loan debt.

Sue the state for allowing gambling?

Why is it the people who were too stupid to get into university the ones that whine that debt forgiveness isnt fair.

Its not my fault your parents gave you garbage low IQ DNA, op.

I only have sympathy if you went to college BEFORE it was common knowledge how much it cost and the results it gives you were usually shit, so basically starting post 2010ish.

>defending usury
Also, daily reminder that it was Bill Clinton who made student debt non-dischargable.

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Please tell me that`s a Ben Garrison comic?

You don't even know me, what an idiotic assumption.

>expects a 17-year-old to understand interest & loans & finance & long-term consequences. kys boomer.

You're arguing with a boomer. When arguing with the boomer, be aware that all of their motivation comes from one drive: YOU WILL PAY MY PENSIONS, MEDICARE, AND SOCIAL SECURITY! They know that all of their shit is underfunded. They know they're enslaving you. That's why they browbeat you and sell you to work at their "buddy" or your "uncle" for less than you'd get from Uber. They require more bodies for the pyramid scheme. They know what's up. They have since they played ignorant the first time and sold the entire generation down the boat with decades of COLLEGE OR BUST propaganda. Fuck, many of them even know how corrupt the system is and still choose to participate. These boomers ARE corruption. They are a cancer; generation tumor.

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Bc they're art majors

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>Mfw entitled millennials and zoomers think muh socialism is going to give them nice high rise apartments in the cities eating out and drinking craft beer
>Mfw they get commie blocks and bug powder
>Mfw they come for what's mine

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They think they're "too good" for labor jobs.

So you`re in favour of Bernie Sanders eliminating student loan debt and for free education?

My 7 year old knows what interest is. How hard is it to teach your kids basic life that they're gonna go through? And how retarded do you have to be to not figure out that banks aren't just gonna give you money for free? Wtf?

So what is your solution? Just magically make everyone forget about the loans? Or maybe we should get the government to raise taxes so a bunch of worthless faggots can have their debt "paid off"?

At the end of the day, you have to pay back money that you owe. It's your responsibility so stop whining and start making money. Or starve to death, it doesn't matter.

The US had a significantly higher white fertility rate than other white western nations up through the 00's and the financial crisis. That has changed, and student loans are part of the shift.

Hey stupid idiot, "land of the free" doesnt mean everything is free of charge, it means freeDOM to do what you want with your life.

Yes. The large scale effect is that it strangle libshits with meme degrees and shit skins. So what is your point?

>no you cant vote you are unable to make sound descissions
>no you cant drink you are unable to make sound descissions
>of course you need an university degree and 5 years job experience to wash our dishes goy!! too poor? take a loan and invest be smart! oh look I happen to know cousin Shlobovic who is a banker!

>my 7 year old can do compounding interest and knows how to use exponents and parenthesis!
and everyone clapped faggot kys

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Yep. It's kind of insane actually. Normally people would find it weird and shady if a bunch of marketers for some product convinced an 18-year-old kid to take out tens of thousands of dollars in loans. There would be an uproar. But because it's supposedly education people ignore it.

The solution is actually fairly simple - bring back traditional bankruptcy for student loans, and specify that institutions which take federally-backed loans are responsible for loans that go bankrupt.

>Actually paying back kiked student loans
Lmaoing at all of you rn

Sorry to burst your bubble but the 60s counter culture taking over in college campuses is what lead to low births rates, millenials were the first generation to grow up surrounded by that propaganda so it makes sense.

>dad paid for college at SEC school in the early 70’s with money from his summer job.
>didn’t work during the school year.
>didn’t take out loans
> i went to the same school, had grants, loans and worked all year at a restaurant at night to afford room and board. I’m still paying off loans now.
Why aren’t you buying diamonds, new cars and houses user?

That's nice sweetie. I understand - I don't like my collectors either. But you have to pay your bills.

How are people so retarded at managing money? Me and my brother both went to University and neither of us has a loan because our father saved money since before we were even born in order to pay for the careers all at once, why none of these subhumans can do the same?

Probably for the same reason boomers can't stop stealing from their grandchildren and pretending they achieved a god damn thing.
Standing on the shoulders of giants is not your achievement.

The day that the last boomer dies I think I might throw a party. There has never been a group of people more deserving of hatred except the jews.

I do have some sympathy for this. At the same time, I, and many other people, have managed to pay back our loans because we got degrees in fields that allowed us to do so. An 18-year-old is not a 5-year-old. The 18-year-old knows what he’s going to have to pay back and should have a plan in place to do so.

Yes, (((student loans))) are predatory. But let’s not remove all responsibility from people who voluntarily signed their name to take out, and pay back, X number of dollars.

Cough, free college, cough.

I am right

they haven't been free since 1933

If you took a loan from someone richer than you there is absolutely no moral reason to pay it back.
Debt is inherently immoral.

>found a company
>take a loan
>hedge it offshore
>declare bankruptcy

>lie to minors and trick them into debt slavery
>They grow up and vote to have it canceled

End white people.. jews need the money

>Damn, why are all these millennials broke? Shouldn't have gone to school then

Boomers deserve the fucking rope, can't wait until they all kick the bucket

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There's a even simplier solution.
Nationalize banks and only offer loans, without interests, for technical/medical education. No "anything" studies, sociology or any other bullshit. Doctors, technicians etc.Does your brain full of Jewish jizz can process this simple thing!?

Most people who took loans did so under pressure from their idiot parents, their lying teachers, and the corrupt government.
Let THEM pay it back

>mutts actually pay for (((education)))
>land of free

The negative economic effects are "invariant" with respect to payments. Ie, if everyone paid on time, birth rates and marriage rates would still be pushed down. It baffles me why this fact is simply ignored by most people in the student loan "debate."

>Nationalize banks
goyim uprising
send in US troops

>I am right

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>found a company
>operate at loss
>promise infinite future profits
>retarded VC dudebros keep pouring money
"The economy" as commonly understood is a myth. It's all a massive pyramid scam. Every decade or so it comes close to blowing up, and then the government and central banks step in to save the system and keep the scam going. Meanwhile the working class is left is starvation wages.
The Only System That Works.
There Is No Alternative.

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Can you walk us through this logic?

I seriously can't tell you how many times I had teachers use the same fast food cashier jokes if we didn't go to college, I don't think I had a single one tell us to not go. I had a few tell us community college was fine to get your GED, but that it was only good with a degree afterwards.


>you take out a loan
>you pay back
See how that works?

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>buying diamonds

>without interests

You need a minimal amount of interest to keep up with the inflation and to make sure that the bank does not go bankrupt when it happens to give out bad loans. You also want it to stay in the black if you want to expand the amount of loans or their value.
Interest is literally the price you pay for borrowing of that money. It only becomes usury/debt slavery when the debt is calculated to run into decades and overwhles your ability to pay it off in your lifetime.

>If you're stupid
stupid like a teenager? Stupid like a teenager in a public school getting pressured by their guidance counselors to go to college so they can pad their numbers?

We should really meme the boomer menace into dealing with themselves. After all, isn't their overconsumptive spending pattern what got us into this mess? Debt that can't be sustained is all that there is to the boomer. When they all die, the property has to go somewhere. They're running out of money. The economy is no longer BOOMIN' like it used to so they can no longer go around and act like they're ontop of the world. That's what they really mean when they go into these tirades saying to PAY IT BACK and YOU TERK OUT A LERN. Do you think any of these fuckers intend to pay off anything before they die? The majority of the boomer generation is going to die deeply in debt and then leave that on the heads of their progeny. A lot of them lost money in the 2008 crash but none of them ever stopped living like they were still a young yuppie in the 80's. Accelerate, then. What the fuck are they going to do, leave the earth a boon when they die? They're going to die like pharaohs with no pyramid to cover their grave goods. Plus, generational reverse psychology is apparently what got us in this mess. Instead of trying to get the boomer to understand the change in times and the importance of being frugal, meme your boomers into spending MORE. After all, boomers are the consumption generation. They are a consumption. As far as I'm concerned: Golf trips? Check. Slots at the casino? Check. Refi? Check. Loan on a yacht? Check. It's boomer time.

Blow it all on a post-life-crisis vehicle and fucking kill yourself, boomers. Or go die on a Princess cruise. Everyone is tired of your shit.

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just end the interest. its gov loan anyway right?

the inability to declare bankrupcy on any form of debt is nearly equivilant to debtors prison in england. it literally forms a slave class. north america is literally like Rome right now

Wealthy people have enough money already.
If you are poorer than someone, taking their money is good and giving them money is bad. Giving them money with INTEREST is even worse.
Therefore, debt repayment is bullshit. In an ideal world, you'd just fucking murder them in their sleep and take all their stuff to be distributed to everyone else. Most of their wealth was immorally stolen from working people anyway.

Not all of us bought into the worthless degree meme. Even when I was 18 I knew college was a scam. You actually thought boomer advice was going to help you LOL

>feminists, goybois, faggots, trannies and other creatures bred in colleges will help with birthrates if their loans are paid
Some people are restarted. You are worse.

they did it all for you momon.

we can always abolish social security and medicare.