Why do you have to show me these far away memes, now I can’t get the obsession of wanting to try this meat pastry crap outta my mind.
Fuck Jow Forums why?
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Lo bueno. Post a picture of your fat chubby fingers
how do you think i feel seeing this delicious garbage?
You have chil fil A
You win
Fuck you cocksucker kek, it’s not my fault I live in a country comprised of fat retards primarily.
I feel like a fat ass cause I’d eat that for sure.
What is this?
I’ll mail you some
That's called a "copyright infringement lawsuit" - Australia already had a company called Burger King.
very nice / 10
Thanks bud, have a good one on me
>sausage roll 50p
That's an old pic, they're 90p now. Still lush though. Just put sausage meat in some pastry, roll the fucker up and bake the cunt.
there is a really nice cake shop in Amsterdam, pic related
>He doesn't make his own steak an' kidney pies
Are you even huwhite user?
It's actually shit. It's pretty much the only commercial bakers on the high street, a near monopoly. Simons and Wenzels are both better
We're getting it too :)
Lmao same here
It's as good or better than they say
You want me to send you some? If you set up a PO box or something I would.
Probably doesn't travel well though...
Actually it probably will. I left a double cheeseburger in the car for a couple of months and it looked pristine.
Interesting, yeah just fire it in the microwave and it should be good as new
Nah, rock hard :(. Shit is so full of preservatives now that alot of junk food wont rot
You ever tried taking McDonald's home? Just not the same when you get it there, my friend swears you can get the fries to be edible again by nuking them
This. I want to try fray bentos now because of the norf memes.
they're really not that nice my dude
I’d like to brother but probably not gonna workout. With there was some kind of fast food exchange student type proposition to be had here.
>probably the most American idea I’ve had in a long time
Is that hhgregg? Panasonic blueray 299? Christmas in July?
Ahh dude you’re killing me
Don't burgers have Jamaican patties?
Ah ya, I’ve seen stuff like that, especially down in south Florida because of all the Hispanics. Idk though I could probably find something similar.
>I honestly just want to eat greggs the meme makes me seriously think about it in my dreams and shit. I mean what the fuck is that shit haha
Like the brit said, take sausage meat stick in puff pastry and back that shit. badabing dadaboom
I've lived my whole life in England and I've never had a fray bentos. It's soggy as fuck and you can get superior pies in a local bakers
Animal fries yum
regular fries hot shit
Milk shakes good too
It took me over 30 years to find out what a jelly baby tasted like. Thanks to whatever twat decided Doctor Who needed to eat candy.
The burgers are decent but the fries are floppy trash and you need sauce to make them bearable.
Lived for 8 years in London, never bought anything at Greggs. Curious though...does anyone know how 'Pasty' is actually pronounced? Is it 'paasteee' or 'paysteee'? Never heard anyone actually say it on the street.
Lived on them for a year. Enjoyable, but is correct...when you bake them, they are very runny on the bottom. Their steak and ale is enjoyable though, especially in the dead of winter when it's rainy and soggy outside. Fucking miss those things, along with Sainsbury's brand tea (the strong one, no. 4, which used to be in the green box).
>de hole around a toad
>I can spare 40 keks
dunno why be funny but it do
Try a pasty if you are in midweset, overrated
pakis dont like it lad.
pah not pay. pah-stee for the food, pay-stee for looking unwell. both spelled the same though
the guy who delivers the post
Hangry Jacks isnt copyright its literally same conpany as Berder King but named that for whatever reason in Australia market.
an indian called steven
in my mind i want to demolish a gregs sausage cheese thing. but i also want a eat a pie in a tin. why is england a still a country and not a 7-11? they have the slurpee people.
>'paasteee' or 'paysteee'?
I'm sure you could start a fast food tourism business or some shit
Greggs is a based place it's the only safe zone from all the gypsies stealing our shit here and Pakis raping niggers
They do a lovely pastry filled with beef and stilton cheese
did it live up to your expectations?
This is true, their fries do suck.
Forget the meat pies, I'm more interested in those chocolate caterpillar things.
> his restaurant doesn't print bible verses on their fast food packages
It's like your country doesn't want to get into Heaven
In my mind it was just a british gummi bear. In reality it's softer than a gummi bear.