The absolute state of Europe

The absolute state of Europe.

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homosexuality is the last bastion of white identity

This is what leftism looks like.

why full naked
is it like those guys who can't shit if they're not completely bare?

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I’m not exactly sure what we should advocate in regards to the homosexuality question.

Perhaps public displays of homosexuality should be banned but not enforced?

Hot, my bf did the same with me except i have trap tiddies

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I've seen this before in Portugal, after ~3am you always find people fucking in the street

a gay dude raping a boy? no way

Eh. This stuff happens. They both deserve an ass beating

I’ve got to take my shirt off to shit. I don’t know why, I’ve just always done it.

Tits or gtfo

That's actually pretty funny.

Can't upload pics here anymore


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And government will defend this instead of hanging them in a public place

If everyone had a loaded gun, such displays wouldn’t occur.

Shitskin, please.

One of them is already getting his ass beat.

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ahhh the antifa secret handshake

> reddit
even more disgusting

love is love

You’re just jealous of his intact dick, aren’t you

its almost like ur one of us

yeah calling antifa gay, bet they will get really really mad


Is bottom wearing girl panties?

French always sounded homosexual to me I always hated it in school

One of us! One of us!

Europe has been like this since world war 2. Completely degenerate shithole that should just be nuked along with africa and the middle east

He fuggen better be

and gravity is gravity

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This is what libertarian society looks like.

Just sign up or post insta/tmbrl

Thought he'd already put his VR goggles on.
Honest mistake.

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I like the look of shock. Like the one taking the photo is intrusive and perverted.

Wow thats fucking gay


Do you realize that european countries are overregulated welfare states?


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Fuck off r spencer

I do that too, because shit tends to stink up your clothes, so better take them all out before you sit on the crapper. It's more hygienic too.

Clothes shouldn't get close to the toilet bowl.


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Kill yourself

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makes sense

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>where r those niggers when you need'em?

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Wonder how Strasbourg would have looked today if Hitler had won.

I don't support liberal institutions so I only use Jow Forums to post my trap parts.

I take my shirt off, but keep my pants on.

Guy who made the video sounds like a nigger, 2bh. That voice is surely not white.

You're right, he has a strong african accent in french.


checked and based. theses faggots should die

i didnt even pay attention to that

as soon as i saw it was a man fucking another man i closed

Libertarian vision of paradise

"they hurt no one !"

I assume he means socially liberal. You’re right tho

Got to give it to those guys but it takes some balls to do this that public

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>Strasbourg, Germany
Not anymore, burger. Not anymore.

fucking in the ass should be done in private. sucks to be you. no opinion until gov tells you. you are a npc but at least you dont have the worry about actual thinking or doing anything that might upset you. you are pretty much dead already user.

Fucking Carlos!

>r eddit
fuck off back there you sperm burping faggot

strasbourg is currently in france. You can also tell that the driver was a nog by the way he was speaking

Libertarianism is a varation of liberalism retard

speaking from experience I see

Babylon 3.0

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Well, whatever. France isn't much European anymore either. It's all little congo and little morocco.

Straßburg is rightful german clay.
That`s what you get when you leave a city to the baguettes.

>vous crayola
What did he mean by this?

it's bad, but not really. you're not helping the situation or anyone's morale by spewing these unfunny memes made by jews to demoralize the goyim.

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You know what's funny? I've just watched and listened to the video, I can tell by the voice that the outraged guy filming is definitely an African.

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Utter shithole.

Why aren’t the locals bashing them with bricks?

>you're not helping
You want me to congratulate them on all their new niggers? How the fuck is that supposed to help?
Go clean your own fucking yard.

haha i love those subs. white degeneracy at its finest.

They're just returning to paganism

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Hey goy you better take that blackpill.
What the hell are you thinking spewing that positive garbage on this board.

I thought I was the only one. Idk, it just feels right.

Do men feel pleasure when they are sodomized? I don't get it.

because that would be hateful and bigoted
suck my balls, nordcuck


This is what the white race has become. Kek.

I strip naked and stand on the toilet in my flip flops in public

At home I have a not a flamethrower I use every week for disenfecting my provate shitter


Make me, nigger.

Hey guys, do I have anal cancer?

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Strasbourg has been german during most of its history. Just saying.

It's just two random faggots in a smallish city in France, it doesn't mean much. It just happened to get caught on camera.

I was just suggesting an idea you dumb chink. Also, learn proper English.

why is it always whites?


You sick fuck I don't wanna see that shit. Kys

you are anal cancer

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The nigger holding the camera :
>I won't call the police, I'll strike those guys!

ah so you're a liar and a faggot

KYS u literal glowfaggot. faggots are degenerates that deserve to be shot and dump in a hole in the ground. Useless loser KYS now or the 4th Reich will