Thoughts on Mexican culture Jow Forums?

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How do Mexicans see themselves? As a mix of Spanish and Native?

Most see themselves as natives. Most are proud of their heritage. Mexican culture is great, we have potential to be a great country, lots of land and resources, shame the current president is a senile retard.

Not a huge fan based on what I've seen from bestgore.

definitely as natives that got raped by Spanish but married their rapists to feel empowered

There is a huge rift between mestizos, cadtizos and indios, it’s mostly separated by land, most white mexicans live northside while most indios live in southern parts, this creates political unrest since the government is centralist and resides center south, obviously having biases for native indians meanwhile northern whites are thinking of seceding the fuck out.

I'm from southern Arizona. I have some memory of normal people from there, and 'Merica.

Where did it go?

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Seems spicey to me

Thanks. It's pretty interesting. I've only met like 2 Mexicans in my life.

They are the second largest producer of gore in the world.