Is Twitter going to do something about the #metoo allegations that can spread like wildfire and ruin a man's entire...

Is Twitter going to do something about the #metoo allegations that can spread like wildfire and ruin a man's entire life and career in mere hours?

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imagine being desperate kikes trying to ressurect this bullshit. Can't wait for muslims to slaughter Israelis.

Fuck off roastie

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>Troubled kid is lonely, isolated
>Has a go at pursuing his passion
>Independent type
>"Indie" scene forming at the time
>so just tries to go ahead and do it instead of integrating with a company and getting a job
>The scene has pretty stringent social mores, including holding certain political views
>But they preach acceptance and tolerance and cooperation
>This is what he craves most
>So, no brainer, join up
>They become exclusive pool for work colleagues, business partners, friends, and romantic prospects
>Not to mention one's entire belief system
>All of which is suddenly lost in a flash
>Because in the end, the ideology is everything and everything else, including people, has no value
>All is lost, and worse, it was all an delusion from the beginning
>Nothing was had in the first place
>Things are looking even bleaker than when we started

People should listen to his podcasts before they disappear to get a sense of what he was like. One of the most striking/ haunting things about it was that he was obsessed with loneliness. Which is certainly pertinent to game-making (the feeling of loneliness is a big part of what makes Super Metroid distinctive, for instance), but that idee fixe went beyond that.

Don't blame him for being a nu-male SJW, he didn't know any better, or maybe he lacked the fortitude to resist. He strikes me as a fundamentally well-intentioned guy just trying to get by. Really damn tragic.

Being able to withstand harpy gossip is going to be the new measure of a man, much more than useless shit like how to fix a car engine.

>is twitter going to do something about the thing that gives it's users the only power in the world they've ever felt, and lets them abuse it freely

He should of killed her first at least.

Fuck him for messing around with that rattlesnake.

Durr....I just tried to be nice to the snake and it bit me. Durr...why would it do that?

This bitch has a SJW rap sheet a mile long and he thought he could mess around with no consequences.


fuck off kike

Unfortunately we are in a new information age where:

1. Every stupid thing you did as a kid will be remembered forever.

2. Every unconventional opinion you hold can be used to harass you.

3. Every weak gremlin on the planet can accuse you of something and they have to be believed by default.

This is not why we built the internet, but this is a consequence of that.