Gimme your best Nigger hatred and redpills!!
Nigger Hate Thread
personally, and keep in mind: this is my opinion, i find persons of african descent, (be it northern africa or subsaharan africa) to be highly undesireable elements of modern society.
You white cucks are just jealous you will never be as wealthy and desired as your average black
For those of you who lurk for serious discussion this is something I've discovered:
It doesn't matter how civil niggers appear to be on the outside, that's only happening when they're a very small minority in a group we can see this in jobs, schools, and even the military. One single nog is always going to try and act as civil as possible, sometimes that won't even happen because they on average lack to capacity to do that. But when there's a group of them? That goes out the window. We can see them completely behave like animals. I think it's because they were born with a natural lack of individuality and decision making. When they become apart of a group of niggers they seem to merge into a cacophony and their actions always seem to become twisted. Why do you think that is?
Women and niggers are pack animals.
Like coyotes.
Primitive pack mentality
Bad bait but
>Define "desirable"