Mexico’s GDP is almost bigger than Russia’s

Mexico’s GDP is almost bigger than Russia’s.

Is Russia really a superpower?

If not, why doesn’t Trump just tell them to fuck off like every other sane US President?

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mexico's GDP is big because of retarded Americans who accept second rate produce just because they want to able to eat avocadoes in the dead of winter.

Hush. Have more toast and guac.

>Mexico’s GDP is big because of their big economic activity.

Great MAGA-education shittard.

Is that some kind of russian U2? I'm usually pretty good at identifying aircraft, but I don't recognize it. I might be bringing great dishonor to my family right now, but I don't know that one from that angle. Also fuck mexico. Stay on your side and take back your trash. We're full.

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>want to able to eat avocadoes in the dead of winter.
Then buy Florida avocadoes

Attached: Florida avocado.jpg (640x640, 164K)

Never mind I found it. Myasishchev_M-55. Basically what I thought. Low production number analog to american U2.

Attached: U2ski_m55-1.jpg (800x600, 30K)

a shithole is a shithole no matter how many burritos it makes in a day.

I don't think Russia is a superpower, but they do have competent military. It's also much nicer than Mexico. I'm not sure what financial bullshit goes into GDP, but Moscow & St Petersburg are world class cities. They seem to be in a recession now, but still, it's a real country. Mexico is just a mess, and I think their GDP reflects some US activity that they are no part of, where Russia is completely cut off from the financial fake GDP boosts.

I'd rather see my money go to the cartels than support the American agriculture jew.

This is one thing that russians don't have. Russians don't do competent :) They have a lot of dangerous toys left from USSR time though and thus should be treated with caution.

Russia is not a superpower. There are Russian prostitutes in Mexico. Nations that have Russian prostitutes are better than Russia.

India have higher GDP than Russia yet they shit in street

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Wtf are you on about? Agriculture doesn’t contribute much to Mex’s GDP. You could have made the same argument with tourism- something that actually does siphon tons of money from the US to Mexico.

That's what scares me about the american attitude about the war with Russia. The Russians are scared because they don't have the same resources as the US. The US thinks that Tyrons and Pacos will roll over the Russian military. I seriously doubt it. The Russian army that does the fighting is all professionals now. The draft is basically support stuff and they are talking about completely ending it. They have people who want to serve, and they have a long tradition of fighting. If the US invades, the US loses bigly. Russia is scared to invade. So what will happen if we attack, we will get nuked, and the troops attacking will be wiped out. It's going to be a disaster. We can't contain fucking Afghanistan. And it gets worse with every new war.

Mexico's GDP is something like 20% remittances from the US.

trumps wife is a slave. trump has business connections with russia. he kind of has been helping russia. its not about russian collusion its about trump helping himself with his station in life having changed a few years ago

I thought it was a Foxbat

I mean Frogfoot my bad

You seem to be implying Trump is beholden to Russia?

Because he's, dick riding , on Putin on Putin
Yes trump be, dick riding, on Putin on putin

Are you sure they are Russians and not Ukrainians or something? Most prostitutes in Russia are not Russian. They had this boom of prostitution in the 90s, when it was a sought after activity lol.

Trump says it's ok to ride that cock, as long as it's Putin's Soviet block and he be, dick riding on Putin on putin

>Muh GDP

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Russia has the ability to fabricate their own CPUs, they're a superpower

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Russia won’t be around in 10 years its collapsing demographically and millions of Muslims are moving in

That's where you failed.

Mexico doesn’t have as much oil, as large a network of allies, as much global influence, or as many nukes.