Socialism Is Here!

Time To Pay Up Fascists!!

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If you're against this you're unironically a bootlicking cuck

>wow the House passed it that means it’s totally law now AOC and the Squad did it!
>what is the Senate
>what is Trump’s veto power

Neck urself tard

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Democrats like this because it means more incentive to hire illegals, who don't need to be paid minimum wage. They like cheap brown slave labor.

> People working a full time job should still be dirt poor just to stick it to the illegals
Come on now, I want to deport the illegals as much as anyone else, but it's not worth screwing over millions of hard working Americans to accomplish it

Republicans are kike shills and have no problem sending your jobs to thirdworld countries, seems fair Qturd.

There are lot of loopholes. First it is hourly based instead of per annum. Second we the people have no control over foreign competition whether illegals, job visas, or outsourcing. Third there are no restrictions on automation.

Minimum wage increases don't really work the way you expect. They cause prices to rise. I mean just hop onto an academic search and look at the data on minimum wage increases, its a mixed bag AT BEST
What we need is a shut down of immigration so people here can fairly negotiate for wages instead of a spic or pajeet being brought into be paid what the employer desires.

This goes through and itll be the 3 dollar menu and a big mac will be 8 bucks

Upping the minimum wage is a bandaid for the inflation caused by printing money. If they really cared, they'd stop doing that.

Stop playing into their retarded games.

Min wage should of been pegged to inflation when it began. But since its not the best we can do is let the market decide. That means closing the borders and ending H1 programs

Literally the same democrats pushing $15 min wage are also trying to STOP deportation. Why would I take them seriously?

but hitler was a socislist....

>we the people have no control over foreign competition
Yes we do. They are called tariffs and borders.

> They cause prices to rise.
This is a retarded meme pushed by elites that don't want poors having any extra purchasing power. Yes, it will cause prices to rise somewhat, but not so much as to offset the extra purchasing power you get from it. Think of it this way. All the US dollars in the world represent one GIANT pie. When you raise the minimum wage, you raise the percentage of the pie that you receive at every paycheck. It may cause prices to rise to some extent, but it also undeniably increases your absolute wealth in comparison to the elites. Which they don't want.
A broken clock is right twice a day. Raising minimum wage is good fiscal policy and just because demshits endorse it doesn't make it any less of a good idea.

letting the market decide is not closing borders. libertarianism and small-gov is for fucking degenerate retards getting fed fat mcdonalds intravenously

If the actual people of America had control then there wouldn't be illegals, there wouldn't be job visas, and we would still have embargoes against communist nations.

>This is a retarded meme pushed by elites that don't want poors having any extra purchasing power.
It's not though, go pull up shit on an academic search. You can find stuff from before the recent push as well as stuff from the last 5ish years. Prices do go up, hours go down, people shop elsewhere and there are some limited benefits for the earners but not always. It's quite complex but from all I read it is not an overall good thing.
>letting the market decide is not closing borders.
it absolutely is. the market within the united states needs a push and pull between labor and capital without external factors like pajeets upsetting the balance.

i mean id prefer to pay 6 dollars for my strawberries if that meant americans were in the fields earning a fair wage. Same with a gallon of milk and all that other shit imported neoslave labor subsidizes.

20 years later clowns.

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>although it's not expected to advance

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Back in the run up to the 2016 election increasing the minimum wage was a popular topic. It was frequently coupled with indexing but that doesn't address slashing hours or any of the other concerns like paying under the table.

This was from awhile ago. I believe they are still on their 6 week vacation something normal Americans typically don't get.

What a load of shit. Democrats are so fucking stupid that they think the cost of living is the same everywhere. $15 minimum wage will destroy entire towns. Actually that's probably their plan.

>The House isn't scheduled to be back in session until Sept. 9.

>When lawmakers return in September, they'll have only a few weeks to pass legislation to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1.

Just great.

If you think that the government should be allowed to set any wage, at any level, then you're a boot-licking cuck.

As I already mentioned, the inflation caused by printing money means that minimum wage simply corrects for that. Theoretically.

Every time they print money there is a period where all of your wages (including raises above base), savings, and property, decrease in value. The market gradually corrects for this increase in total money supply, and minimum wage is raised, but the period in which the correction is occurring is when small quantities of value are being taken from every single person. At best, minimum wage increases restore the former value, but in reality they don't make much difference. Especially when combined with an expanded workforce.

A win for the little people against the elites would be to prevent them getting bailed out by the central banks. Minimum wage wars are like getting your rattle back from the bully after he's smashed it against the wall a good dozen times.

If they don't give a blanket minimum wage increase then it will create an unlevel playing field and the big corporations will move your job out of town or create jobs where no one lives.

"The Land of the Free"
Except you can't haggle with your boss and be free to pick less than $15 an hour.
Perhaps you don't need $15, maybe you only need $14, or $13.

If you're against a $1,000,000/hr. wage you are a reactionary and you must be put down.

lmao what an accomplishment, they got their own party to pass terrible legislation that'll never make it past the senate. Definitely press conference worthy.

>If you don't let the government tell private business what to do, you're a bootlicker

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It's a good thing if companies are incentivized to invest in areas with a weaker economy you fucking moron.

Op is obvous cuck with an agenda

It ultimately increases the cost behind all US products, services especially. The only increase in purchasing power is to those who weren't making that much. Small businesses are absolutely fucked by this.

Especially in rural areas

Duck off commie, we will just eliminate your job altogether now

> Implying that the megacorps will show you more generosity than the gov.
Lol. If we didn't have a minimum wage they would still be paying a dollar an hour.

So why not just punish employers for hiring illegals

So your saying that small business are fucked by not using slave labor?

If i had a few slaves my small buisness would BOOM


>we would still have embargoes against communist nations.
America is a Communist country.

Which is where I live. A vote for this shit is a vote for mass production and cancerous corporatism. It's a shame that small restaurants have a hard enough time getting by as is.

Those areas become more expensive and if you aren't working for the big company you are priced out of the previously poor area. If you work for the big company who the entire economy has become based on then your entire community is out of a job when said company on a whim decides to leave or just close.

Minumum wage is hardly a factor when a CEO makes a gorillian times what the worker slave's base negotiation rate is. I'm not even 40, but I had to work for $4/hr (no tips) for a few years of my life, while having to compete with children of illgals, who were basically taking their kids to work, so we were babysitting the 12-year-olds who were obviously getting paid cash, under-the-table. That wasn't even a major corporation or anything, but I could name certain ones that were involved in those types of scandals.

This country is disgusting, when you look at the wage gap. Worst of all, the most useless people make the most amount of money. Fucking CEOs that send factories over-seas, because the pay rate is nothing (and our politicians worked out deals where taxpayers are basically paying to ship these cheap goods into our country for the corporations), killing all our jobs, then they pay themselves million-dollar bonuses for the money they "saved" the company with their shit-scam idea.

Right now, I'm a skilled laborer who has to "compete" with a $10/hr rate. If I get injured on a job, I lose a months worth of income, if not my life. And that's just if I'm lucky enough to make it to work, which has become increasingly risky because more pill-addicts are born everyday, and our crooked politicians are still to busy trying to make money through their bis-pharma and private-prison-lobbyist-friends, sending kids to jail for medical weed, while protecting their "family's" liquor-mafia interests by crushing the competition to ensure another 20% of our population turns into life-long alcoholics, after having to work their life away for peanuts, while sacrificing their children for the sake of the economy...

Do I just not understand how this works, or something? If Big Mac's cost $8, then maybe Americans wouldn't be so damn fat, and the laughing stock of clown world...

>priced out
Just don't sell your house. Also, you can start raising prices if customers have more money due to the outside investment.

No, but mandating higher wages doesn't increase profit. If it were to force a restaurant to reduce it's staff by 50% to function and actually pay people it increases everyone's workload and likely reduces quality of service which would likely lead to less profits. There are also people out there that want a chill part time job. There are also highschool kids that want a part time after school/summer job. What company can turn a profit on hiring something like that after taxes they have to pay on those employees? Corporations can automate and adapt, but what's the diner down the street going to do when their waitstaff is reduced to a single person? There are no laws against a company wanting to pay people they value more when they can, but this fucks a lot of people on both sides of employment.

Eat shit, you lolbertarian cuck

>we can't do anything that helps normal working people because hurr duuurrrr *farts out a bunch of dumb economic theories that bare no resemblance to real life*

>laborers fon't get paid enough to live
>but slso food should be much more expensive
>roads are dsngerous because of drug abuse
>lets legalize marijuana
>the solution to illegsls getting paid under the counter is to further pressure employers to do so by raising the minimum wage for citizens
This is your brain on liberalism

is this everwhere? Enjoy losing your job

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Only if you own your own business can you raise your wage by raising prices and owning your own house doesn't stop you from being priced out of an area.

Destroying entire communities who wouldn't be able to pay 15 bucks an hour helps, no one, retard. You wsnt to help them? End H1 immigration, kick out all the illegals, and jail anyone who refuses to hire americans.

>policy X is bad because if you do X to an absurd degree it's bad. Heh. Gottem

is that why Amazon is paying warehouse workers double the federal minimum wage, retard? Or why Walmart is paying people something like $18 on average with benefits factored in? Something like 1% of the work force makes something near minimum wage

Because they need to save face which many companies don't do.

it might die in the senate

Ok but whats the time frame? Wage hikes take five years to implement usually.

literally buying votes. Sad!

It won't even be voted on, because it's retarded. In fact, the house wouldn't have passed it if there were the possibility of it becoming law.

You do realize by kicking out the illegals and getting rid of job visas the de facto minimum wage will rise to over $20 an hour, right?

>public pressure on major companies causes them to increase their wages
>somehow this means the government making companies do it by law is bad
You lolbertarians are so cringe

Any plan to raise minimum wage MUST include a plan to get rid of illegals. Otherwise you're making it de facto illegal to compete with illegals because the wage would be too low (on top of the fact that illegals don't pay their taxes)

In some areas, it will, and that's a good thing.

Inflation declares the min wage should be 15 dollars an an hour as it was 7.25 over 10 years ago.

I'd support the death penalty on employers to hire illegals.

Last time I worked at Walmart you had to pay into the benefits to get benefits otherwise you got none.

Oh but we can't have the government interfere with the free market by kicking out the cheap labor now can we?? Fuck off, commie.

Yes, retard, that's exactly how it works. Companies changing policy to accomidate customer demands is good. Companies being compelled by government force to make changes which many can't afford is bad.

What if the customer makes its demands known through the government? Fucking idiot

That's not what "free market" means you fucking idiot. If it costs way more to hire an american than a mexican, the market isn't free.

It will die a well deserved death when the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions refuses to take it up.

I think they should just get all of their assets confiscated like you do with drug dealers.

is this still true? It's been a month or so since I read whatever I got that figure from

oh, you're trolling. Thanks for making this board more shit user. And I'm not a libertarian, I actually am a leftist economically. Minimum wage is just a stupid policy

Then you're living in some sort of magicsl realm where the government isn't controlled by rich pedophile jews

Exactly. Cutting multiple people and their families out of a way to support themselves and keep money in a community isn't worth an increase in pay where it hasn't already been justified, more or less. Decent companies pay decently and there are a lot out there. The cost of turnover isn't worth shafting good employees a buck or two an hour. The other thing is that this makes the diversity hire a lot more costly and people with disabilities practically unemployable even if it's minor.

Say goodbye to your job and hello to automation

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Min wage has always been pegged to the cost of food instead of living. Its time min wage is a livable wage not just welfare for survival. The problem is EBT replaced min wage and clever people are not working.

I haven't worked there in 6 years but Walmart benefits weren't free at the time though they could turn around and still claim they had benefits.

The house doesn't pass laws goy. They'll push it to the senate who will wipe their asses with it and hand it back.

Hooray for inflation!

There should be a % increase in minimum wage to combat inflation. The fact that it's 2019 and there are states with 7-8$ / h is fucking insane. Absolutely insane.

The government is recently telling corporations who to sell and buy to by use of tariffs. Because corporations don't control the world the government does.

Believe it or not, the cost of living isn't the same everywhere, you fucking retard

Small government, where? The idealism libertarians want doesn't exist.

>devaluing the comparitive value of skilled laborers wages
>thinking he isn't a cuck

This too. Why should some fucking grocery bagger make as much as I do?

>$15 minimum wage

You are putting many companies in the position to either raise their prices or go out of business-including big companies. If they go out of business because their prices become prohibitive and no one wants to buy their shit anymore, the state loses the income and payroll taxes from the employees.

Less than 4% of working people make the federal minimum wage and close to 100% of them (this is not hyperbole) are in gratuity-earning positions. They make more money (often substantially more than $15 an hour) and the goods they serve or the services they provide cost comparably less.

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> House passes
> Although not expected to pass in the senate
Oh look. Another liberal doesn't know how to read or understand government.
> Socialism Is Here!
Nope. Trump is not gonna sign that. The senate will not pass it.
You can start crying or whatever you do now.

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The minimum wage should be tied to the national debt :^)

>fixed pie fallacy
>thinking absolute dollar amounts matter
>thinking that going from .00001 percent dollar amount versus the "1%" to .00002 percent means anything
Stop living your life comparing yourself to the elite. Its embarrassing and not psychologically healthy

pshh even if it does pass, just watch everybody get hired as "subcontractors" now.

No benefits, pay your own taxes, work for below min wage as a subcontractor.

That's reality.

I'm all for min. wage it only affects large jew megacorps anyway who can't get away with hiring subcontractors.

But it is,ever since America got a federal reserve bank it got a minimum wage.

The bigger issue is it’s effects on small businesses and employment, specifically youth employment.
But if it’s “so good” why stop at 15? Why not 10,000$?
Minimum wages decrease the amount of labor provided. This primarily effects young people.
Also people keep saying “immigrants keep prices down” so you don’t want to pay brown people a minimum wage?

Pretty much destroys the whole "can't raise wages or there'll be inflation" meme. I doubt a lot of you here will ever realize the massive contradiction between opposing the minimum raise hike and booting out illegals.

They are just two paths that lead to the same thing economically-speaking

Our national debt is always increasing but our minimum wage is usually stagnant.

Fuck off, libertardian.

No. That's what happens when you let rich faggots run the world for too long. You want kids to pay for college. Even though it's a shit education. Because teachers don't make shit, thus they are sub-par. And because they got their education from the same shit schools that force kids to support this same shit show.

I'm not talking about legalizing pot to solve the road problem. Simple shit that ruins a life. Due to massive wag gap, that forces those in poverty to have life-altering amounts to fight a simple charge that shouldn't even be considered a "crime". A kid, who hasn't had an opportunity to learn the "legal" system and cannot afford a decent lawyer, is typically the target, because cops get paid shit-money, too, ya know. So, they'd rather not risk their lives trying to stop real crimes.

I'm pointing out that the kids who are already forced into paying a ton of money, while making nothing/hr that could possibly cover the tab. Therefore, forcing them into loans in order to "pay" for their shit-teir education, that they will then have to work everal years of their life away, just to cover the costs, IF they are lucky enough to find a job after that get a degree. All while having to compete with the boomers that are clinging to their jobs, still trying to work toward retirement, if they ever manage to pay off their debts. While getting tricked by their doctors (who also get kick-backs from big-pharma) into being a guinea pig for stage-4 testing of new synthetic chemical cocktails.

People are all fucked up, everywhere. Most kids are "lucky" just to make it out of childhood without being molested. Right now, the best solution the "civilized" world can come up with for a victim of such abuse, is to just pass them off to a psychiatrist (cause that topic makes everyone else uncomfortable. So, we all just like to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist), who will likely just write them a prescription for a random concoction of psych-meds.

When it inflates, they can just pass a higher minimum wage.

Report them then.