Elon Musk

So...why's this guy so relevant in the pubic eye and what kind of effect does he have in the world?

Attached: Elon Musk.jpg (885x590, 76K)

He's a welfare queen.

People miss Steve Jobs. Musk is somewhat of a pseudo-Reddit version of Steve Jobs.

Fellow South African.
Hands off our guy.

shitditors communists literally worship him as the real life ironman
little do they know, he fucking hates commies and niggers
how very ironic

He's shit. He may be redpilled but he absolutely shits on us simutaneously for bux.

We let him park his rockets at our space port.

Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Electrified, six-car Hyperloop
What'd I say?

What's it called?
That's right! Hyperloop


I hear those things are awfully loud
It glides as softly as a cloud
Is there a chance the track could bend?
Not on your life, my Hindu friend

What about us brain-dead slobs?
You'll be given cushy jobs
Were you sent here by the Devil?
No, good sir, I'm on the level

The ring came off my pudding can
Take my pen knife, my good man
I swear it's Springfield's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice

What's it called?
Once again

But Main Street's still all cracked and broken
Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken


Hyper, d'oh!

Attached: Elon Musk.gif (500x371, 1.35M)

tech inventors/innovators and businessmen are the new priesthood, they bring new toys for consumers to play with.
that and celebrity culture is all there is to it

He's a walking PR exercise, doubled by pseudo-intellectual infatuation.

He puts his money in the memest technologies, because he wants to project this image of trailblazer. If he really wanted to have a big impact by investing in something, he'd put his money in something more realistic like curing neuro diseases or cancers, or extending lifespan. But no, gotta have the memes like space exploration that is completely off limits for the huge majority of bipeds on this planet.

So it's all one big PR show. He's got the money from paypal and now he wants to use it to carve a certain image for himself.

>he'd put his money in something more realistic like curing neuro diseases
What is Neuralink?

What is wrong with trying to push humanity to go to space? We all want that to see humans on mars, we all want to see progress being made in space exploration

It's completely unrealistic. It's very expensive. There will not be any mass space exploration for many decades to come, because there simply is nothing to do out there, we cannot sustain life anywhere else in large numbers.

Just think how expensive space missions are right now, how they need specially trained crews of people who are physically and metally fit and able to withstand great physical challenges. Low gravitation will fuck with your health if you live in space for months, let alone years. We have no idea about the risks for reproduction in space. We're nowhere near creating livable spaces on other planets. Even building a bunker on Mars is something beyond our current capabilities.

And we're getting sold this "space exploration" PR narrative for what? For someone's media glory, that's why.

Neuralink hasn't produced anything public yet, afaik, mostly research on all sorts of implantable electrodes. I don't think they're planning on curing any disease, just probably trying to produce some meme technology that will put your smartphone in your brain and communicate with your devices via these implants. Which is really not the most critical shit we need right now. We can't even cure common diseases, but we have tycoons like Musk investing in memes like this.

this is based

How so?

Jobs was complete Reddit.

Public Space Flights aren't happening. That's how I know.

Is he in on the (((joke))) as well?

he got in a lot of trouble for all but openly saying jews controlled the media. It was fucking hilarious to watch them freak out on him.

>So...why's this guy so relevant in the pubic eye and what kind of effect does he have in the world?
He's making space travel possible, and he inspired/created the electric car industry.

>But no, gotta have the memes like space exploration that is completely off limits for the huge majority of bipeds on this planet.
He's trying to make it so cheap it might eventually be on limits.

>It's completely unrealistic. It's very expensive. There will not be any mass space exploration for many decades to come, because there simply is nothing to do out there, we cannot sustain life anywhere else in large numbers.
With automation and lots of experience we may be able to live out there "off the land".

>Public Space Flights aren't happening. That's how I know.
He's making the largest most cost-effective rocket ever.

who said anything about MASS exploration?

>We're nowhere near creating livable spaces on other planets.
If we have a space station floating around earth we should be able to put something on the moon or on Mars

>Even building a bunker on Mars is something beyond our current capabilities
Fear not, Elon's Boring company is on it! ;)

>If he really wanted to have a big impac
He don't want the most impact he wants to do his space thing.
>Which is really not the most critical shit we need right now.

Why go to space for? There's nothing there.

>Why go to space for? There's nothing there.
Because there's a lot of space for colonization.

A civilization could theoretically be built out there on the resources on the moons, asteroids and planets in our system.

>Low gravitation will fuck with your health if you live in space for months, let alone years.
Artificial gravity can fix microgravity and we don't know yet what low gravity that isn't microgravity will do.

Yea, but why? Planet Earth is a good planet.

>Yea, but why? Planet Earth is a good planet.
It's limited.

blacks and jews

>So...why's this guy so relevant in the pubic eye and what kind of effect does he have in the world?
Same reason Jordan Peterson is relevant. He looks decent and seems smart to the normies.

Saw some of his interviews. I think he is honestly retarded.
>muh AI is gonna kill us all goys

Attached: 51GsVvudXzL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 33K)

>implying space Jews aren’t worse than earth Jews
Fuck outta here shlomo

Based anté
He’s also a lying cuck shill just like peterstein

>He’s also a lying cuck shill just like peterstein

With 0 balls. Jordan Peterson can't call out the jews... Elon Musk can't call out the niggers killing his own people in South Africa.

It will be the jews killing us, using AI.


Because he has a great pr department and perfect hair transplant.