Job market

>you need 7 years of work experience and 2 college degrees to get you an entry level software developer job

What went wrong?

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Capitalism. I don't know what else you people expect.

If you aren't a complete idiot and know how to talk to people you'll realize the experience requirements aren't mandatory and often are just used to prevent non serious inquiries

The education is though for good reason

Communism is for failures who couldn't manage to build a good life for them selves

Capitalism is for rich assholes who are living lives of luxury off of the labor of someone else.

>Communism is for failures who couldn't manage to build a good life for them selves

Revolution when?

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When the next crash comes I hope people just start forming their own self sufficient communities with supply chain integrated from food to raw materials for manufacturing

When I get a stack of resumes (imagine I get 40 of these shits), I assume most of the content is bullshit, filter out the ugly looking ones (people didn't care enough), judge at-a-glance the strengths of a person per their resume, then start my emails/phone calls.

So my advice to you is: just make sure your resume at least looks presentable, and that it accurately describes your strengths so that during an interview you meet expectations.

You'll be trained, it won't be formal training, and if you're a needy human being you won't survive this non-formal training which will require you to at least be likeable enough such that some dude too busy for your ass is willing to show you a thing or two or answer your questions.

Enjoy your lack of toilet paper somewhere else, you filthy commie.

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Enjoy toilet paper being too expensive to afford, capitalist.

>You'll be trained, it won't be formal training, and if you're a needy human being you won't survive this non-formal training which will require you to at least be likeable enough such that some dude too busy for your ass is willing to show you a thing or two or answer your questions.
Wow, you sound like all my other bosses, a complete asshole.

>toilet paper
Aren't you Venezuelan by any chance?

if salary is listed as "competetive" avoid that shit like the plague.

When you lose your job due to injury and no one will hire you, you won't be able to afford it.

Goddamn curryniggers and their visas happened. They want people that fit the description you posted, but then still either outsource to a bhenchod that's also working for microsoft tech support and a tech support scam call center to do the job anyway

>what is insurance?

Completely false. I personally know many companies don’t care about college degrees when it comes to computer science or software dev. You just need to pass their interviews and have some git repositories showing off your work. Having experience with certain softwares helps as well though

injury? manufacturing jobs being relevant in 2019?

Cool, what companies?

>what is going bankrupt from having to pay for healthcare

fpbp even if memeflag

Fucking Microsoft.
I know a senior dev who hires people

google, amazon, Tdesk, cockbook, etc etc if you can pass the "filter"

>literally no one has mentioned its because poos like OP made the industry fall apart by writing indecipherable code

This site is so dead its pathetic

ching chong i reader of communist youth party in china i get masters in some faggot scince in china me can outsource my work to china national ching chong network for free programming at your company

I make enough to live on at $14.80/hour. Under communism, I'd have to give up what I've earned to some lazy, shiftless trash who "needs it more".

If you aren't a natsoc you need to get the fuck off this board nupol.

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Fuck (((google))) and kikebook tho. I would be shutting down WNs and promoting kikery.

Inflation and taxation went wrong. Not to mention the need for more minimum wage. Around my area there are only $13 below minimum wage jobs. I work 5 days, 8 hours at one job, and have to commute on Sat-Sun to another job for 3 hours, only to work 4 hours. Thats about $640 not including taxes for a week. So that comes to about $550ish a week. And rent here in commiefornia is $1.5k a month. So that's about 3 paychecks for rent. And then with the one paycheck left, I'm left with about $250 to save and $250 for utilities,etc.

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9 months, user.

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>I'd have to give up what I've earned to some lazy, shiftless trash who "needs it more".
Doesn't that describe the relationship between you and the person who owns your company?

strasserites get the bullet too

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>Most of the content is bullshit

That's funny that's the same way I feel about the job listings I go through.

Thanks for the advice though, I guess.

Not interested in LARPing as a Nazi online, bro.

>supporting an ideology is larping

>supporting an ideology is posting hitler pics on Jow Forums
Like this

>Serious inquiries
>Lying like a mad man

Something doesn't add up here. Okay, most of it doesn't add up. In fact it's not even coherent. Face it, the job market is completely busted to shit and the only people who don't admit it is those who are comfortable enough to not care.

I mean, it is. Objectively.

Those are worded that way so that indian programmers are the only ones that will get accepted. The H-1B Visa requires that they have to look for a US worker first only then can they take on a foreigner on this visa. The wording and min wage salary is there for a purpose.
A good solution would be to raise the H-1B salary requirement to a 150k+ min wage, so that us programmers could find entry level jobs and are not squezzed out by indians.
But get that through Congress ...

You bought that Jewish dream of higher education = great job.
Meme flag is correct.
Reality is, all the decent jobs, nepotism rules every industry, the bottom of the barrel will go to whomever is most qualified and willing to work for minimum wages.
Welcome to America.

>supporting an ideology is posting hitler pics on Jow Forums
It is tho. Hitler created the movement. Jow Forums is the only place that allows relative free speech


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For me personally every job I see is either specialist or manager or administrator, etc. They each require 2 years of this, 3 years of that, things you won't have unless you worked this job. I hardly see any entry level jobs.

This is why I'm not worried about any sort of right-wing movement. You people have convinced yourselves that participating in small circlejerks in obscure corners of the Internet is meaningful in some way.

why the fuck are you living in cali, user you would spend less on rent in fucking hawaii.

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>Doesn't understand what entry level means.

>Can't make own programs and build personal portfolio of experience without Jewschool telling him how to think.


>i-i-im not w-worried
Sure thing chaim. That's why you're here.

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How many more Hitler posts before the revolution?

>own self sufficient communities with supply chain integrated from food to raw materials for manufacturing
They going to smelt and forge their own steel, make their own tires etc?

Taking in masses of migrants to compete for the work, driving up demands and driving down wages.

Don't hide your true self behind the flag faggot.

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It's to filter out whites who will think it actually requires that experience, to allow niggers, of any kind, who don't care about and/or don't read it.

Exactly, that's why all the chans have been shut down with glownigger operations and this one is hardly even usable anymore with all the shills and kike mods.

good boy

>t. commie that is only still alive because of it

Not sure better keep posting

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>Imagine it being 2019 and still worshipping Blumpf

well i mean, banning famous right wingers from the internet for no reason also probably helps.

You mean like Alex Jones?

Capitalism + niggers + jews = bad
Capitalism + whites + morality = good

I can't imagine being this retarded.

Dude someones got to apply to facebergs naughty content filter job, serious most of you people hear do that shit for free. still prolly doesnt pay amazingly but still would be kinda fun.

All my family lives here. I was thinking Colorado or maybe up north.

You don't have to lmao

you need to tick the box that says "mixed race" on the form
if you just say "white" the blue-raired bulldog-dyke in HR will trash your letter

it's only after you've passed her that the guys needing a new worker will have a chance to see your letter
if you roughly fit, you're in

The question isn't "what went wrong?"
It's supposed to be "what happened?"

What happened is, all the easy stuff has already been made. New things are mostly improved copies of old stuff and multiple things joined into one thing.

Unless you're super good at stuff, you can't make new things from scratch.

Most of that shit is just a filter in order to get less applicants. 1000 people applying could very well do the job. But they don't want to sift trough and interview 1000 people. That designated shit takes to long of a time.

The only time it's really relevant is if you are doing a job that could make the difference between a person dying or not, say brain surgery. But those are trained in the hospitals etc. Not out there in the wild in the job market.

Another example of this in a school setting is a HTML5/CSS course I found that demanded you had a mathematics course completed that in no way shape or form will ever actually be used for it. The reason? They wanted to filter out applications and get less of them.
Took a while to get them to admit to it as they were spewing a bunch of bullshit about how the course was necessary. Which is a filthy lie.

I suggest not getting to hung up on the experience part. There's no way they are going to pay you the appropriate salary for a entry level job for someone with 7 years under the belt. And someone with 7 years of experience should not take these entry level jobs anyways unless they actually need to. If they expect otherwise they are retarded and you should look for a job more worth your time than a retard expecting to pay breadcrumbs for such amounts of experience.

Just lie on your resume and have friends pretend to be former bosses like everyone else.

I'm pretty sure it's you poos who took all our jobs

There's a risk to this however, if you are caught expect it to spread to other similar businesses in the area. Companies gossip among each other just as much as regular people do.

>you need 7 years of work experience and 2 college degrees to get you an entry level software developer job
you are a poo and every software dev knows that you cant code without getting spoon fed
t. softwaredev

>immigrants takin muh jobz

They intentionally set the bar like this so they can say that there were no qualified applicants and hire poos.

Are they not?

Definitely depends. Sometimes they ask tirelessly for experience on every recruitment step. Only a few percent of recruiters are acting like humans, others just look at the data and don't even want to see you.

pffffffft highschool dropout, zero "education" in anything.
But also high level highly paid software architect that works for some of the biggest fish in the sea, been solid busy for 15+ years and solid busy until the day I don't want to work anymore, never been an an employee in my life, work only from my home office, answer the phone only when/if I want to, and I haven't seen a nigger in months. Answer to no one but my reputation. You're the moron, if you don't hire me, and if do get me, you're lucky because there is much more demand for my time than supply.

Capitalism, THIS is what I expect.
I wanted something, I went and got it.
Now I get it, a lot, and have a nice life.

Some people weren't meant to be winners.
You sound like one of those people.
You make excuses why you can't succeed.
You sit and visualize a present and future that you do not want and do not like, not knowing that what you visualize is what you create, and what you think about is what you become.

A Loser. A fucking employee who gets told when to eat lunch, how to act, what to wear, and told how much money he makes. You will get what guys like me give to you. That's how the world works, son. Know your place in it.

Just apply for a programming job in any white country. Those rules in your img only apply for white people. The salary wont be competitive for you though, the jews that own us will underpay you just because you are brown and is a hell of a lot more than you would earn back home.

No, they don’t here in burgerland

Not on any serious scale. You're blaming immigrants for the failure of capitalism.

>what went wrong?
Having to compete with about a billion other poos and chinks who want those jobs

That's just what the white guy they already decided to hire has. The job posting is the resume of the Aryan you are too stupid to steal a job from you dumb fucking street shitter.

We're all doing it over here in Canada. It is an open secret and no one can stop it, we fill our call center departments up with diversity subsidized mouth breathing curry bags like you and keep all the money and top jobs to ourselves. We don't even let you be our copy machine and coffee bitches because you all stink like curry and shit.

This is how the leafs and yankees deal with worthless poojeets and diversity scum like you trying to take our software jobs.

Did you street shitting nigger idiots and feminazi wow players really think you could outsmart the smartest white men?


Look at the pic, that's the outside of one of your schools on exam day, it's a fucking medical school. That is how your fucking doctors pass exams, how much less integrity do your comp sci and engineering schools have? You are all lying cheating shit smears that didn't even pass the shit tier courses they teach in your dumb nigger bin impersonations of universities.

We caught on to you as soon as you started polluting our workplaces and schools. Find one dev job that doesn't have equally ridiculous requirements, you wont, because we are all preventing nig scum like you from fucking up our companies.

Now your own companies are doing it to your own people. Because you are a country of incapable deformities who have no other way out of endless poverty and humiliation.

LOL times a fucking million. They are importing some guy from MIT, making it look like it's impossible to find someone in India so they can get the Yankees visa stamped.

Fuck you.

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It's mostly nepotism. The executive and management positions are closed no matter how many years of experience you have.

and you blame capitalism for the fact that every cock you suck tastes funny now die commufag

We opened it up to India, honestly. I was a tech manager. Once I started taking Indian applications I realized I was no longer competing with neckbeards, I was competing with Ivy league Brahmins who were willing to use their gold to get out of their shitstained palaces.

Literally textbook commie. No original thought. Types the jew insults without even noticing he is completely kiked and pushing their agenda 1000%.

You gonna tell me to take my meds next? How based you are? More imagining about smells and shit? Low IQ nigger.

Do you have meds that were prescribed to you bro? Yes, you should take them.

>Business Studies

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Leaf that actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.


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Not true, the fact is that over 80% of the people out of BCS programs can't wrap their heads around most what they are supposed to know.

If you asked a bunch of BCS people to write a Turing tape program for example, maybe 5% of them would be able to do it in a few hours. 95% would be stupid and take days.

The 5% recognize the 5%. If you want big Bill Gates bucks, you have to do a shit ton of math homework.

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How would internationalists and bolshevists like yourself handle the tech industry?

>My brain is so small i can't understand two people can beneffit by cooperation

>When you lose your job you will know what i live like even working

Do you "cooperate" with your boss by doing all the work for him and giving him all the value that your labor creates? That's a strange form of cooperation.

Motherfucking Jews.
That's the only reason.

That's why most industries are failing. As a shareholder, if I see closely held company, on the cheap, it's been mismanaged by the founder's family. It's hard to extract those fuckers from ruining the company. They really should go back to high taxes for high incomes if the money is pulled from the business. All this shit stops in its track when they can't loot companies. But yes, the US corporates are nepotism and incompetence ruling the day. Tech is an exception, that's why the companies in tech do well. There is probably a lot of nepotism too, but they are forced to compete. Regular business is a profiless ego trip of some heir, and it's nearly impossible to get rid of them. One would think that losing money sucks, but it doesn't get through to these people, besides, the government bails all the losers with connections out anyway, so it only gets worse.

>Such a low tier specimen he can't envision owning their own company.

user... stop...

Capitalism and communism achieved synthesis in the late 20th century. You're fighting for a system that enriches Jewish billionaires

