So the Jews put a golden calf in New York

So the Jews put a golden calf in New York.

Attached: Wall-Street-Bull-from-left-300x225.jpg (300x225, 20K)

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No they didn't

That's an adult bull.

The thing is, they were never subtle. They always exactly say what they want if one just asked directly.

"Golden calf".

If it was golden they would have picked it up already and melted it down into shekels.

Wasn't that like 2 years ago?
What is it's meaning? Occult?

The little girl is a sacrifice to Molach

Attached: child sacrifice.jpg (474x341, 36K)

bull cults are kind of obscure

Attached: europa and the bull.jpg (582x768, 78K)

At one time most of the upper echelons of the Roman Army worshipped Mithras.

Attached: MithraReliefvert.jpg (1011x1893, 1.71M)

I don’t think it’s actually gold, but yes, Jews recreated the same blasphemy they did in the desert while Moses was receiving the Laws of YHWH