Ban Alcohol

>get drunk
>start fights over nothing
>lose phone case
>lose shoes
>lose shirt
>show up at moms somehow and wake up full of remorse
Its time we fucking ban alcohol. That shit is straight devil liquid you guys agree right?

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Fuck off pussy, just because you have shit tolerance and no self control

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There's nothing GOOD about alcohol. Some type of THC beverage would be superior in *every* way.

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Good idea

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Aaaay lets ban drugs too.

Yes it should be banned. Nothing good comes of it

Yeah nah. I had three 25 oz cans and like 5 or 6 shots and blacked out cause the shots snuck up, at the very least hard liquor should be banned.
Bootlegging would be impossible with technology now

>has no self-control
are you russian or something???

I'd miss it sorely but the world would be better off

Faggot libertarian
Based leaf