What went wrong with this pope?

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Underneath the Vatican there are more child corpses than in any other location on Earth

this pope is a chastisement. some of them are-

Popes all suck anyway. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is the only true faith.

black legend

this pope was actually flagged by the jesuits as unstable. He rose under the archbishop of Buenos aires, and he larped as a right-winger in those days....he's a strange guy

i like your guy with the mustache

I think so too. One should read the message of Our Lady of Akita.

I have no idea what I am suppose to think about him desu. He's so fucking weird.

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sodomy and pedophilia and globalism and of course the old testament anyone using OT is NOT christian but a jew.

the psychoanlysis is a scandal. he's just made ten new voting cardinals- some, like archbishop of bologna, are known to be gay- so the church is fucked for years to come


user please. He is still the Pope, he is not going to turn around and endorse abortion and wear a rainbow crucifix.

Only a month ago the Vatican released a paper on transgenderism in which it completely dismissed it.

first ever pope to come from the jesuite order, go figure.
I went to a jesuit private school in my time and let me tell you it's crypto jew central and in the worst way.
Most greedy, disgusting peers I ever had the displeaure of working/studying with.

wtf I love the pope now

look at what's on top of his head

>What went wrong with Pope Francis?

He isn't a catholic because he says things that are inherently against catholic doctrine. Namely he says that abortion is okay and he says that you can find salvation in other faiths. He is a false idol. Fuck him.

Apparently back then in Argentina they were going through a wave of right wing nationalism and he wasn't fully on board so he just lied a bit.

Soros, meets him every month to get his money!

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Catholics have archbishops for food now? Luther was right.

Harrison is more conservative than Kieschnick, but I don't like the Synod president having such an Anglo name.

>threw the pope out of rome
idk but i feel like we need another Barbarossa incarnate (like Hitler)

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>>he says that abortion is okay
No he hasn't that's bullshit

>>you can find salvation in other faiths
Salvation by works has been a tenant of Catholicism ever since Vatican 2 (1870's)

>What went wrong with this JESUIT?

God said he will heat up the world in the end but men wont give him glory for it.
If the Pope says men are heating up the world and not God, is he giving God glory for it?

>Salvation by works has been a tenant of Catholicism ever since Vatican 2 (1870's)
Which just proves how much of a joke modern Catholicism is.

As always, OP is a faggot

What about the mass graves in Poland??

>To clarify some things...

Didn't he post a video of himself licking nigger paws while;e some jew rammed him up the ass? I am sure it's on the same site he posted his 100 Muslim bukkake video to.

imagine being the highest Christian priest and go to a shrink to soul-search. this pope is the biggest joke in human history. i don't think he even believes in God.

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I hope he personifies the nadir of the Church, as in; It can only get better from here.

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He was raised a commie and he never got over it.

Jesus is the only man you should ever look up too

>anyone using OT is NOT christian but a jew.
then we will never win convert zion damnit

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Well he did say that the devil is a smart person someone should not argue with. I bet he was looking at the mirror or taking a selfie while saying that.

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wrong. thats a faggot wearing the popes hat not the pope i talk to god all the time god says thats not the pope.

He's a demon.

Abrahamic religions are inherently satanic.

He crushes my dream of extremely bigoted warrior nuns by the day

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Colour me shocked that Jews guide the pope. If Jesus were here he'd whip the Pope, I'm sure.

He's from Argentina.
What the hell did you expect from the first non-white pope?

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. And yes Christianity IS white religion, for anyone outside your eurocentric bubble Christianity=Europe. Ask Chinks, ask poos ask whoever you want.

Well communism did have Noahide laws which come from the bible, and the reason of this is the Jews consider themselves as holy and Gods chosen people. And that would mean the person is breaking the second Noahide law, which requires the death penalty.






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He was the last one

>Abrahamic religions are inherently satanic.

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Lutheranon here. Can confirm. I belong to Lutheran Church Canada. Confessional Lutheranism is the only true faith.

Vatican is compromised

Some local branches in various cuntries are still based

Trust and work with those local branches

But watch out where you put your money
You dont want your money going to vatican

Lutheranon here again. (AMA).
Confessional Lutherans believe the pope holds the seat of the anti Christ.

He´s not Christian and he hates God and Jesus.

Hes trying to make catholicism fit in this modern society instead of trying to fight it like islam does. I unironocally want him to get raped to death by swiss guard fucking argentinian piece of shit

This picture is fucking retarded.
Catholicism has always maintained that only baptised practicing Catholics are children of God and freemasonry with it's religious and cultural indifference are evil.

You're retarded.


Jewish psychologist = Mossad handler

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I'm a Catholic.

I'm against uncontrolled, mass immigration.
I'm against looking the boots of the clergy.
I'm for promoting birth control in overpopulated countries.
I'm for the death penalty.

Don't let any idiot Catholic try and D&C you by claiming you aren't a "real" Catholic for following every little thing that comes out of Rome.

Well that doesn't apply to the clown world apparently, considering the stuff that happens nowadays...

And Freemasons do use all the symbols used in Abrahamic religions just that you know!

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Honk! Honk!

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if you dont follow the pope, you're not a catholic. enjoy protestantism, stupid faggot

They also in tgeir rituals say that Jesus died and never resurrected and teach that he was a sorcerer.

They also make you swear an oath to Allah.
Ofc they would use some Christian symbols to lull retarded Protestants.

yeah you;er basically a protestant lol

>I'm against uncontrolled, mass immigration
Okay that's normal
>I'm against looking the boots of the clergy.
Come again?
>I'm for promoting birth control in overpopulated countries.
You're not Catholic, contraception is a sin. Overpopulation is only a thing because white cucks keep feeding niggers
>I'm for the death penalty
Also normal

The papacy its compromised!
Suck on that, Peter!

You are going to be pretty sad when you get thrown into hell.
You should repent

I have no emotional stake on anything Abrahamic, so it's none of my concern.

How jews being mentioned in the book is beneficial to jews, and bad for whites, retard?
I know one more book full with jewish names: Buchenwald records

I be you do you fucking retard.

Judaism and Islam aren't even Abrahamic religions and you fedorafags don't even realize that.

you mean modern judaism


Well if that's the case then I can pick up Jewish books and expose them for what they are, which I on occasion do.
And I don't think that you exclusively need to be Christian to dislike Jews. You simply need to observe their behavior and actions.

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nothing has gone wrong, friend. the plan is intact

Judaism is only a modern thing. The religion of the ancient Hebrews was never called Judaism.
Judaism as it is practiced today is 1500 years old

It's not that something went wrong, he was never right.

How does this not raise red flags to everyone? I guess the Vatican is a hopeless situation regardless, but where are people's instincts for saboteurs?

You missed the part where he was bffs with "french intellectual" commies? You know what happened.

>Rothschild loans to the Holy See refers to a series of major financial loans arranged between the Rothschild family and the Holy See of the Catholic Church. The first loan which occurred in 1832 took place in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars during the Pontificate of Pope Gregory XVI (involving James Mayer de Rothschild and Carl Mayer von Rothschild). This loan agreed on was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £36.5 million in 2018). A second loan occurred during the Pontificate of Pope Pius IX ("Pio Nono") in the early 1850s with the same members of the Rothschild family after the collapse of Giuseppe Mazzini's short-lived revolutionary Roman Republic and the restoration of the Papal States.

>James Mayer de Rothschild, head of the Rothschild banking family of France (Banque Rothschild), became the official Papal banker.[2] His Naples-based brother, Carl Mayer von Rothschild, geographically closer to Rome, went to meet with Pope Gregory XVI in January 1832. Here Carl Mayer was presented with the ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. It was customary for Catholics to show reverence for what they regarded as the Vicar of Christ, to kiss the Pope's feet when meeting him. As a Jew, Carl Mayer von Rothschild was permitted to simply kiss the ring on his hand instead.[2] This outraged Catholic critics of the deal at the time. It even garnered a reference centuries later, by Philippe de Rothschild, a direct descendant of James and Carl, in his autobiography Milady Vine (1984).

Why you are claiming then that Christianity is not the white religion?

Those are all twisted versions of things that are good or true. It's no wonder he came out as a globohomo stooge. They pervert everything. Liberalism probably wouldn't be the clown show it is without their influence.

>I be you do you fucking retard.
If I'm somehow your opponent, underestimating me will be a very foolish thing to do. Do continue however, I find this very entertaining.

>Judaism and Islam aren't even Abrahamic religions and you fedorafags don't even realize that.
Yes they are! They are not the same, but they are still Abrahamic. I condemn them all for their expansionist, subversive, culture wrecking tendencies.


He's a non-hypocritical Christian.

Worshipping God wasn't working for him so he needed another team.

>Salvation by works has been a tenant of Catholicism ever since Vatican 2 (1870's)
I'm not a Catholic but doesn't that directly contradict what Christ said?

Benefical for jews is not the question but this clearly shows the bible and Christcuckoldry has nothing to do with the white man.
You want to be a semite - fine, go be a semite in the Middle East where you belong, and leave my europe alone.

>I'm a Christian
>fuck Christianity

Because it originates from the desert and isn't based upon my ancestors, It's an Abrahamic religion. They are the ones that should integrate, not the other way around! When in Rome!

He's a jesuit.

The psychoanalyst is his boss. Ever notice what Popes and Cardinals wear under the tall hats?
Or all the time??

there was - and is somewhere- a report by his superior not recommending him for leadership roles becasue of xyz personality flaws. This report has totally disappeared.

Retart christianity is exactly the religion of your ancestors. I can understand when latins use that logic, but were literal snowniggers raping their sisters before christianity. It is of no importance if Jesus was jew or nigger cause he is infinitely above these earthly scrambles.
For ages Christian rulers banned jews than allowed them in and whatnot and noone gave a fuck. Cause jews were just of no importance for White Christian Colossus. And look all antichristian organisations are antiwhite and ruled by jews at the same time: Soros, Rotshilds, Marxists, I bet Hitler was cripto jew too.

wtf I like Bergoglio now??!

Can you expound on that, Cathbro

The church was corrupted and infiltrated by the Jews a long time ago. The pope is a kike puppet destroying of from within.

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It all started when he became a catholic priest and started raping altar boys in the butt.

>Retart christianity is exactly the religion of your ancestors.
Did the people that came from the Ural mountains worship Christianity? Or the Baltic people in ancient times?

>I can understand when latins use that logic, but were literal snowniggers raping their sisters before christianity.
I suppose you have proof!

>It is of no importance if Jesus was jew or nigger cause he is infinitely above these earthly scrambles.
I don't care about that Jew, nor do I care about the other stuff that Yahweh and the other desert nomads did...


>For ages Christian rulers banned jews than allowed them in and whatnot and noone gave a fuck.
They probably wouldn't let them in even if they weren't Christian. How about the people running the system just did their job!

>Cause jews were just of no importance for White Christian Colossus.
Neither is Christianity to me because of their origins.

>And look all antichristian organisations are antiwhite and ruled by jews at the same time: Soros, Rotshilds, Marxists, I bet Hitler was cripto jew too.
They would be anti-white even if you weren't Christian, and that's because they want their subservient double digit IQ slaves to rule over.
And I condemn the Jews too, they are even worse than the Christians.

he's a literal homosexual