What is the most persuasive first red pill to show a leftie?

What is the most persuasive first red pill to show a leftie?

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The 13 / 50 one is the most evocative.

crime rates by ethnicity

Why is there a giant hairy arse on that babies face is this some sick coupling where the woman has married a homosexual and this is how fags greet newborns seriously wtf


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Attached: Number_of_2010-2013_perpetrators_per_1000,_per_ethnic_group_in_Norway_per_SSB.png (742x1071, 53K)

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"thats because they are poor and oppressed"


fucking brainlets its a bald man and the his shoulder. But because you are porn addicted Untermensch all you see is butts.

Attached: wewlad.png (675x630, 656K)

this is just a bald dude kissing his child. are you all blind or something?


It's a rorschach test for homosexuality. I just see a bald dude.

Probably that white pride is considered racist mean while black/asian/jew/fag pride is a good thing no matter what.

Now I can imagine your fantasies

You have to focus on the debated upon issues today and hold a strong position there but never trying to force them. "thats because they are poor and oppressed" should be enough for now anyways because thats the view most conservatives hold, which is already getting them into thinking as a right winger on certain issues.

you're fucked in the head man

>What is the most persuasive first red pill to show a leftie?
muzzle flash


You give them the lead pill

immigration is always a subject. I like the police car tires.

Attached: illegal immigration redpill.png (696x6843, 794K)

>most persuasive first red pill to show a leftie

Attached: soviet plan.jpg (1068x1277, 346K)

If you could reason with shitlibs there'd be no shitlibs.

Attached: Yuri Demoralization.png (1360x980, 489K)

Not really persuasive.
>countries without major cirses, like Russia, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland, SWEDEN, DENMARK, GERMANY being overrepresented
>"white" countries and also overrepresented
>no stats for natives included
This graph says nothing of substance.


muh education

>"thats because they are poor and oppressed" should be enough for now anyways because thats the view most conservatives hold
conservatives don't allow crime for poor people.

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This guy

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so are you telling me conservatives would go off on a rant about low iq if you were to ask them what the problem with black people were?

Your Ip has been reported and we found the images on your pc

The Irish is after me?

If your home is being invaded, you kill the invaders.
If your country is being invaded, you kill the invaders.
When one of these isn't SOP, you've lost. There's no going back. Collapse is imminent. Stockpile guns and ammo, build a bunker in a small town, get to know your neighbors, and have a community action plan for when shit goes down.

That's hot

conservatives don't see a problem with black people.
they see a problem with black culture.

wow you must be pretty into bald dudes with prominent shoulders, all i see is two teenage lesbians kissing gaybro


i couldnt make out what it was at all, thought it was 4 asses photoshopped together like a four leaf clover or soemthing

pic rel

Attached: 1558383545571.png (1828x1246, 844K)

or pic rel
ask why are jews so overrepresented if IQ is not based on race. why is noone talking about jew suprematism

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Whites are poorer and they don’t murder at the rate of niggers

user, I had to literally look at that picture for a couple solid minutes trying to figure out what the hell that was a picture of?

At first It looked like a male dwarf's naked hairy ass that was going to sit on top of that baby!

I thought: "No fucking way! Faggot wouldn't post that type of pic!"

Then, because of my disbelief, I kept trying to decipher the pic...and finally realized that which I thought was the dwarf's anus, was actually a skinhead's ear!


Attached: Screenshot_57.png (872x611, 1.02M)

I hope you like car bombs m8

Your speaking to a member of An Garda Síochána. The relevant information has been passed through to our resident INTERPOL unit. They will contact your local police force via your ministry of public security as pertaining to the illegal material we have obtained from your HD.

this should be helpfull

Attached: 1564406935737.jpg (1024x953, 170K)

>look through the source methodology
>it only considers first generation migrants, and stop considering them migrants once they've lived there long enough
Really makes you think.

This. Lefties have stupid excuses for everything. Absolutely everything. It's foolish thinking to believe you're going to "get them" with one single smoking gun redpill.

This has never been a battle of facts.

>0 identify as white

Makes me just assume you're so agenda blinded that I can't trust your sourceless picturepile.

Attached: dabber.jpg (177x257, 12K)

>Explain the problems with the ultra rich
>Explain the problems with the media (Hollywood and MSM)
>Explain the problems with the bankers
>Explain the problems with the destructive deconstruction of culture
Then, lastly, point at who controls all of these. This redpill is enough, they go on their own after this.

Alternatively, make them ask themselves "cui bono?" enough times, that's what happened to me

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The richest black community has higher crime rates than the poorest white community, and this is also a factual statistic.

>>Makes me just assume you're so agenda blinded that I can't trust your sourceless picturepile.

Hey you, Jihadi dumb fuck. Try reading it again. It says not resolved.

Try not sucking your agenda so hard that you waste everyones fucking time.

Cunt. Eat your own words.

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Was this just deleted for some reason? I got a fucking download error too. Everything on this shit website is giving me download errors, almost always.

cold temperatures ruin black people skin

>Do a Twitter Search for "White People."
>Sort by latest.
>Refresh every few seconds.
This shows, in real time, anytime, how much brown people hate whites.
It's worked for me on several occasions.


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Glad to see there’s still some real
old fags here.

nice, his parents deserved it

The zeitgeist movie.
Only the first one
then show them the money masters movie

I think Zeitgeist was a really good gateway redpill. It was good enough to kind of get you to think it but not so much so that it turned off the audience for “muh anti-semitism” or got the movie outright banned.

For your neck of the woods, Norway, I would recommend showing the connections between pro-migration NGOs and Israel. I've not yet seen a graphic for that. Ryan Dawson created a documentary, I think. For Americans, memes demonstrating gender realism are a relatively low-risk way to go. Feminism has never been that popular here, and it's getting less popular with every passing year. Good luck.

The problem with it was the entire 1st third of the movie regarding religion. They lifted that directly from Illuminati (Masonic Zionists) doctrine. Outside of that, it's an alright docu-fiction.

This one is still pretty effective I think

The first 45 minutes of 1/3rd of the Holocaust sold me on the JQ.
"fellow white people" sold me forever

TOP KEK I thought the same thing user I had to scroll down to confirm.

We're a dying breed. Been here since 03 off and on because of the military. I miss old /b/

idk just find something stupid and lighthearted that makes them ask "why" and has an answer that raises eyebrows
blatantly throwing propaganda in a persons face is useless since most people only accept evidence that supports their current beliefs

“Become Other Than White”: Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism

Attached: C364E16E-02A8-4AF4-911B-D6643D7E252E.jpg (640x511, 76K)

that pic really fucked with my head

Double standards for Israel in Western foreign policy

>What is the most persuasive first red pill to show a leftie?

Any of the huge "liberal" protests combined with open policy advocacy by "liberal" professors DEMANDING SEGREGATION re-termed as "safe spaces for colored people"

If they are educated, hammer Central Banking and Jewish control of it. Challenge their smug pride in being educated by saying "You're not stupid. You know how to spot a scam when you see one." (Remember that at their core, most Lefties are Anti White first and Anti (insert latest social justice issue here) second.) By exposing the Central Banker creation of money scam to them, they now have a clear target of just (((who))) is responsible for everything else.

When they say "I'm glad Jews run everything!" say "Then you won't mind me telling everyone else about it." (This strikes fear in their heart because they know that if whites wake up, the Anti White goose is cooked.)

fuck your thumbnail

summerfag spotted

My god was the religion section of the movie bad. The whole Jesus = Son of God = The Sun cause Son and Sun sound the same was fucking painful to watch. Not to mention it ignores the fact that none of the Biblical books were written in fucking English which is the only way that little failure of logic would even begin to make sense.

I saw an anus.

Nah man it’s just a guy who doesn’t know how to shave his body hair

But black culture is created by black people and is a result of their low IQ

FFS nothing of substance? WTF are all these 3rd world people in Norway in the first place? It looks like the whole world sent gibs to Norway.

That was pretty rude man.

>This. Lefties have stupid excuses for everything. Absolutely everything. It's foolish thinking to believe you're going to "get them" with one single smoking gun redpill.
>This has never been a battle of facts.
This. I've given up trying to convince them, boy did I try though. Now I just stand my ground and tell them I refuse to apologize for being white

Oh my god that's hilarious.

Attached: neckberdaward.jpg (550x550, 96K)

Apparently it was a false positive from a gov program trawling to find CP.

That guy who's got to take things way too far...

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Dude that's from reddit lmao.

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Found the new fags. Gave me a lot of keks though

In 10 years time this will be the Canadian national flag

imagine the smell

Many such cases!

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the fact that open borders don't actually benefit the working class and it's just a tool for the burgeoisie capitalists to get more profit

This is pretty good if they are intellectual. I have it on speed dial.
Need something more visceral for thickos though.

Maybe black IQ and the fact the military rejects dumb people and they aren’t exactly picky.

Get help

Usually Jews. Turning them into beefsteak nazi's is pretty effective. Though getting them to drop the workers owning the means of production nonsense is difficult.

based drawfag

A liberal or a commie?

Trust me, it makes a difference.

There is no race war
Its a class war
And we (not the rich) are losing

help me understand. Do you browse pol with pencil and paper in hand waiting for inspiration? Can you draw that, convert to jpg, and upload all in under 20 minutes? I am amazed

>Makes me just assume you're so agenda blinded that I can't trust your sourceless picturepile.
holy shit Mohammed can't read! Who woulda thought!