Everyday a mass shooting

Now how ome those mass shoters keep getting away with it?

How come there is never 1 regualr person with a gun to the sccene?

THe problem arent guns- the problem is that regular citizens dont carry them everywhere.

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the problem is foreigners talking about our politics.

I'm only curious how long until no one gives a shit anymore. I know I'm bored of these, especially the fake ones.

Mass media shootings happen.
Mass shootings happen much more often, but always happen in gun controlled areas.
A certain criminal gang is colluding with establishment media to manufacture consent for gun control. The fake news kills real kids to take your guns.

Wait there were actually real shootings??

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if only you knew how close you really were.

foreigners built your fuking country

>how long until no one gives a shit anymore
2 shootings ago.

settlers did.
learn words before using them.

foreigners settled or you would call them natives

>foreigners destroyed your fuking country

and once settled they established a nation of their own.
which makes them natives because they were here before the nation started.


yeah im kinda bored of them too

but still it blows my mind that the media says so many people have wepaons but never is anyone around to stop a masshoter

you need a gun to stop a gun


Plus the two recent case of sperglord knife attacks in Australia recently stoped by the general public.
As far as america goes, im sure its under reported but you cant put it past the special interest groups for the very fact that operation Northwoods exist.

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So many fake and gay ones I stopped paying any attention. Besides, if people don't care enough about their own personal safety to take precautions against attackers then why should I care when they get mercilessly killed?

Based boomer


you are a typical dumb burger
natives were those pajeets taht were already tehre before your fucking anestors slaughtered them once getting off our boats

besides you sound like an israeli

they stole the land from palestine and than called them settlers

redpill me on operation northwood

I bought some homemade candy apples at the farmers market Saturday. My town hasn't had a gun related crime in almost 100 years. Take a guess at our demographics!

definitions don't change because you want them to, krautstrian.
