We need to implement forced child marriage in America

You must understand that women are like tigers: they can be cute while they’re young, but as they age they turn into vicious savages hellbent on destruction.

A woman is attractive from entering puberty until her mid-twenties (if she’s healthy she makes it that far) because this is the peak of her fertility. This is when nature is telling men to put their seed into the woman so that she produces children. That period is also when the woman is most pleasant.

After that period, according to nature, she should already have 4-7 kids, and be dealing with them all the time. Not strutting around like a teenager trying to look attractive. Because what use is an attractive woman with kids?

You see a woman in her thirties with a little extra weight on her, not the perfect shaped face, and she’s got kids running around and you’re like “oh that’s a mother. Her role is not to be sexually appealing, but to care for the children.”

What women like Taylor Slow are doing is foregoing having kids and trying to prolong the image of fertility after fertility has passed, and this leads to monstrousness.

Struggling like this, the bitch then says “oh I’ll just destroy society then, as it has been cruel to me.”

Thus you have this once proud and noble creature of beauty looking like a bulbous freak going around telling men to masturbate in each other’s anuses and telling women to get railed by niggers.

It’s very simple.

We need to implement forced child marriage in America.

Attached: 14-taylor-swift.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 255K)

>We need to implement forced child marriage in America.
fuck off pedo.
imagine having a daughter and some fat 30 year old virgin incel like you forces her to get married to him

>We need to implement forced child marriage in America.

I'd put a hard cap of 25 on men courting my daughters.

Not how forced marriage works, brainlet.

Imagine having a daughter where you select a good man as her mate, and she doesn't get to just decide to fuck tyrone.

child marriage doe not work with out puritan fascism, but you would never support that because you are a degenerate piece of shit that just wants to fuck young girls

Wow u sure are edgy

I'm strictly against premarital sex. Don't know how you came to the conclusions you present in this post. Projection?

It's only an edgy concept because we've slid so far into degeneracy. Women not being whores used to be the norm.

yet you still want to legally "marry" young girls so you can fuck them right away you degenerate faggot

>Don't know how you came to the conclusions you present in this post. Projection?
you have a thread titled :
We need to implement forced child marriage in America.

and dont know how he came to that conclusion? you are the oblivious jewish victim eh>

What does this mean?
>young girls
I'm already married, I don't think polygamy is a good system. I have no desire for multiple wives.

Wanting to have sex and reproduce with young fertile women is perfectly natural. Why do you try to present it as a bad thing? Casual sex is bad, of course, but the thread is clearly about marriage.
>arguments found: 0

>Imagine having a daughter where you select a "good" man who lies to your attention craving ass, just so he can rape your daughter

if you teach your daughter morals and ettiquete she wont fuck tyrone. I have a sister and she stayed a virgin and got married at 21 on her own choice to a well respected doctor. if your family values are strong you shouldnt have to worry about girls become sluts

>I have no desire for multiple wives.
you have a clear desire to rape little girls.
whats stopping pathetic incel jews like you from marrying and raping kids and then divorcing and continousing the cycle to remain "monogamous"

fuck off with you shitty thread.

I'm sorry you have such a lack of confidence in your intelligence and investigatory skills.

Even if you are against forced marriage, it is just irresponsible to neglect finding potential husbands to court her before she is half way to menopause.

>you have a clear desire to rape little girls.
I don't, and I've never typed anything that would indicate that.

Please don't bring your mental illness into the thread, I'm interested in honest dialogue.

>whats stopping pathetic incel jews like you from marrying and raping kids and then divorcing and continousing the cycle to remain "monogamous"
The families of the bride, primarily the father, and divorce being illegal except under extreme circumstances.

Fuck off with your lack of arguments.

Wtf are you on about? This post was obviously written by a woman about a woman.
Gtfo. This is a man's conversation

Just let her fuck whoever wants then.
Good dad

puberty is a process, a girl is not prepared mentally or physically to become a mother immediately on reaching puberty. you want to fuck children and you should be hanged

There really are people on Jow Forums that believe this. Feminism is really strong, even when you become a white nationalist and wake up to the JQ you remain a feminist.


See guys I knew epstein was alive.

>a girl is not prepared mentally or physically to become a mother immediately on reaching puberty
I absolutely agree. Though, the mental preparedness of females in the modern world is hampered by a neglectful and feminist upbringing.

If a woman begins courtship when puberty begins, then it *should* take a couple years to find the right man, then they will be married for some time before they are comfortable and ready to breed, so she will likely be physically prepared to bear children and post-pubescent(15-16 years old on average)

Kill yourself
>b-but it’s hebephilia
Kill yourself

It isn't any kind of philia. Hebephilia is exclusive or primary attraction to pubescents. A pervert would be screened and dismissed by the father of the woman.

A normal man is attracted to females from puberty through adulthood. A desire to plant seed in fertile soil is perfectly natural and moral. Sowing those seeds is only moral within marriage.

im for arranged marriage. not forced faggot

are you talking about arranged marriage not forced? forced marriage is a ridiculous concept

Lose your virginity

what kinda incest cumbrain are you?
you have little control over what other people do in their lives unless youre a manipulative sociopath. your job as a father should be to teach and guide her to make good decisions. but at the end its up to her to make decisions. if you raised her right she will only marry someone if you approve. arranged marriage is a good option

>im for arranged marriage
>supports his sister waiting until her 20s to marry

>forced marriage is a ridiculous concept
It isn't, you're just a feminist. Ideally it would work like an arranged marriage in all circumstances, but humans are not machines you can just program through rearing to behave exactly as you wish. Women need to be controlled more often than not.

>but at the end its up to her to make decisions
You're a feminist.

can you imagine paying to watch this crap?

and you wonder why youre a virgin.
theres nothing feminist about what i said. im very anti-feminist. the fact you're calling me a feminist just proves youre an extremist/radical.

I'm a father of two. Project more, feminist.

>*expresses modernist feminist trash*
>"I'm not a feminist!"