Dream general

I have never had a gf or love
I have recurring dreams of being with the love of my life, I feel tremendous love in my dreams that when I wake up I get mildly sad that we parted. These dreams keep me going.
Anyone have similar story? Am I in love with a ghost or something?

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Strive to make it reality user

I had a dream like that once, when I was a teenager. Have sex.

I'm waiting for marriage
Elaborate on your dream

That’s what I did Hans. I waited till marriage to have sex. Remain vigilant for degeneracy!

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ich warte auf dich user!

Somewhere there is a girl dreaming about you

Every time I close my eyes, I dream of the past- or the present had the past been clearly different. But the dream always ends with me surrounded by everything I love destroyed. The past 3 years have been utter hell and all of it is my fault. I wish I could die.

What you mean user. How is it your fault. I'm in a tough spot as well. Remember that God loves you and to keep fighting. If we win your ancestors will look back at you as a hero. But not if you stop.

I was in bed with a beautiful brunette chatting and smiling and then our hands separated and we both went our ways, it was a recurring dream for a few weeks with minor changes every time.

I keep having these dreams where I'm president of a vast international network of underground resistance groups designed to protect the planet's most precious resource

this organization is called the W.T.F. or World Tomboy Foundation.

before I can find out more though I always wake up.

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sex in monogamous relationships isn't generate, you cucks, marriage is a Jewish ploy to make men rid of their money and transfer it to women via divorce.

ok, now you're getting fucking annoying- you've been at this for what- 5 fucking hours? We like tomboys, ok?


Bruh you’re living our your subconscious fantasies in your sleep

It's your future calling you

You guys are so kind. Thank you!

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Are you a qt girl (female) ?

>never had a gf or love
its because you are ugly

your brain is just telling you what it wants. ghosts don't exist.

So did you meet her yet irl?

Yes. Records from the past. Records from the future

t. dumb chink.

a) Ghosts exist
b) I'm actually pretty good looking
c) Putting others down to feel better is a disaster for yourself and others and will never allow yourself to grow as a person


I only dream about monsters, zombies, war, aliens and stuff like that, never had Dreams about women. Its fun tho

ghosts don't exist. substance duality has never been shown to be true.

Our present life is just a part of a long trip. Death don't exist

It means you're soon to find your true love, user.

I agree
Elaborate on your dreams
Detail them

If you have faith you'll be able to see

I have this with Twilight Sparkle, the pony.

Read Zhuan Falun
Great book

christcucked I see

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Dreams often are you sorting out issues that you have difficulty solving in the real world.

Grow some balls faggot

I had a dream last night that I measured my dick and it was 8 inches long. Then I woke up and it was only 5 inches again

You limit yourself by putting everything and everyone into a box

do you come to Jow Forums just to give people self-help advice

I had the same dreams user. It means something, because the second I found my fiance I had the same feelings as those in the dreams. One day you'll find her, bro. Dont give up.

Ill borrow you 2inches if you want to give me 2inches of height

I haven't dreamed in over 5 years.

Checked. im gonna read that book.
I have night terrors/sleep paralysis quite often and it feels like im cursed or maybe that Im going to die soon. Itd be nice to have a dream about a woman instead of dreaming of being pulled down a dark hallway towards a demon everynight.

you should try cannabis like this guy

you're likely ugly and have high standards, the kind of girl you dream of doesn't sit around dreaming about you, she's already been impregnated by chad

Dude weed lol

You are seeing the timeline you deserved, that women irl is fucking Ahmed right now.

Looks like you need the advice more than you'd like to admit

Cut down the weed

It'll help you to understand the world better and it'll be a very eye opening experience
Sleep paralysis can be scary, buz I noticed that if you can transform your real self your enironment will change and you'll master difficult situations better, same is true for your dreams

Fuck off faggot, take this kind of shit off pol, nobody cares that you're a virgin or a fag.

Had that dream last night.

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This is the kind of shit that is ruining this board and making people not come on as much, you have these pathetic little cucks constantly posting about "me love, and why women dont like me" and its fucking irrelevant and pathetic.

We are here to discuss redpilled shit, not your wet dreams douchbag, TAKE THIS BULLSHIT ELSEWHERE.

Damn you seem insecure
It's okay user
Feel free to tell us what bothers you

I've had love in dreams that felt more pure and real than any love I had IRL
It is kind of sad when you wake up

>I have recurring dreams of being with the love of my life, I feel tremendous love in my dreams that when I wake up I get mildly sad that we parted
Psychotherapist, here. This dream means you're a latent homosexual.

Yesterday I dreamt I could literally not stop pissing and pissed an entire trash can full to the brim before emptying it in the toilet lmao.

How do you draw that conclusion? Fucking people man, kid makes a post on POL about "me love of me life is in me dream but we never met and I'm sad" and you people fucking feed into it.

Stop ruining this board, I'm about ready to spam this thread because this is not the place. Does that make any sense you idiot kraut? Probably not bc you're a cucked people now days.


whats worse

I have dreams of my high school sweet hart who left me 8 years ago from time to time . we have a family in these dreams some times then I wake up the loser I am

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Because irl you build the relationship up on sex? Maybe?

So about that problem... Tell me, I'll help you. I promise

That pic...
>Hast du etwas Zeit für mich...

Seriously, one day at a time, brother. Consistency is key. Doing at least a little bit every day without fail. I know that you can do it.

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You shouldn't have that pic saves.
Regardless we're all gonna make it breh

Marry her

Just a cute girl from another thread. Relax, Hermann.

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ive lost the ability to even dream about that

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Looks 12

Don't wait until marriage. That's a dealbreaker for almost everyone. Just wait until you are in love.

OK, don't jerk off to it and you're fine. Dunno why you have to assume the worst.

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My dreams are fucked up from beggining to end, just random shit happen and I remember 1/4 of it when I wake up.

*until you've been committed for a while and think you'll marry. Never leave it up to infatuation and/or lust.
*the worst intentions

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Pretty painting. Something peaceful and satisfying about it, I feel a longing sadness though looking at. Also Hanz is right, idk about 12 year old pics chief.

tick tok its your biological clock.


It's a happy thread I posted a picture of a happy girl someone posted in another thread today. Jesus, you guys are so perverted. Pretend you have a little innocence or decency left.

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I wish I could have such pleasant dreams. For now I have just my own thoughts and imagination. Like others said though, if we want these things we have to work to make them reality.

Few possibilities user.

She may be from a past life or she may be a kindred soul in this life. When we sleep, we become more conscious of the plane where spacetime is not a factor.

I had a few dreams of my ex-gf before I met her. But our past lives together were more complicated. She ended up leaving me. I didn’t understand why at the time and I was very heartbroken, but the heartbreak allowed me to tap into a plane where love is universally valued. Earth has really diverged from this plane and is very sick... but you can contact it. Spatial limits (time being a property of space and mass in this universe) aren’t absolutes there.

Also there is the other possibility that she’s an angel and is giving you feelings of love as you struggle in this broken world. You’re doing the right things with your life, but the world isn’t just going to reward you, because it’s inherently sick. So there are beings to show you love in the meantime, so that you can tune into a positive frequency and “pull” a more positive direction of this earth (which isn’t quite lost yet).

If you have questions about this, you don’t have to wait until you sleep. I would recommend some breathing exercises and deep meditations. Flood the brain with oxygen so that you can utilize aptitudes that typically lie dormant. This also involves creating adrenochrome in your system (the oxygenation of your adrenaline). You can do this through cold water submersion techniques and breathing. Satanists achieve it through literally consuming the adrenaline of afraid babies/people. But you can do it on your own, and unlike them, you will contact a pure universe that has much more power in the realms of life (which is what this is—a life realm; not the null/dark realities). As life itself is an expression of love.

You’ll make your body more alkaline through this process, and you may have an “out of body” experience. Give attention to those love feelings.

I feel bad for you.

You have a tremendous amount of love in your heart. You are normal. You form strong bonds. This is not the breed of modernity. Nowadays, people flip bonds like no tomorrow.

I feel bad because you will fall in-love with a girl. She will break your heart. You won't be able to move on for a while. She will rip your beating heart out of your chest and stomp it. You will never be the same ever again. To move on, you will be presented with one hard option. You either have to be one of them and kill every emotion you have or forever be in pain. You will forced to smother the very thing that makes you human to bear this life.

I am so sorry, man. So fucking sorry. You are too good for this world.

Lol stfu

Oh wow a faggot I see!

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So you dream about wonderful women which don't exist in reality? I also dream about science fiction, but it's little more bloody than vagina.

>serial dating
If you're in a 'monogamous relationship', then it better lead to marriage, degenerate.



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It's a succubus. You are being preyed upon by a demon. Take it to /x/

user, can you go into anymore detail about your dream? Like specific things you keep seeing.
If you don't want to here, use this:

Take keywords of things you see and search them, this site has the meanings/interpretations for them.

Pretty much

When you get married these dreams don't end. The woman you dream about does not exist. This is going to be hard for you to accept, but it's just a dream, it's just your ego conjuring up an ideal. That ideal does not have an analog in the real world. You will get married, hopefully to a beautiful woman, but she won't live up to the woman in your dreams. It's an impossible standard. Believe me. Eventually after marriage these dreams will resurface from time to time, and your feelings of loss after waking up will be no different from now, even with you wife laying right next to you. Good luck user.

I had a weird dream I stabbed caveria through a wall in siege then all her guts flew out and I felt bad

Sorry cav