>be me
>18m college freshman
>super liberal campus but it's one of the best places for my major
>meet cute girl in philosophy
>cute, hella smart, sort like that girl next door aspect to her
>kick things off well
>get her snap chat
>talk everyday for about 5 days
>things are going super well
>we live in the same building
>agree to go eat at the restaurant in our building
>things are going great
>laughing alot together, feels like this might work
>asks for Instagram
>give it to her
>she looks disgusted
>remember that my Instagram profile pic is me in a MAGA hat
>she's to nice to not add me on Insta
>go back to our own rooms
>check out her Insta
>posting about bash the fash and dump trump
>so close to a good start to the year
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
If people judge you for what you believe in and not for your personality they cannot be your friends.
There are people, nations and ideas. There are friends, relatives and coreligionists, if they look at you and they see ideology, then they are commisars and not people, they live to spout and enforce words on papers, it's better that you distance yourselves from these people, they never wanted YOU in the first place, only confirmation of their own ideals.
Take this to Jow Forums faggot.
>using social media
Kys now because you'll NEVER make it, zoom zoom.
you dodged a bullet, if she found out you are a MAGA tard after you fucked you would be posting this from a federal prison on (false) rape charges user
Doesn’t seem hella smart to me, seems like a low IQ sheep
You are better off. Story sounds oddly like my freshmen year, without all the social media.
I met a girl in Philosophy too. Ended up having her in my dorm room to “study”. Made my move on her and she rejected it, saying something like “why can’t any of my guy friends just be friends?” She then proceeded to ask me if I had any drugs. She logged into her AIM (Aol Instant Messenger for you youngins) on my laptop, but never logged out. I read her conversation which involved her soliciting herself for drugs from one of her guy friends.
Fuck the stupid out of her. Don't ever bring up politics, but if she confronts you about it, stand your ground. Of course, this relies on her having actual interest in you
Wtf do you have an Instagram?
It's a recurring trend for some reason, students of sciences and mathematics who are very smart folks yet have no social awareness or care for politics whatsoever. Like you can have a 10-hour talk about their favorite subjects but politics for them are a nuisance and they often can't comprehend basic social reasons for certain political ideas. It's why academia is so illusioned these days and you have smart guys otherwise spouting anarchist communistic rhetoric and such.
>18m college freshman
So I'm assuming you're signed up for rush, right?
Pledge a fraternity, user. It's the last bastion of innately white culture at universities. Every one of your brothers will be at least surface-redpilled too.
Houses that are pretty good nationally:
>Sigma Alpha Epsilon
>Sigma Chi
>Phi Delta Theta
>Pi Kappa Alpha
>Alpha Tau Omega
>Theta Chi
>Delta Kappa Epsilon
Ones I would avoid:
>Tau Kappa Epsilon
>Sigma Phi Epsilon
>Sigma Pi
>basically everything else
Don't be a dumbass. That gives y'all hours of material to discuss or debate when typically it would be boring agreements and awkward silences. Now go fuck her.
(I made a living off of fucking hipster lefty chicks in towns like Boulder, Co. and Amherst, Mass. and I'm from Alabama...Dress and talk like it too.)
And philosophy is gay.
Also this, change majors, while younstill can do so fairly easily
>18 year olds being into politics
How cute. But your brains are not fully developed and you both are immature retards. You don’t know shit about anything. Remove your political shit and fuck 18 year old pussy.
Pi Kappa Alpha will have blacks, but they will be based black men.
How does one dress like they are from Bama?
friendly reminder that antifa orbiters literally believe that if they play good doggy for their women they will be rewarded with sex
e.g. this thread and OP
Don't listen to him his tag says he a peepee cuck
Gotta have some way of having contact with people when most of them don't use discord
Like I'm not super political either I just thought is was a decent picture of me
I'll check them out
I'm computer science, philosophy was one of my "diversity" classes I have to take
Hey I liked the picture, I like my guns and I like keeping the illegal spics out of my country
Check this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of TRAaPS and FEMALES!
>be you
>go back to r*ddit
I don't wanna play good doggy to get sex, I want a girl who will make me feel like someone gives a shit about me
she will conform to you or die a cat lady. move on.
women don't want sensitive men except for a provider
if you rely on women for emotional support you will get ghosted
>I don't wanna play good doggy to get sex, I want a girl who will make me feel like someone gives a shit about me
Good for you user, you'll be a lot happier that way. Bitches = headaches. Sure its fun to get your dick wet, but when you're not getting it wet they'll be driving you up a fucking wall. Find a good woman and be happy
I LOVE being the odd man out politically when it comes to poon. It guarantees you'll be the center of attention. Just keep it polite & light hearted. I prefer using humor, but you do your thing. Plus, what better practice for a modern relationship than starting it off with an argument? As a 37 year old oldfag, I'm to the point where I'd like to see how a bitch argues more than she screws because odds are you're gonna be doing a lot more of the former...eventually.
Also, no 18 year old has an ideology set in stone. One witty quip can be transformative.
PDT user here, frats can be pretty based, at least we called out the faggots and always said no homo when, in fact, it was very homo. The 2 am elephant walk around the golf course was not hetero. at all.
He’s right you know
I would like to think I'm respectful, I don't care if someone disagrees with me talking politics just makes both people better at arguing imo, if they both respect each other
I wear literal Alabama gear most of the time. Overalls too.
this. I'm a pike, and we had a few Cubans in my pledge class. Super based, athletic, and great wingmen. frat bros will be the best bros you could have, and most of them are redpilled
Hey baby, your almost as sexy as my sister
>phi delt
>elephant walk
Every time.
t. SAE
Try using the phone retard.
>>so close to a good start to the year
Either own up to your shit like a man, fucking bravely and unashamed, or fold like a little beta bitch and watch as Chad Thundercock plows the pussy you wanted for yourself. If you truly support or believe in something, especially if it goes against a woman's values, and you're completely unapologetic for your own views you'll find her panties soaked like you would not believe.
Question for mutt anons. do normie white girls in the US legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to say? As a bong who lives in a 99% white area I find it very hard to imagine desu But with everything I see here, it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns constantly + spend all day talking about how much they hate you online and want you to die. Obviously that cannot be true but what’s actually going on irl? Do they hate you for real? This is so bizarre as someone looking in from the outside. Do zoomer white girls hate you guys?
Based Greek
mfw i realized there was more than 18 holes to worry about
Frats are a great idea. Move on from this roastie. Women who're that invested in politics aren't worth your time, those are the single cat moms of tomorrow.
Any girl I've ever interacted with that was deep into politics was either a
>massive slut
>coal burner
Don't beat yourself up over it user. Keep an eye out for a girls girl, someone who wants to bear white babies and be a good wife. This girl you're talking to should be avoided. Sure she might be cute, but she will be a cancer in your life.
What the fuck did you expect?
I don’t discuss politics with girls at all until after I have fucked them. If they bring up politics, just treat her like a child and nod and change the subject.
But once you’ve fucked her, women will accept any political opinions you have, to justify the fact that they fucked you
Dear user, I have atleast one-upped you in one respect- but not in another. But same FUCKING story though for the most part.
>Be me in spring 2019 semester in 5 classes
>philosophy is one of them
>meet this cute white brazilian girl
>absolutely gorgeous and full european
>she's also catholic
>I was studying chinese at the time so her and I started talking at first about chinese and language learning
>she was laughing a ton, she wears cute glasses and she's like an 8/10 (hell man she is cute)
>she had tried learning korean and sign language and she was actually pretty good at sign language
>talk to her more and more that day when I met her after talking about languages
>I decide inside my thoughts that this girl is great and I would love to pop babies out of her
>ask her out on a date in person
>she says: "do you mean like as friends? Or?? (More serious)"
>I say: "well I guess both haha"
Continuing to part 2.....
>she says: "I'm sorry, I would love to, but I have a boyfriend. I really want to be friends with you though, you're a really great guy."
>we exchange numbers and I hug her goodbye and she kisses me on the cheek (she is brazilian guys so she probably does that to everyone as a nice gesture)
>on my instagram (only made one to keep up with my boys in a group chat) and I see her contact line-up with an account
>check it out
>pictures of her boyfriend and her and stuff
>pictures of her at catholic church (FUCK SHE IS CUTE ANONS)
>all is cool guys, I just chill out and study with my shit-ton of classes
>still talk to her lots of times through text and she is always so sweet and flattering
>period of time through the summer where we don't talk at all (she was in brazil and stuff)
>sitting down at beginning of this current semester on the first day sitting down waiting for my modern western civilization class to start
>she walks up to me, I look up at her
>she is so excited
>she scared the shit out of me
>I hug her and she hugs me and she gives me a kiss on the cheek again
>we sit down and I share some banana bread I baked with her
>she had never tried banana bread before
>I talk with her for like an hour about her classes, my classes, her trip to brazil, and how we both are doing
>it was amazing
>check her instagram out of curiousity
>boyfriend pictures all gone
tldr: user meets qt in philosophy, grows massive balls and asks her out because she's clearly worth it, learns she has boyfriend but still talks, and now in a new predicament...
It's all about emotion user. Whatever is the most emotional point of view or opinion is what most white women take. Don't know about the white girl black guy thing but I'm pretty sure it's because the black guys find their own women ugly and annoying or something. The sassy black wife who always suspects her partner is cheating on her is a trope yes, but all tropes come from a place of reality
I don't plan on backing down, I'm not playing good doggy to get some pussy
I didn't , it was just on my Insta, totally forgot about the picture
It's a meme bro. Nigger tier white women go for the blacks. Then all the fit cuties go for the chads and end up settling too late, or never at all. If you lived here you can spot the chicks who associate with nnniggers from a mile off. Tell tale signs, tats, expensive sneakers, track suits, newport cigarettes, excessive tint on a kia optima, talks like a black, nigger tier boom boom music, it can be pretty obvious desu
Fpbp unironically
What city? Also most comp sci programs are fucked now, especially any coastal program. Its too difficult for most people so they had to tone it down and add a lot of handicaps. Philosophy is based if you can find a decent program that isn't just ethics and continental crap. Analytic philosophy and metalogic should be in everyone's education
>hella smart
>snapchat/instakike whore
No user, no.
I'm sure someone can post the graphs but white women are amongst the most loyal to their race despite the constant bombardment of BMWF propaganda thrown at them daily. You can safely ignore the kike demoralizers here
nice going you social retard. only an imbecile would wear that hat to begin with.
>Supports an unironic fascist
>Gets upset when people think you're an asshole
user, surely you can't be this retarded.
She wants your cock user
I'm in Ohio, so really this state goes either way
Pic related
All these frat posts are really making me consider it, anyone know how that works financially?
>use social media
it could be worse
you could've never found out she was retarded
you could've had kids with her
she could've forced your son to be a woman
bullshit if a girl likes you she doesnt give a fuck what your politics are, if anything she'd do a cutesy act just to shittest you and tease you and get even more attention from you
completely made up bullshit made by some pathetic leftist who thinks other people will pretend to have certain political beliefs just to try and get laid, like himself
the only other possibility is you arent lying and she was never interested in you for any reason other than being some beta faggot to give her free shit or a shoulder to cry on while she gets fucked by chads who dont care about her
Go for it user. She sounds almost perfect
young white women are still mostly leftists who think that not letting niggers flood in means we live in a nazi dystopia
>I’m a Pike
Fuck you guys
t. Florida state and not pike
Political differences are a good thing in a healthy relationship. They remind people how to debate logically. They give couples something to discuss. They teach you to agree to disagree.
Embrace it. Make it work anyways. Pretend to concede some points to her and she'll do the same. Find middle ground. It'll work out, bro. Keep at it.
Lmao I see that alot I just like my guns and I don't like spics user, Im not a facist for wanting to defend my family and my country, all while wanting to increase the freedom of the individual person and not be told what to do by a huge invasive government
>find a middleground
lmaoing at your life, you're going to get cucked so hard, pretending to give a fuck what women think
freedom for the individual person is the reason why we're in this mess you fucking retard
if employers didnt get away with hiring illegals we wouldnt have a problem with illegals
faggot ass libertarian cuck moron
this isnt your blog, faggot.
pay denbts
Can't you guys ever come up with your own memes? Also, nice paragraph for what's supposed to be a simple ideology
Will the left ever be able to meme?
That's what you get for having Snapchat and Instagram accounts faggot.
I think she does, she's the one that started the conversation, she was acting all cutesy and excited anytime I replied to her
tHe fReE mArKeT wIlL fIx eVeRyThInG
>she was acting all cutesy and excited anytime I replied to her
many girls act like that when they get attention from fucking anybody
>Reading is hard
>going for women at university
user, as a fellow 18 year old University freshman also doing compsci, you need to change your tactics.
Finding a good chick our age is impossible, and you think you’re gonna find her at uni? Mate, you’re either courageous or stupid.
Just be like me, only 18 and already fucking cheap Asian prostitutes, you’ll be happier.
based greekbro
>thinking we're NPCs for rebelling against modern society with traditionalism
>thinking you're a free thinker and "progressive" for adopting the same failed ideologies that arise around the end of every single failing empire since civilization arose, of being a feminist who loves immigrants
go back to twitter fuckin normie
seek other girl, lad. why you need to compromise your own belief just for the sake of the one that will probably dont love you as much as you do?
Yeah honestly, I'm basically nazi-man (atleast to any woman who will find out my political side). But still I talk to women though who are basically hillary-girl. Let's look at it this way:
>I know my reasonings are sound because I have brought in lots of evidence and statistics as premises to support my political conclusions
>I can convert a girl by being nice and respectul- how every man should behave (but never revealing all of what I think) and hearing her ideas as they flow from her mouth and me adding correction to them through beginner-level analysis. (Giving them evidence for why my correction to their thinking is reasonable)
I mean- these women are thinking with good intentions. Let's look at abortion. Women think they are doing more good than harm whwn supporting abortion. But at the same time- we know that anyone truly supporting abortion such as the crowds in support of planned parenthood are really just NPCs that are swayed in their anger and support by someone who has something to gain by them believing that. It is all emotional. But if you actually show women the videos of babies dying and talk to them about the depression that follows (not only abortion) but being able to get out of your responsibility, they might reconsider. Truly in my case, I saw exactly what the holy bible says about responsibilities and discipline coming true- and therefore took my stand against abortion. I mean who wants their daughter doing that shit.
you have been already friend zoned, nigger. Its over. All she can see when looking at you is "a nice guy" that she can have orbiting around her for the next years while she rides the cock carousel, occasionally letting you have some too until you are burned out, depressed and suicidal. Thats when she tells you that you deserve someone better than her and walks off sucking more dick. After you have overcome your anxiety in your 30 and start dating again she will message you telling you she is ready to settle down and raise a family.
I am married with 5 kids. My wife is a stay-at-home mother. She is a 130 IQ ex-Geothermal Engineer turned trad wife.
Not all women are thots.
Just the women who you might ever have a chance with.
Ok user. I'm going to assume you're not a troll. If you're 18, you're likely in your libertarian phase of your political ideology. No one reasonable actual stays a libertarian. You'll eventually turn far-right if you determine that brown people are the reason you're not successful and/or feel disenfranchised in the economy, or you'll turn some form of libertarian-left if you determine that elites and multi-national coporations are the reason why you're disenfranchised.
Trump and the Republican party are not, and never have been, pro-small government. It's pure propaganda. He's dialed up our deficit more than almost any other president, he's gone further on implementing gun control than any other president, he's constantly enriching pharmaceutical companies and the military industrial complex, illegal immigration has exploded under Trump and he himself has illegals working at his properties, and sending billions of our tax dollars to Isreal and middle Eastern wars. You seem to believe Trump's words without actually looking at any of his policies. Ask yourself why that is.
>supporting miga
Please leave
You still support Donny?
they hate cuz they anus
You dodged a bullet you moron. If she majors in philosophy, she's dumb as fuck. Had she not known you were a trump supporter, she would have tried to turn you into a basedboy or falsely accuse you of rape.
Retarded girls need dick too
I don't use social media, but if she change her mind and attitude after seeing you wearing a hat, I'd say you dodged a bullet.
At first glance user you look to be fucking right man.
But then I took into account the fact that my last relationship that I had (in highschool from 2016-2017) really fucked me up when it comes to my anxiety over relationships and now I know what I can possibly get into. I heed your warning, but I can definitely handle the worst that may come and avoid it by seeing it pre-batshit. Emotional abuse from women sucks. Yes I was younger and weak-minded, but still I don't think it'll ever leave me. Thanks user for the good thoughts. I'll make a sharp move in and ask for some time with her somewhere around the campus on a tuesday or thursday- then make my move and really ask her on a date again. If it all works out- 6 more white babies coming into the world once I finish my chemical engineering degree boys. If it doesn't work out, there's a cute girl in my modern western civ class man. Got to have options- not to be sleazy, but to know who your future wife may be.
Stfu Indian faggot go syskey some retard
I am definitely pretty libertarian, I will have to do more research on that sort of shit. Most of my news is Crowder, Tim pool, Paul Joseph Watson, etc.. I know I should read more but that's all I've really done, in the end doesn't make me better then some cnn watching npc but that's all I've really cared to watch in the past
Hard to reply to so many of you faggots, nice reading all your shit though, I appreciate the guys who are saying either it's a strength to have different opinions, or that she is already lost. She's already replied to me today though and said good morning and shit, idk it might just be my anxiety that made me think she really hates me cause of it, we will see I guess
Let's just admit that killing commies is not the same as killing people
Should probably also specific this, she is a biomedical engineering major. Never said that, philosophy is one of our like core classes we have to take, should have made that more clear
cum in her pussy
Who gives a shit what they think? The vast majority will simply not vote unless they've been bullied into the booth by their peers and thankfully it doesnt happen often enough to be a concern
you and your wife are clearly just old boomers, she would be a whore if she was raised with as much power as modern young women have
yeah theyre more likely to fuck a shitskin than they are to vote in their interest. thats why i care. im not gonna fuck women who think its basically ok to engage in bestiality, even to steal your money in child support or alimony just to go fuck an animal, maybe even give that animal the "father" role of your children
Fake story. Ultra liberal thots go even more crazy for conservative men. We shouldn't stick our dicks in them, but they are hard to keep at bay.
I'm gonna call bullshit. You mean like conservative chads?
Go read on the JQ.
I mean your average conservative dude