Saint Brenton

Reminder: Brenton Tarrant visited Israel in 2016 as a part of the Birthright program. I just wanted you to know. He also extensively traveled Europe, and made frequent posts online about his "extremist views." The New Zealand Secret Service was undoubtedly aware of him. Did you know that during the Christchurch earthquake a van was crushed by a piece of concrete, killing an Israeli national? Did you know that Israeli national was a member of Mossad, and his death helped to expose a ring of Mossadi agents operating out of Christchurch?

In fact, Shurat HaDin has offices in New Zealand. Shurat HaDin, you'll remember, is a Mossadi law firm.

You remember the Lavon affair of 1954, don't you?

It's okay. I just thought I'd remind you.

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Who's your other favorite mass shooter that visited Israel? Mine is Breivik - He went nine times that I'm aware of. In fact, he called the Jews allies. Did you know that Mossad carried out an assassination in Norway, called the Lillehammer affair? This took place in 1973. I don't think they left. Surely, this is something you remember, too.

>Shills still seething against Saint Brenton Harrison Tarrant and our Prophet Anders Behring Breivik,

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The Lillehammer affair is one of their sloppiest jobs. They misidentified a man as their target, stalked him, and killed him at home. They used hired cars to stake out his house constantly with multiple people.

In fact, a woman got in a pool with him once just to listen to him talk. Mossad employs women, too. So progressive...

Anyway, did you know in New Zealand you need police interviews to obtain fire arms?

Hi meme flag. Glad you could join us. Which part do you take issue with? I haven't made any comment on either of them, just pointed out some things they've done and said. I guess I talked about Mossad a bit, too. Do you know how hard it is to get an automatic weapon in New Zealand?

Not that hard if you apply for a gun loicense and obtain it, I guess.
Go on, your seething rants amuse me.

Anyway, I've gotta go to work now. If the thread's still up when I finish my shift I'll come back to talk about some neat connections between the Christchurch ring and Tarrant's travel agencies. I don't think anybody's brought those up yet, and they really are a fascinating rabbit hole.

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