Shouldn't Europe be mad at the US for their refugee problem? After all...

Shouldn't Europe be mad at the US for their refugee problem? After all, it was our stupid invasion of Iraq that caused their mess...

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Most of these people are coming from Syria... Which like most sand nigger countries happened for no logical reason.

Thank you mutt

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Shut the fuck up and keep fighting for Israel, mutt

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>Shut the fuck up and keep fighting for Israel, mutt

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do they have any other comeback other than mutt or get shot

Okay Chinaman

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There is no problem, just a propped scapegoat by populists to become popular. It's how it always works. You unite one group against another and turn it into a "us vs. them" situation. You don't need merit as long as your group perceives "them" to be the cause of the problem.
Bonus points for actually being the cause of their issues and pointing them towards something unrelated

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