>First they came for our bumpstocks
We did nothing
>Now Congress wants to take our Hi Capacity magazines
What will happen on this issue?
>First they came for our bumpstocks
We did nothing
>Now Congress wants to take our Hi Capacity magazines
What will happen on this issue?
Next are heli rides for glow niggers
Look how “shall” was applied to bump stocks
I’m as big gun supporter as it gets; but hi cap mags are a necessity in this country due to muh diversity.
The is being slowly boiled.
What's next? You'll get a limit of 30 rounds for rifle mags, and 20 rounds for pistol mags. Eventually, rifle mags will be down to 10 rounds. And no one will ever do anything about it.
Just like it happened in Europe.
>Just like it happened in Europe.
they did this before 94-04 and people made a killing making mags in their basements anyway, and it was damn impossible to prove in court when the mags were made to the extent they would go pale and dismiss cases due to the plethora of butt fucking bad precedent it could set for them. no one will obey anyway, fuck, at this point they have no authority or legitmacy left just violence and intimidation, which only makes me sperg back harder. bring it faggots.
July 2018 you nogunz