What happened to this man, pol?

Attached: andrew-breitbart-death-reactions-cheat_tqfetn.jpg (1200x675, 56K)

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Cia murdered him
Cia are all traitors

Cia heart attack gun

Same thing that happened to Tom Clancy.


he was brave enough to be the first to publicly mention the pedo thing going on in DC and paid the price

Attached: 1365436520875.jpg (828x660, 85K)

it seems like you try to expose their pedo ways, you get the rope. very interesting and evil

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He went to hell with the rest of his tribe

He died of heart disease, because he was dying from it.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard that needs to go back to flushit

explain how a heart attack gun gives you an enlarged heart you tarddit refugee

Attached: IW4_e8k7TK8FwrtYK2GhnWE6xQNH1PcYavEK0R8EMRE.jpg (640x785, 101K)

A fucking leaf... Always a leaf.

>he was brave enough to be the first to publicly mention the pedo thing going on in DC and paid the price

yes it took them over a year after this tweet to find and murder Andrew Breitbart, a public figure in Washington DC. You have to go back.

It knocks your heart out of rhythm.

Steven Bannon, Bill Whittle, Andrews family and his own fucking doctor who was treating him for heart disease after his first major heart attack found nothing wrong with the coroners findings, idiot.

But you know more about it, right?

learn what an enlarged heart is dipshit, it takes years to develop, and Andrew had one, which caused his prevoous heart attack. back to TD with you


started taking on Hollywood and the pedophiles and suddenly he ended up dead of a massive heart attack

Turn over the thumb drive, then, cia nigger.

you sound pretty attached to what MSM reported

Definitely clintoned. He knew too much.



>13 months later
>after his first heart attack

Filmmaker Steve Bannon, appointed executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network after Breitbart's death, has insisted to WND that the media mogul died of natural causes and to suggest anything else is irresponsible.

"Breitbart had an enlarged heart," Bannon told WND. "He had been hospitalized for the problem last year and told to lose weight that he did not lose."

you sound like a retard thst doesnt understand that andrew breitbart was dying of heart disease

It took a while because people had to send Podesta “movie scripts” with price quotes.


>all heart attacks
>1 heart attack where the the guy was hounding deep stat pedos

why do retards always have to fuck with context in order to make a point?

where's the source of him having a first heart attack?