Remove Kebab - LOL!
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Remove Kebab - LOL!
Never stop sharing, Anons!
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You realize all you Israeli shills are gonna die right?
Can someone explain this phenomenon of images with the white box underneath that have cringe commentary? I see them everywhere now.
I could give two fucks about 9/11, go fuck yourselves. I hope the nuke Iran shoots up your ass is bigger than Texas so I can enjoy the popcorn as it goes BOOM.
never seen this fake shit yet, thanks user, even if you are a shill
he sounds like a leprechaun
>piles of bodies already there
Lol I’m a shill because it makes me really happy to see a bunch of muzlim monkeys be indiscriminately and methodically gunned down? Lol kek
Israel did 9/11 and muslims will kill you and your family.