Let's be honest, Jow Forums

You were fucked the moment you trusted Italians to save the white race

Attached: salvini-triste-ape.jpg (1200x670, 28K)

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One of the many lessons Hitler should have taught us.

Nigerian mafia in Italy

Hey Pasta Fazool niggers. This is an American board. No one gives a fuck.

What if Italians are still going to save Europe ?

They won't lol


Kike, I...

Italia backstabbing Italia...

Attached: ZkoiSscfP5S2mNHvAi-OEI_6JQ5hPxy5P1UogKamp0s.png (500x723, 584K)

Will they enjoy being back into being a EU slave ? Put up with subhumans ? Maybe this vote will make italians react on the long run and give rise to eco-fascisms

what did italy save since 476 AD?

See, the problem with right wing populist politicians (and their voters) is that they are completely retarded.

Salvini has been partying hard all summer instead of fighting to save his government. What an abe, lol.

>user comments on things he knows nothing about

There was nothing to save, they were slowly trying to cuck him on major issues. They were also talking in the background with the globohomo Merkel, Macron, PD for a new government. There will be important regional elections in november and it will be fun seeing m5s crash and burn.

Attached: salvini-ruspa.jpg (480x360, 41K)

I'm gonna miss you danish bro.

what the fuck happened to Luca Traini


>You were fucked the moment you trusted Italians to save north Africa/Greece/Yugoslavia/Italy

Yeah, Salvini should commit sepuku on live TV for messing this up.
Enjoy half of Africa landing on your shores next year.

As long as E.U exists europe is doomed. They will never let anyone destroy (((their))) agenda. Poor britfags cant even brexit.

>fighting to save his government
the only thing he could have done to save it is if he drowned himself, lol

Everything was fine until he thought:
"mmmhhh i'm bored. You know what would be funny? If I give Italy another 4 years of hard globalist left government for no fucking reason. LOL!"

>See, the problem with right wing populist politicians (and their voters) is that they are completely retarded.

This really does seem to be the case. Every time the word "populist" comes up you get mouth breathing retards like Salvni or Trump who drive the country into the ground because they can't be bothered to govern.

How many times do you jews need to be kicked out of Italy before you learn?

>"mmmhhh i'm bored. You know what would be funny? If I give Italy another 4 years of hard globalist left government for no fucking reason. LOL!"

Based Salvni crashing Italy with not survivors.

>If I give Italy another 4 years of hard globalist left government
Unironically the only good thing cuckvini did so far. Hopefully zinga can fix the mess he made, at least spread is already being fixed which is a HUGE boost for the economy

Not a jew and unlike selfini I am extremely anti zionist and anti Israel because it is a fascist nation

An absolute joke of a man and nigger doesn't even wants to stay here,they just want to move on North

I think its the same with every new anti mainstream movement no matter the policy.

First reason is lack of experience, party organisation and human resources and the second the type of people such parties bring together. They are often contrarian, eccentric or/and outcast from other parties, which make it hard for them to rule, where some degree of cooperation and group work is necesery.