New movie

No threads on this? Looks funny.

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despite the agenda clearly being pushed by this and pretty much all western interpretations of the nazis, I still love to see them and the hitler youth in this case being depicted

death of stalin was a great satire about the soviet union. i have my doubts about this because it has kids and its clearly going for a much more comedic, slapstick route. also not politics

Just gonna drop this here:
~100 min of shitting on commies.
Have fun.

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The guy playing Hitler/the director is a Maori Jew. Stop promoting pedowood trash, boycott all jewish industries

This is Jow Forums, political issues can be discussed here newfriend. Something controversial due to POLITICS is well entitled to a thread on Jow Forums.

Doesn't play for me lad

at least no black hitler

Error 403?
Try this:

I was interested, until the blatant OH VEY'ing at the end of the trailer.
Why can't Hollywood just do a simple Mel Brooks tier parody of National Socialism without putting an overt agenda into it?

this is not a political movie. fuck off

tfw no black female hitler

honestly: this is just bad taste

if you still watch hollywood shit at this point, you are retarded and part of the problem

Just to be clear, I dont think this looks like a good movie. I just think its funny how they had the balls to present hitler youth, the swastika, bookburning etc even if satire. I can see jews and holohoax “survivors” raising hell over this.

I want to see that movie "The Day the Clown Cried", where Jerry Lewis was a clown that entertained kids at death camps.

Attached: The_Day_the_Clown_Cried[1].png (259x329, 138K)

Why would you go to that sketch link bro?

What is this man
I'm high as fuck

Youjo Senki

Attached: nigdss.png (1718x1061, 1.6M)

>I'm high as fuck
so am i and the first thought when i saw that link was im not clicking on that shit

bro you retarded

Movie is real bad tho

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It's just fuckin Hollywood garbage. Nothing too real.