He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?

He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>meme flag
How come he hasn't said anything about Hezbollah? Kek. He's gonna drain the swamp and let you Israelis die.

Sure he will. Any day now. He is just biding his time. Soon, he will reveal his plan. All of this is just 4d chess. Just continue to support him. He would never lie to you. Trump is the smartest man alive. The Dems and the Jews fear him, that is why they hate him. If he does not get it done by 2020, you need to convince all of your American friends to vote for him again. If he needs to get it done in his second term, it is only because he is planning an even bigger plan to capture all of the Globalists on the entire planet and round them up into concentration camps and make white women have sex with all of the white men and sterilize all non-whites and please just keep trusting him all you have to do is just trust him and support him.

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He filled it with more alligators and water moccasins instead.

The truth is the swamp was trumped from the start

>He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?

He is the swamp.

Likely will be drained in 14mths or so.

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one term president and made it impossible for repubs to ever win again, and that's a good thing

bitch he is the swamp. hes a cesspool of filth and decay and will be the last us president because hes a dumpster fire. either another great depression, or the civilized world gets sick of this JerUSAlem issue and understandably nukes the fuck out of this cancer on earth

Only the most high can drain the swamp at this point

if he doesn't then Yang, Bernie, and Biden sure as hell won't. at-least he calls out the corrupt media, and still pisses off most of the jewish buisness leaders and normies

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2018 will be glorious


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I agree with all you say except that image. hes gonna win. they're gonna put biden vs trump. and trump will when. they LOVE him, he's their best little goy.

I know one man can't do this much shit. but since hes been president every thing sucks ass. censorship. white genocide accelerated via mass shootings, Israel will soon finish Greater Israel. then it will be The Land Of Israel and if your lucky they will decapitate you. if not you'll be one of the 2800 slaves for every single jew. fuck this mossad project piece of shit

how the fuck retards on here fell for him, i will never understand

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The Swamp always wins.
Qtards will neck themselves in 25 days.

inb4 trust the boomer plan

>He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?
Nope, but we gots us a SPACE COMMAND!

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I supported Trump and im one of you but dont think you think orange man bad? Personally I regret voting for orange man because he bad and I wont do it again.

If republicans keep the senate, and retake the house, and he gets re-elected, then yes he will it’s a deep swamp.

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Seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

Next time. Be sure to vote in 2020.

>He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to drain the swamp when you have the top most powerful people in the world all trying to stop you?????

It's going to take time and it's going to be a slow process.....kind of like taking a sledge hammer to the berlin wall. It may take a thousand whacks....but we will bring that wall down.

The swamp is draining....it's slow...but it's draining.


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No, he already drained it. What's left are the vermin screeching with their tentacles in the air for swamp air. In his second term he bombs the swamp.


Is this a new pasta?



>drain the swamp
Do you really expect the King of the Jews to do such a thing?

You fucking moron, people like you are worse than the fucking kikes i swear. This orange pile of shit has unilateral constitutional authority to remove these illegals from the nation, and hasnt done it. He is an incompetent boomer, surrounded by kikes, his favorite people.

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Nope, he was the final piece to keep anyone who might've taken action from doing so. Giving just enough hope and promises to keep everyone complacent while the rest of the pieces were set.

Trump made John Bolton his national security advisor and put a Christian fundamentalist, Pompeo, at the top of the CIA. When Pompeo went to the State Department, he replaced him with a woman who was engaged in torture programs for the CIA.

If you think he's there to "drain the swamp" still, you are very uninformed and possibly a retard. He's not building you a wall, either. He's a puppet for the ZOG, and that's all he'll ever be.

Plan who?

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No, instead he's going to confiscate his supporters' firearms and ban video games. What a world, huh?

>If republicans keep the senate, and retake the house, and he gets re-elected, then yes he will it’s a deep swamp.
THIS! Trump is up against the entrenched, civil service law protected HOUNDS of HELL! He has fired James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and Peter Strozk, as well as taking away John Brennan's security clearance! He has DISMANTLED most of Obama's EPA mandates and is KICKING ASS on many other Big Gov't, anti-Liberty mandates.

In addition, he has part of the Populism Movement that is TOTALLY DISMANTLING the Globalists Bankster Economic Order and is telling their "fair haired boy servant" (their "work horse" to enrich them)- Communist China- to FUCK OFF!

Donald Trump is the HAND GRENADE which we threw into DC !!!!

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I do not know whether to laugh or cry
I guess both

don't listen to Satanic memeflag

What do you have against treehuggers?


Here's a Clinton era State Department employee that plead guilty to conspiring with China

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>He's a puppet for the ZOG, and that's all he'll ever be.
You are insane with your "that's all he'll ever be" comment. Trump is RADICALLY challenging (and changing) our former "catch and release", bullshit illegal immigration policy and is- along with the other populists in Britain, Poland, Hungary, Italy, etc- telling the Global Bankster World Order oligarchs to "Fuck Off!".

In addition, he is STRONGLY challenging their preference for China as their work-horse (which enriched them).

He is the FIRST (and ONLY) President which we've had in fifty years who has stood for America First. Yes, he favors Israel in the Middle East (over the Ragheads)- but why is that so bad and how does that change what I just stated above?!

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One of Huma Abedin's cousins got prosecuted!

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He is the swamp
Now turn over the gun ammo and assecories

As a wise man once said..
Arriba arriba! andale! andale!
Cuz we still got more work to do! MAGA

Page 269 of the Mueller Report for reference

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Drain deez nutz, OP.

>I do not know whether to laugh or cry
>I guess both
Donald Trump is a BEAST of an ALPHA MALE and the HAND GRENADE which we threw into DC. He is radically challenging and changing the Globalist Bankster's "America Last" anti-White Male cabal and putting America First!

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What’s 25 days from now?

Oh, so you’re saying HILLARY was going to drain the swamp. Got it.

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Not sure if irony or not ...
Found the Q user boomer.
Power fantasy post
Boomer Q user power fantasy

>This orange pile of shit has unilateral constitutional authority to remove these illegals from the nation, and hasnt done it. He is an incompetent boomer, surrounded by kikes, his favorite people.

FUKKK off and die, stormfag!

I was on SF since 2003...I'm a knights templar....I hate you stormfags now.

I'm a WN and I HATE Stormfags!



1488 for TRUMP

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The stupid is off the charts

Guess I should have voted for Jeb instead!

He won't be winning 2020. Not even if he has Israel helping him. He won't win. He is a one-term Cheeto.

We all did what we could
No regrets
I just stopped using hopium
Its a hell of a drug but i am clean now

He's getting it all in place right now.
Timing is everything.
The drain-plug will be pulled when the election is in full swing, so it will have the most impact on voters.

Why would he start it now, when it would be old news by the time the election rhetoric is most intense?
When you see the deep-state falling, why would you NOT vote for this man?

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Why 25 days?

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No, I don't think so. He just moved in.

No Autism...

Just HATE Stormfags!

>This [Trump] has unilateral constitutional authority to remove these illegals from the nation
No, he does not.
We have a little thing called "due process" and every one of these illegal invaders has applied for asylum, and even though almost 100% of them will be denied it, our Constitution and immigration laws demand they get a hearing.

In an attempt to utilize a loophole and avoid this, Trump has extended fast-track deportation (deportation of an illegal without a hearing) from the former 100-miles-from-border limit, to the entire United States.

You claim he's not doing anything, but he's been doing everything in his power as the Chief Executive to deport invaders.

And now that it's starting to work, you want to kick him out and put in a Democrat traitor that will reverse his policies.
One would almost think you're working for other traitors yourself, like Shareblue or a Soros-paid group.

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Unless by “drain the swamp” you mean “erode Constitutional rights and give billions to Israel,” then no.

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how can I once again be this blue pilled, the pain..

>No, instead he's going to
>going to

Why is it that you never-Trumper's predictions about what Trump is "going to" do NEVER really happen?


You're arguing with commies, shareblue fags, and Demofaggot traitors, you know.

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A man can't care about his nation if he doesn't care about his own family. A serial adulterer can never really love his country. I only hoped that his narcissism would hold him to account on reigning in immigration, but I underestimated his duplicity. It's clear that he is only interested in establishing his family as a political dynasty, no matter how much joojoo cum he has to swallow.

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Thats the easiest explanation
Soon, soonish, next week...
Are you snorting or shooting hopium?

>Unless by “drain the swamp” you mean “erode Constitutional rights and give billions to Israel,” then no.

Take some civic classes, you dimwitted FAGGOT!

The President is only 1 branch of government...there are 3 branch with equal power. The President can't do shit on his own....he needs consent from the other branches.

If you think Trump can just build the wall on his own and kick out all the illegal niggers, then you need to kill yourself!

>He’s not going to drain the swamp, is he?

No. He never intended to.

He lied.

>emergency powers
Did you miss him ordering fedex?

>zog shills = discord trannies/islamo-fascist propaganda
how unironic
>hur eroding muh rights
which rights? abortion and healthcare aren't rights, get a job
>hur hes teh swump
please brainlets, tell us who is the chosen one that will defeat the jews and finally bring utopia to the land, ill wait
>inb4 voting doesn't matter the illuminati jews control the whole world with lizard baby eaters and the jews also the jews and Zionism did it
shills forever btfo you faggots are so obvious
maga 2020

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>lefty meme words
Didnt read

>Did you miss him ordering fedex?

The president can't build the wall on his own and his can't deport 20 million illegals on his own either.

Stupid people need to DIE!

its true, Trump hsa placed Anti-NWO Jesuits in positions of power, there is currently a civil war between the elites,


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Sure he can
Thats what the whole fear was with Obama's tan suit
Its actually power armor

i really just wait a radical and sensible social reform

these ghettos are festering trash filled violent hellholes and theyre growing larger and slowly turning once nice modest neighborhoods into absolute shit. this bullshit needs to stop.

He's been doing everything he said he'd do, all along, and the best you leftards have is to constantly deny it.

We know who you are, we know who your bosses are, and here's a little clue...

WE put Trump in office, WE are going to keep him there, and WE are going to choose his successor.

And his successor will be far more nationalistic and pro-white than Trump is.
You are going to have to live through this, and see every one of your past victories overturned and crushed under marching feet.

Remember this: Jow Forums will be laughing at you every step of the way.

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Well you would think he would have taught the liberals to not trust government, but not so much.

Nope. If they can kill Epstein in the cell he was in, get away free and dismiss everything about it in court. Then there ain't nobody draining that swamp.

>Low IQ
>most definitely a wage slave
If you haven't made money off the market(aka the economy) since Trump came into office your the definition of low iq. Enjoy working your 40-50 hours a week for the rest of your life.

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>thinking paper money matters

>This thread is full of Chinks

You are an absolute cuck, and your faggot president is lubing you up for jewish cock and you can’t spread your asscheeks fast enough. Trump should have declared the border crisis a national emergency on day one, but he didn’t because he’s more concerned with blowing Netanyahu and pandering to brainlets like yourself.

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What if being fucked over is my fetish?

Hezbollah is beating the fuck out of the Jews, right now, and Trump hasn't intervened at all.

You're full of shit.




No one actually believe your kike propaganda. Seriously TRY HARDER, your posts make this thread barely readable

>no longer
Means you never were, fag

I feel your pain
But you cant speak for Jow Forums
Doubt Jow Forums has any consensus on this issue
Moar like Jow Forums is currently divided cuz of it

>top brass of intel all replaced
>large swaths of the federal government cut funding, positions and left unfilled for years
>Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk fired all gone and relegated to harping on CNN and Twitter and garnering ever growing public hatred
>so many dirty corrupt neocon republican politicians retiring

Do you really think that the people are not paying attention? Trump is going to win 2020 in an even bigger margin than in 2016

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Then there’s no help for you, I guess.

Be free, user

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Ooh tell me more about this payday loan from master moshi

Yes, the billions of dollars Trump has sluiced into Israel definitely has nothing to do with funding the IDF and Mossad. You’re a retard and you deserve a puppet as a leader.

>Living in this Zog nation

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I admired his enthusiasm for dismantling the political machine, but no I never expected him to actually do it. No one has been able and no one will ever.