There is no such thing as "peaceful protest", ALL protest is based on physical coercion and the implicit threat of violence.
I don't care if there's a hundred church niggers in the streets singing hymns. The ACTUAL unspoken message that is being sent is "we can organize a hundred niggers to take control of the streets from you, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Give in to our demands or else."
Same goes for hippies holding sit ins, homosexual pride rallies, and feminist slut-walks. The actual intended message is always "we have taken this space from you, and there will be consequences if you try to take it back from us, so submit".
Taking spaces only works if you can set up the narrative. See what happened with right wing rallies. The projection of narrative (as in propaganda, superior to a castrated projection of force) set up the stage so the space was taken back with a judo move comprised of scaremongering and power structures already rooted into that very soil before the right wing came.
The other way to succeed in taking that space is nothing short of swift and violent eradication of the structures and protesters. No half-way.
Tyler Murphy
so basically do nothing except mass murder that makes everyone hate you?
You mong.
Wyatt Thomas
Nothing is peaceful in power struggle, it's all about dominance.
Joseph Martin
Hahaha OP you and all your friends will be killed by muslims like your kike commander
>I’m anti Semitic Yeah just like Zionists are. You're an Israeli who will be killed in the upcoming war.
Ethan Cooper
Ok schizo
Xavier Morgan
Yeah but we don’t need to larp as the IRA
Adam Cruz
Having the ability to place 100 people ready to fight anywhere in the country is more threatening and useful than having one or two people go on shooting sprees in Walmart’s.