Redpill me. Why would I want to live under an authoritarian government? Why should I sacrifice individual determinism for nationalism?
What makes natsoc superior to a free state?
Redpill me. Why would I want to live under an authoritarian government? Why should I sacrifice individual determinism for nationalism?
What makes natsoc superior to a free state?
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany transformed into GDR (and US puppet gay west germany).
So its unshaken proof
German Democratic Republic > III Reich.
There already is order
Socialism is your strength comrade. Because if you let us consolidate and pool all the real assets that your shitty nation has created and saved up for itself, and let me put it under one jurisdictional banner of a nebulous organization that you don't know who rules it (private central jewish bank) so that we can wrap it up and hide in under a pretty pink bow, then make it disappear, like the gold in Fort Knox, and then sell you paper debt and inflict Usury upon it, as if it were money.
Go to time Index 2:13:33 for a lead on pic related.
Because individualism has been tried and has lead to a nation of degeneracy.
Damn it you turn my water into German beer.
>What makes natsoc superior to a free state?
Notice pic.
However, degeneracy must be harnessed, and will never truly go away. All you will end up doing is slaughtering innocent citizens until there is no one left, the way Hitler did. Toward the end of the war he sent an order to "kill anyone who even looks weird." That is irrationality taken to the extreme. It was a perversion of Nietzsche's philosophy, taken to the heights of necrophilia. This is the ultimate truth, and one must give up his individuality for the betterment of the collective:
>You'll eventually come to the conclusion that the Nazis were nearly right. You'll disapprove of abortion (in most cases) and want white people to reproduce more (after the exile of niggers and Hispanics). You will you see nothing wrong with eugenics to create the ultimate white race. You'll see nothing wrong with homosexuality and the beta male white male proletariat who like to look submissive, innocent and cute for this new race of masculine ruling elite whites, but you will disapprove of gay marriage. You will not see a problem with this natural dominant/submissive male aspect, but you will see anal sex as completely disgusting because it's shit and will ban sodomy again. Your views will be complicated. You will give up your individuality and preoccupation with the "self", and complete masculine dominance/submission will preoccupy your fantasies. In order to stop white beta males from lashing out through mass shootings, we must get them to accept their role in society by allowing them to play out their submissive, emotional tendencies while encouraging white women to reproduce with white alpha males who are tall, naturally muscular, large framed, big penis, etc. The world has already started turning this way. It is a matter of how we harness this nihilism for the benefit of the white race.
Nietzschean music to listen to as you ponder what I have said:
NS is only useful as a tool to gain power after things return to normal everyday will feel like a blowjob in comparison to clown world.