They have a point you know

They have a point you know...

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be like that bee and the trannies and kill yourself

So they want to fuck the bee without drawing the ire of the FBI?
I was right in suspecting that it was just a fetish after all.
Sticking your penis into a gaping wound which is constantly trying to close is not healthy OP.
Seek help, or death.

there is usual a how associated with anime waifus being 700 year old dragon witches

so explain the how for trans bees


So, they saying it's not real?

Trans people are lying again, it's like lying is a part of their identity or something. Imagine signing a contract with any of these psychos.

>minecraft bee
>hostile as fuck and will attack you for the slightest provocation
>immediately kills itself afterwards

sounds like a tranny yep

According to all laws of aerodynamics, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.

So they are made up?

Im not seeing 700 year old waifues becoming protected classes anytime soon.
>someone better tweet this at notch if OP is someone of importance