Daily reminder that Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States and will cancel all medical debt and...

Daily reminder that Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States and will cancel all medical debt and college debt.

>B-But user!! How will he possibly pay for this???

The same way your current fascist is paying for the wall. Cut funding from the military and use it for the greater good. That and the wall-street tax.

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Yeah, just like he's going to cut the prison population in half. There are 2.3mil people in prison. 221,000 are in federal prison. Bernie Sanders thinks he's going to wave a magic wand and 929,000 state prisoners will be released.

It's a lie, you fucking retard. He can't cancel that debt, and he has zero authority to pardon STATE prisoners.

Obviously it wont be as clear cut as him becoming president and saying "Your debt is now canceled" you incompetent dipshit. He plans to do this all by introducing legislation. Why are borgars so fucking retarded?

>It's not a lie.. because... because... if it doesn't happen it's not his fault!
It won't happen. Just like Harris'
>I'm going to give billions to niggers!!!
idea. It will not happen. The president doesn't have the authority to make it happen. Making a PROMISE based on the idea of
>gosh, I gotta get EVERYONE ELSE in on it
is not a promise. It's a lie. Some (like these three examples) are more blatant than others.

Closing the tab because you're obviously retarded.

If he pushes the legislation and it doesn't get passed it is his fault is a stance that you're willing to stand by? That's fucking retarded. God I hate interacting with you incels you have literally NO idea how any system actually functions, nonetheless your own fucking country.

>I'm going to give billions to niggers!!!
idea. It will not happen. The president doesn't have the authority to make it happen. Making a PROMISE based on the idea of
>gosh, I gotta get EVERYONE ELSE in on it

What are you even talking about user. Where in this thread am I talking about Bernard Sanders giving money to niggers. I hate you fucking borgars so much.

>is not a promise. It's a lie. Some (like these three examples) are more blatant than others.

It's a fucking shame that when he becomes president people like you are going to be included in things like having no medical debt and getting your student loans canceled.

You have been visited by the Laura of unloved threads.

Having garnered only 4 replies and currently teetering on the edge of the board, your struggle for survival appears to be a hopeless one. May this thread find its peace in death.

Attached: Laura.png (266x218, 49K)



May the Bern be with you

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Unlike Obama, he's not going to ignore the people who put him in the WHite House.
"Not Him, Us"
He's going to organize us to put pressure on the dumb fucks in Congress to make some changes to improve this fucking country

All Heil Bernie!