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These wow threads are mega cringe, you fags just continue on proving yourselfs wrong with every step of the way and then complain online.
If you bought into this to "re-live the old days" is just sad. Also why wipe good memories with shitty new ones.
It won't be the first time for you ever again playing wow, accept that and move on.
>inb4 shill yada yada yada

probably will in the dead of winter when going outside is ridiculous anyway

Im home

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Congrats, you took the blue pill... AGAIN!

>carrot on a stickcraft: 2004 adult years nostalgia edition
lol, fuck no

this nigga hasnt even played classic.

why autists gotta put they two cents into shit they know nothing about?


That's a good way of describing it. I'm having fun though. Turn growl off an kite with my hunter

i am fine not being first to 60
i would regret not enjoying life
and maybe queues will go down

We drop red pills on the rppvp server.
>"Despite making up only 13% of the horde, orcs are responsible for over 50% of pvp combat."

Wow needs call it dog whistling so I just link them the dog whistle from SM houndmaster and laugh at them. Wow is fun in current year.

Well said Op imagine getting a chance to go back 15 years and yet choosing to do the same stupid shit again. Insanity??

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>no dwarf cumbrains sluts around

send help

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This was home to me. Best times I've had in my life.

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I have a son that is in 4th grade now. He was not convinced when I played WoW. My daughter is in kindergarten. There is no way in hell I could play until 2am like I use too. I could still pvp you fags so hard you’d eat your own dick.

I eat my own dick anyway.

>1 post by this ID
nice try OP. ya faggot

As yes the immigration expansion.
I liked that one but I liked the antarctica one better.

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spoopy stuff in this wow

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How is this related to politics in any way shape or form?

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stop trying to relive your childhood with a timewasting grind u stupid fucking autists.

you guys are fucking dumb to play this old shit. CALL ME when they release a new game that's actually fucking good, you goddamn idiots.

fuck wow

It's your home, and you must return. Azeroth needs you.

It doesn't matter. We are all already dead.


Fuck you with your kiked universe, my home is Lindblum.

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someone never made it out of the barrens

look man i get the appeal but the WoW glory days were over 10 years ago... move the fuck on dude

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