How does a capitalist solve this?

How does a capitalist solve this?

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What are we seeing?

Cut off all aid and mind our own business.

>child labour
>extreme poverty
>worker maltreatment
>extremely low wage compared to what he or she produces
>lack of equipment

by implementing capitalism

ok , go ahead. cut off the aid then. see how far you get.

Breeding age black bulls carrying their loads to your mothers house

>how does a capitalist solve this?

not my problem



be specific

stop feeding and immunizing them


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They are 50 IQ niggers

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Just kill them all. Simple.

There is nothing to solve. those people have jobs. Mission accomplished. Do you think that there are not people in our countries that don't have dirty manual labour jobs?

go and cut off the aid.


>poverty and lack of equipment is a result of capitalism


If you cant adress the question why waste your time?

Through Roman style Colonialism.

Take over the governing roles, bring in our own police force, educate and bring religion (Calvinism) to the swarthy masses and Romanize/Americanize them. In 3 generations, pic related will be like Salt Lake City complete with a Wal*Mart super center and Baja Fresh.

This. No niggers. No problems.

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never said that

Mercy killing?

Ok , then go do it.

I wish i had an answer.

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We'll be fine.

Looks like the free market in action.

The only problem to solve is bleeding hearts and communists who wish to ruin this.

Capitalism will fix it by acknowledging their 2nd class occupations and turn the rest into gangster rappers, and ill be getting my FREE yangbux while listening to it too

go ahead, if you gonna cut off the aid. then go for it.

That's exactly what he's doing, smooth brain.

Gibz free asperins, call it "Comprehensive Health Care", stop paying wages, and call it "Socialism".

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What question? Just kill these niggers.

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ok go ahead and do it.

ok, then go ahead and kill them

import millions of the dumbest ones and somehow make the smart ones stay

ok, then get it done

Force them to learn agriculture

assuming your ultimate goal is scientifical progress an happiness for all human beings

You can't fix niggers.

Then the way capitalism solves this is through capital accumulation, i.e. investment yielding ever greater output satisfying ever greater human wants, which implies some degree of defered gratification so that not everything that is produced is immediately consumed.


I literally think you're baiting us that you think blacks are "people"

Not a capitalist myself, but here's my solution;
Step 1; Overthrow the jews and liberals
Step 2; Execute every single one for crimes against humanity
Step 3; Confiscate EVERY SINGLE PENNY from corporations who collaborated with jews and liberals.
Step 4; Redistribute it to White people
Step 5; Nuke Israel and liberate all White nations still ruled by jews
Step 7; Repeat 1-4 if needed.
Step 8; Repatriate blacks back to Africa

There. Done.

>How does a capitalist solve this?
by replacing inefficient niggers with superior robots

well socialism isnt only "not paying wages" but yeah its something every socialist country must have

Capitalism does not work with niggers.

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Man the blackberry was a great phone.

Possible. But then arguably neither does communism at which point the economic system isn't the problem to begin with.

Hell if I know, exploit it in some way or another would be my best guess.
Personally, I exterminate it because it's a blight on the planet, those things kill endangered species because they find them a nuisance or to sell the pensises to Asians for hokey impotence cures, they also destroy critical ecosystems to practice their highly inefficient and mostly ineffective excuse for agriculture and pastoralism.
What would you do with it? Try to "save" it? Civilize it? Take up the White Man's Burden?
If you try to save everybody, you're going to doom us all, your idea of compassion is unrealistic and destructive.

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People aren't equal, don't deserve to be treated equally, progress is a spook and science is being done by intelligent people, not niggers. There's a several thousands years long experiment going on, it's called civilization, if you still think all human beings deserve "happiness"(whatever that is), look at what they did to reach it.

>assuming your ultimate goal is scientifical progress an happiness for all human beings

I agree, however niggers are not humans

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But all they are producing is dirty puddle water?

The capitalist in me sees that not paying wages and labeling poverty "socialism" is extremely profitable.

are you gonna do it or not?

ok then nuke them

Buy chains so they cant run away

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Since when has capitalism ever equated to less niggers and shitskins? Quit lionizing your fake and gay Jew money-grubbing ideology.

plumbing is a start.

ok go ahead. get it done

No. The economic system ISN'T the problem. Niggers are the problem

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alright, you go ahead and do it

That has nothing to do with capitalism, you dink. Capitalists don’t care about this problem because it’s NOT OUR PROBLEM.

whatever your plan is , do it

Well according to commie simpletons like you happiness is the ability to cut your dick off and fuck children so those niggers would be living in utopia to you.

We are talking about neocolonialism, what jews and what liberals are you talking about?

What crimes against humanity?


What white people?

What about conservative corporations?

Does the political side of a corporation really matter?



Every country has to go through Industrialisation. UK went through this and look where it is now. That's just life unfortunately you have to go through hard to get to good and if you take a shortcut you'll never feel you deserved it. If blacks aren't subhuman they can do it themselves.

>How does a capitalist solve this?
transfer them in Europe and/or USA to do the same job, under the same conditions and the same pay.

brazilians are so funny!

Based on the information here in this picture with no other information?
>poor country moving mud from one location to another that probably has mud
I guess it keeps them busy. If I was in the business of moving mud I would probably get wheelbarrows and have less workers that are paid slightly more.

>Since when has capitalism ever equated to less niggers and shitskins?
Manifest destiny

Nuclear fire

ok do it

Imagine thinking having jobs is the fucking end all be all of civilization and achievement. Even fucking paleolithic tribal hunter-gatherers had jobs, having a job isn't something special, maybe it is in this society, but this society is dying and people who won't work will die.

> memeflag
> virtue signalling and complaining about "the man"
Kike, the 70's are over. We know you are full of shit now.

>(((conservative corporations)))

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First of all, engineer some shit ffs.


Do you think niggers will magically become humans in a socialist regime? This has nothing to do with politics but with biology.

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do it

>What white people?
You are a liberal.
With one side of your forked tongue, you promote the liberal propaganda against White children and justify genocide. With the other, you deny that we exist. You are a corporate liberal.

>Does the political side of a corporation really matter?
Did they support ethnic cleansing of my people? Yes or no?
If yes, they get shot. If no, then they're decent human beings.

>what jews and what liberals are you talking about?
Lurk, you transient faggot. Your ignorance is not excusable because all you would need to do is lurk for two fucking hours to see hundreds of examples of jews and your fellow bootlicking liberal friends discriminating against White children.

We are all born innocent and with the capabilities to be anything depending on the place and time.

Then why do you want scientifical progress if it doesnt everyones life easier?

I see you've met Jow Forums intellectual elite.

Capitalism doesn't have a problem with your pic as long as the transaction is voluntary. So if a little girl needs to sell her ass because she's starving, that's a-ok because it was a 'voluntary exchange' at the time.

In the real world where you don't want to encourage abuse, like predatory assholes turning your kids into a cum rags because they're hungry, you need governmental oversight. Otherwise Capitalism will devolve into degeneracy (as it's in the process of doing now).

I mean with some chain, random pieces of wood from pallates, wire, gears on a large stick, and a handle, you could at least just crank payloads up the bank.

>the one guy in the truck bed doing all the work

lol there is no such thing as progress, be it scientific, social or what have you, progress is a rhetorical fantasy. There's technological and social complexification, but that typically just unleashes a series of compounding problems onto the melange of problems that society already is.
Happiness is completely subjective and the same conditions don't make all people happy. You ultimately have to choose which peoples' happiness you're going to value as paramount and for me that's my own people.

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This is how indonesians fix it.
Fuck off back into the ocean nigger. Hope you can('t) swim.


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>We are all born innocent and with the capabilities to be anything depending on the place and time.

It's a troll

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why though?

they feed the market with high valued commodities

>sopa de macaco
>uma delicia

have you figured out the bantu empire yet?

>I literally think you're baiting us that you think blacks are "people"
Yeah, blacks are humans but they're not people, this is an important distinction.

You can take a slave to the waters of liberty, but you can't make a nigger drink.

Solve what? You let nature take its course and allow shithole dwellers to die off naturally. The are destroying the world with overpopulation. Like rats spreading the plauge.

The capitalist creates a conveyor belt or hangs a wire with a pulley system to hoist the material up the bank. Is that the answer you're looking for?

Because Capitalism and Marxist Socialism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.

Okay, so why don't you do something about it then? Capitalism permits that and all. Oh wait, you are a self loathing NEET who wants le magic free shit and his mommy to take care of his lardass. Fuck you and fuck all commie hypocrites.

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