How do you pee with an uncircumcised penis? Is it messy? Do you always have piss in your underwear?

How do you pee with an uncircumcised penis? Is it messy? Do you always have piss in your underwear?

I am not a Jew. 100% American man who was cut at birth. I’ve had zero issues with it. But now that I am having a son, I have a choice to make.

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Asking for a friend btw

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Pull back foreskin a little so it doesn't cover the hole at all and piss.

Why would there be piss in the underwear? Are you an idiot?
Don't mutilate your sons genitals.

how do you get it up with your desensitized dick?

I always grab a few squares of toilet paper, and after using a urinal walk to the sink with my dick still out, dampen the toilet paper and clean my foreskin in front of the mirror. Quick and clean, and cutfags never have the balls to say anything because they know I’m mogging them hard

ya i do same thing, its based and clean

also pee feels better from a natural uncut dick. Once the pee leaves the eurethra it is felt throughout the nerves in the area like the foreskin. Especially when u pee full blast, feels so good. You can experience this the most when u sit down to pee/ cuz they u dont have to worry about splashing etc.

Don't fucking do it. It's not up to you. If you allow your son to be circumcised you will have already failed at being a father.

"The fundamental biological sexual act becomes, for the circumcised male, simply a satisfaction of an urge and not the refined sensory experience that it was meant to be"

Are you seriously considering mutilating your son? Really? Why?

If you have a lot of foreskin, you can simply pull it back and it would make no difference.

You should cut him OP. His dick head will be so dried out, rough and calloused that he'll be able to use it as sandpaper. That's pretty based honestly.

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Uncircumsized have bigger urethra, so the urine comes out better and doesn't get stuck in the tube and dribble out after you are done, like circumsized.

You just get your boyfriend to clean it up


Go away mossad

------Sage Below this Line-----

I too was mutilated just after birth, as my two older brothers were as well. Then something happened and my two younger brothers were not disfigured. Catholic upbringing throughout.
My son is uncut, and his son will be uncut, just as nature intended. If we are from God, why mutilate what was wrought? Never understood that, especially from a religion that says we are from God. I suspect its a ritual to devote us to something other than God disguised as Godly, such as those who practice it are want to do the sneaky fuckers.

You know you can pull the foreskin back, right?

If you cut your son you should know there is a chance, when he grows up, he will hate you for it and nothing you do can change that.

Not nearly as insufferable as turbo faggot OP's big gay dumb thread. Like nigga just imagine how it would probably feel to piss with a sheath on like damn. Also how is it even a question to snip or not to snip? Just don't fucking mutilate your son; even I know that.

hate to break it to you, imbecile, but if you're cut your property of the kikes. simple as.

Thought you could only do that when erect. That’s why I asked.


how old were you when you realized you wanted cocks in your ass and mouth?

Ask your mum m8

It really is disgusting isn’t it. I hate faggots.

I'm actually a virgin and I'm also frustrated with women right now. I've really wanted to make it work but now I've kinda been black pilled on women around me. And for whatever reason I've seen men as attractive recently

You can pull it back when it's flaccid. There's literally no benefit to circumcision and everyone I know who was circumsized wishes their parents didn't make that choice

Fucking Amerisharts have no idea how the a normal human body functions. Lmao. Quite sad tbqh.

Did your rabbi not tell you that you can pull your foreskin back?

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so you have anger towards women and now magically want dicks in your asshole and mouth??

>how do you do this simple biological task with the standard equipment millions of years of evolution came up with?

At least ask for those 400 USD they make out of your son's dick, you are a Jew or a retard, otherwise you wouldn't even ask here whether it's good to CUT YOUR SON'S DICK

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>Thought you could only do that when erect. That’s why I asked.
you best be memeing lad

They also charge like 2000 dollars for the operation to mutilate the baby's cock. So they profit more than that.

WTF dude that's why you carry a dick rag.

No leaf, I'm just losing it from the loneliness and probably trying to justify to myself how pitching isn't that bad.

Circumcision is a barbaric act. Do not let your parents mistake fall upon your son.
As for urination, just pull back foreskin a bit and it’s all good. Seeing as uncut is the natural state of being, we had it figured out long before the Jews stuck their tentacles into things.

>No leaf, I'm just losing it from the loneliness and probably trying to justify to myself how pitching isn't that bad.

lay off the jew media and you'll be fine

as a faggot i can say uncircs are so gross i would NEVER suck an UNCIRC!

>tfw seeing uncircs

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>paying someone 2000 dollars to permanently mutilate your son's penis without his consent
Holy shit, and I thought I lived in a cucked hellhole.

You mean Jow Forums? That's about the only media I consume aside from news about protests or virtue signaling corporations. The women near me are usually roastie druggies or shitlibs and so a clean guy seems a bit appealing, plus I should be honest with myself, I've had gay thoughts for years now since freshman year gym class. Of course the ratio of straight to gay thoughts is about 80/20

Dude, I was literally cut specifically because I couldn't piss right with all the foreskin I had. I was anesthetized, too, which doesn't happen in religious circumcisions iirc.

please don't cut him. if he wants it later he can have it done, but he'll really resent you for it if you cut part of his body off like a dog.

Yeah. I’m sitting here trying to understand why my dad let them do this to me for no reason whatsoever

uh Jow Forums is a dick destroyer unless u are a Jow Forums fag, any other sub isn't going to help your mind or cock.

I’m cut and pissed about it. Should be banned. Fucking archaic jew ritual.

The sad truth is that your Dad was a selfish cunt who wanted his kid to "look like him". Now granted he may have also been deceived by Jewish doctors and thought that it was beneficial and or not harmful. Still not right.

>you can buy human infant foreskin for ~$400
I always thought this kinda shit was just incinerated to comply with some regulation or something. Why is it allowed to be sold?

Say I had a boy and I wanted him circumsized. In theory. Shouldn't the options be a straight up fucking donation for science or plain destruction? Why should faggots be able to buy it and eat it or do whatever, you now? I bet some sick fucks out there are familiar with the taste of severed human infant foreskin.
Eww. This is like some cannibalist pedo's dream, a world where parts of baby penis can be delivered to you. This is a body part it shouldn't be sold.

We truly are living in clown world.
Are these transactions public record? Can we see if eppstein or the subway pedo bought any?

They sell all those foreskins to baby-dick slurping kikes and to big pharma for anti-aging shit, indeed a fucking clown world

Being circumcised at birth I feel more violated beyond the physical genital mutilation knowing that it's possible someone bought and potentially ate my foreskin or used it for some other sick fetish shit.

Can people find out what happened to theirs? Surely there's gotta be a paper trail.

Why does that nigga have a kipa on

>no idea how normal human anatomy works
these are the same people who get angry about ordinary tall men being "skinny"


>having to wipe your penis like its your ass

Circumcise him. Genesis 17:10

How can anyone know what some one else feels?

How can you say a cock that has calluse feels the same pleasure as one that does not?

i watch hardcore bbc tranny porn only way

>Thought you could only do that when erect. That’s why I asked.

Of course the penis must be erect to pull back the foreskin, that's why we Euros have bidets.

1) Uncut
2) Need to piss
3) Go to the bathroom
4) Start jerking off
5) First you ejaculate in the bidet
6) Then you piss in the toilet standing up and fully erect

Only Germans and Swedes seat down to pee here.

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Uncut is more pleasurable for women because guys don't have to work harder with loads of dead nerves to obtain orgasm. It also greatly reduces impotence as you age.

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That's a tonsure.

>I'm not a Jew

Sure Shlomo... any man that belongs on this board already knows the answer to the question you're asking. Fuck off.

Just get him cut ffs. You never had to deal with dick cheese. You want your son dealing with the weeny cheddar?

quit feeding these lies to everyone. i was cut at 35 and now i am 45. still cum just as fast now as i did before. a couple strokes and im done.

>tfw one of the very few uncut white American males
>tfw all three of my older brothers got snipped but parents got lazy with me

Feels real fuckin lucky man.

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What is empathy for 500 Alex fucking amerifat.

Circumcision affects the ability the empathize, and the US is fucked..

A lot of people do not have empathy and tend to confuse it with sympathy.

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I pinch the end a bit so that I can aim the stream.
Not messy at all

Jesus christ his dick is huge. Mine is only 4.75 inches in girth (circumference).

why would you not cut your son's dick? Do you want to anger God by not doing the covenant?

Thats just the foreskin, user.

I don't have a foreskin, so idk how this even works.

Its just stretchy skin. You can actually get more by stretching it. There is this guy i think in Latin America who claims to have the longest dick in the world, but can't get onto Guinness World records because its all foreskin. He also gets regular UTIs.

wow what a fag

user, father of two here. I wanted to do it as well but as luck would have it, my first boy didn't get circumcised. It was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me.

I am cut and if you want, I'll talk to you about it 1 on 1. Don't cut him. I have two boys, its was the best decision I never made. Just don't do it. It can never be undone.

No matter how you shake and dance , the last few drops go down your pants.

you pull the skin back before you pee you nitwit.

How does any animal pee? How does a dog do it? Idunno, it just works, no muss, no fuss, just do it.
If you don't know now, you never will.

>how do you pee uncircumcised?
Duh! You ask the nearby rabbi to pull back the skin and suckle on the glans. It's gay as fuck. At least us cut men only had our dick sucked by a man once

i imagined you doing this in a public bathroom.

actually, cut fags feel this too.
2 hour lecture from a Jew who worked at Harvard and was subsequently fired for this “naked antisemitic rant,” which obscures a lot of important information he disclosed about the basis of the medical “reasoning” given for justifying circumcision in the US.

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Foreskin is great. When I am at the gym working out and I can't get a locker, I just keep my keys and wallet in my foreskin.

DOO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT YES You totally should mutilate your son when he's at most defenseless!

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>>tfw one of the very few uncut white American males

You know that your name is probably on some Government list of possible anti-semites, like those parents that named their son "Hitler"?

Don't do it, man.
t. also cut at birth
If he wants to cut it later, he can make that choice. With anesthesia.

This is one of the only reasons i disrespect my parents. I never got a choice

Oh cmon that user is full of shit like how could your child hate you for cutting of pieces of him forever, without himself?

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Fuggg, without his consent*

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People have 0% empathy for 99% of men, that's why nobody is sewing your forskin back on. You live in a gynocentric culture that sees virtually all men as second class citizens with half the rights and privileges women have and barely more than an animal.

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Can relate. My wife makes me sit to pee. Feels good to just let it go and not have to aim.

>when u pee full blast

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Lol I got a 30k hospital bill when i had my son. Circumcision was like 1700.

You pull the foreskin back. Please dont cut him. And when hes older explain to him hes not a weirdo for having it, that it's actually a good thing for multiple reasons. Any shills that say its unhygienic are either dumb or jewish. Its completely hygienic just wash your dick with the foreskin pulled back. Simple as

I hate sitting down.
A nice woman and a beautiful home could change this, though.

See half the time I piss I'm erect. My toilet isn't that big and I hate hitting the tip of my dick on the seat when I try and awkwardly shove it down so I don't piss out in front of the toiler when I sit.

If I had a big toilet that could accommodate my moderately sized penis to the point where this would no longer be an issue.. maybe I'd do the same if it were also sanitary and kept clean.

It's just easier to stand up and, lean over a bit, and fucking aim. Sitting is actually harder - not just more time consuming.

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