Rockland County, NY GOP releases antisemitic ad targeting Hasidic Jews

Called "A Storm is Brewing in Rockland" about how Hasidic (aka orthodox) Jews are taking over the county. Oy vey!

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bump this is based af

fuck the jooze.

“Become Other Than White”
>Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism

Attached: D622E232-DB05-4706-BEF8-1A0EF53EB821.jpg (471x471, 80K)

Hasidics are hominid vermin.

The Irishmen I know are very jew-wise and based. Maybe my sample is small, but I don't see the kikes getting very far with (((globohomo))) in Ireland. Irish defend themselves and things will get hot very fast.

watch vid

bump this video is based and everybody should watch it and comment

This is Aron Wieder's twitter. He's featured in the video. He's a notoriously pushy kike pushing people out of their homes setting up a colony. A lot like the west bank settlements in israel.

It's actually pretty good. Have a (you).

another screenshot

Attached: pic.png (1588x956, 337K)

based and redpilled

fuck yeah it is, more people need to watch this vid

looks like it even made chris hayes

Thank you, letting everyone know in the /ptg/ discord to flag the video and have it taken down. Good luck on your D&C campaign though, fucking muslim dickhead.

>fucking muslim dickhead.
Do you even think about what you write for five seconds?


Even liberals in Rockland hate the hasi's


Somehow, everywhere they go, they completely destroy

Also it made Washington Post

>the Normans were the first good goyim
>the invasion of England was because the House of Godwin wanted nothing to do with kikes

Big think


>from 5.8% foreign born in 2002 to 17.2% in 2016


I know the numbers are ridiculous, but personally knowing Irish, I really don't believe the poz can possibly permeate enough for them to surrender completely without a fight. They don't fuck around when threatened. This shit may go on for a while, but I have faith they'll put a stop to it.

Nice, pls maek it tru

did you watch vid? everybody should watch and comment and upvote.

Ireland is the property of Google and the banks, user. They have a poofter pajeet as a prime minister. It's over.

Make it go.viral, copy before jewtube takes it down

Bump, send these kikes to hell


You mean the country which gleefully voted to legalize abortion?

>b-but my granny told me the irish are based, my great-grandpa was in the IRA!

Your granny is a liar and your great-grandpa was a commie and a terrorist

Very important doc to watch that covers how this went down nearby. Only 38 mins. If you don't watch, at least share it with someone.

Ok i will


more like s o y haze

People of Rockland hate the hasid so much and if you live or work there for 2 weeks you'll be screaming Hitler did nothing wrong

Nobody, not even other Jews, like the Hasidic Jews. They are a legit nightmare to live around, and actively make life hell for everyone else. They are mostly poor because they have working class jobs and 12 kids apiece, engage in massive welfare fraud (a bunch of them were arrested in Lakewood NJ last year I think), and bring down the living standard of the community

There are stories even in the normie media about them moving into towns, taking over the government, and cutting the school budget to the bone (because they send their kids to private schools).

yeah that guy's got a weird rhythm like he's been mk ultra'd

so they have a strong survival instinct and willingness to push for their own interests

maybe whites need to take a page out of their book

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>not even other Jews, like the Hasidic Jews
But they still defend them and help them get away with their crimes.

this. if you search this video, you'll see a ton of (((msm))) articles backing them up. plus msnbc/chris mathews video linked above. just one example here, but jews always stick together.

Looks exactly like a fucking rat.

Here's an article:

This is absolutely nuts. They're worse than gypsies.


Same thing happening on Staten Island

Well yea, of course they do. The Hasids are mostly wreaking havoc on goys, so obviously a non-Hasid isn't going to back a goy over a Jew.

Even in israel, they're not part of the broader society, and Orthodox Jews have special protections and omissions from certain duties (like mandatory military service). Every so often the non-orthodox get pissed off and try to change that and it always goes nowhere.

The point is that the Hasids most definitely don't see themselves as part of the broader community and they definitely don't believe in any of that "nation of ideals" that Jews demand we live by. They define themselves as "the other" and have no interest in interacting with those not like them. The (((media))) is pushing this story because it can be framed as anti-white, which is of course the most important part.

>personally knowing Irish, I really don't believe the poz can possibly permeate enough for them to surrender completely without a fight.
The Prime Minister of Ireland is a street shitting sodomite.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the shit I'm seeing in the news recently is mind-blowing given the attitudes of the people I know. Not sure how it's even possible. Globohomo is very powerful, though

what is wrong with these kikes


I live there...ama

jesus christ, good luck
it's unreal, scrolling down aron wieder's twitter.
was hitler right?

>was hitler right?

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any run-ins with the yids?

yeah that shit is unreal

assuming you saw the one where he yells anti-semite at some random local dude, but for everybody else

Only 30 seconds in but this seems eerily familiar to what Zion Don's #1 kike did to Postville, Iowa.

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oy vey somebody call jonathan greenblatt


are jews women? that's exactly what I expect from wymyn crying rape on good guy John

This is right where I live. These fucking kikes are animals. Honestly there arent words to describe how vile they really are. You guys have no idea.

race war when

a 30 mile radius around Manhattan needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. The levels of kike infestation here are unfathomable

you suffering yet?

>criticizing jews at all is anti-semitic goy
What if I compliment you while I'm gassing you?

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how's dutchess or putnam. or sullivan.

looks like orange and rockland are getting jewed hard
That guy aron wieder literally calls people anti-semites in public to their face just because they criticized the orthodox developments

if you think that's antisemitic, then you're playing into their rhetoric. video just stated facts

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11 million people died in the Holocaust? All I ever hear is "muh 6 gorillion". So much so, that it overshadows a total tally of 11 million deaths. That's a pretty big fuck up by Jews because it destroys the narrative they push and suggests Jews are ethnically superior.

>Jewish supremacism

I think it is funny that it is called a Jewish Holocaust, when supposedly Jews are ethnically White. Yet if they are considered ethnically White, then the Holocaust would be known as a White Holocaust, not a Jewish Holocaust.

This demonstrates that there is a certain degree of cognitive dissonance when it comes to the general population perceiving ethnic Jews.

Go make me some bagels shlomo


You know the Jews will just kill that guy right? How is that Kike has made it this long? They need to take their asses back to Israel.

Posting this everywhere

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There was a jew that wrote about jewishness being essentially feminine in nature. Otto Weininger.
>The Jewish race has been chosen by me as a subject of discussion, because, as will be shown, it presents the gravest and most formidable difficulties for my views.
>I must, however, make clear what I mean by Judaism; I mean neither a race nor a people nor a recognised creed. I think of it as a tendency of the mind, as a psychological constitution which is a possibility for all mankind, but which has become actual in the most conspicuous fashion only amongst the Jews. Antisemitism itself will confirm my point of view. ...Thus the fact is explained that the bitterest Antisemites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves.
>The true concept of the State is foreign to the Jew, because he, like the woman, is wanting in personality; his failure to grasp the idea of true society is due to his lack of free intelligible ego. Like women, Jews tend to adhere together, but they do not associate as free independent individuals mutually respecting each other's individuality.
>As there is no real dignity in women, so what is meant by the word "gentleman" does not exist amongst the Jews. The genuine Jew fails in this innate good breeding by which alone individuals honour their own individuality and respect that of others. There is no Jewish nobility, and this is the more surprising as Jewish pedigrees can be traced back for thousands of years. The familiar Jewish arrogance has a similar explanation...

>The faults of the Jewish race have often been attributed to the repression of that race by Aryans, and many Christians are still disposed to blame themselves in this respect. But the self-reproach is not justified. Outward circumstances do not mould a race in one direction, unless there is in the race the innate tendency to respond to the moulding forces; the total result comes at least as much from a natural disposition as from the modifying circumstances. The Jew is not really anti-moral. But, none the less, he does not represent the highest ethical type. He is rather non- moral, neither good nor bad. So also in the case of the woman...
>...In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another. Jews, then, do not live as free, self-governing individuals, choosing between virtue and vice in the Aryan fashion...

They take over cities and create their own ethnostates that are taxpayer funded. True parasites.

Attached: Jew York, Jew-S-A.jpg (800x600, 395K)

some of you rockland folks are alright

don't go to Upstate NY separation(mapthreads) tomorrow

Truth. The town of Kiryas Joel was named the "poorest town in America" because they're all on welfare.

Attached: Poorest town in America.jpg (1024x469, 159K)

These guys do not work. They also will not serve in the military. All they do all day is study their "scriptures". IN the US and Israel. I do not know why that level of unemployment is tolerated. Your pic is all the BOYS being taken to school.

Not even Israelis like them.


How do they push people out of houses they already own?

maybe they use bulldozers

Well. If the host has no protections then he is to blame

What exactly are the jews doing wrong? Shouldn't Jow Forums be doing this too?

I was waiting for

gas gas gas