Napoleon was the last great leader of France

Prove me wrong.

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idk, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was pretty good

Sorry I cant.

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Frogs, tell me about de Gaulle

kek, this

>emancipated jews


He actually wasn’t that small. The belief is a result of British propaganda becoming history.

>was taller than king George
>average height of a European was about 5.6
Napoleon was over the average height.

He also threw the Jews out and did call outs that Jews fundamentally as a race fucking commit usury. Google it.

great leader
Proof that france is unbelievably cucked due to what happened


I’ll take a crack at it. WWI French general Petain was pretty boss. Dan Carlin’s hardcore history podcast series on WWI is worth a listen


There was that one guy who.... Oh wait no, there wasn't

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Napoleon went to Egypt and said that Mohammed is the true prophet.
Fuck him

Try listening to Dan Carlins other podcast, I dare you, you'll toss out his history lessons on disgust. I was a former fan.

Did Petain create a legal system that’s still the foundation for half the countries in Europe today? Does the entire world study his military campaigns? Did the Brits gut all of Europe for an entire generation playing “Let’s you and him fight?” just to get rid of him?

This, and being French, he argued relentlessly about cheese.

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did he paint a giant mural in paris of niggers raping white women?

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Petain was based but never did anything huge enough to truly shape Europe itself. Still a good throw. He also had a straight forward view on life.

And probably spent half his time arguing about cheese, that's all they do over there.

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I'm just going to out right not believe any of that. Sand nuggets claimed Hitler was a muslim and Emperor Wilhelm was a muslim at heart as well.

and bread.

Are they about politics? Can you give me the cliff notes of it? Is he a dick sucking hippy?

>Bonaparte’s approach to religion

Napoleon's conciliatory approach to Islam is well documented. He is known to have admired the Mohammed – he even learned off by heart several suras of the Koran. His relationship with Christianity being one of a practical statesman – religion was useful as long as it was comforting to society, but dangerous if it lead to fanaticism. And his frank disbelief in the Trinity caused him to adopt monotheistic attitude, obviously not a million miles from Islam.

No, De Gaulle was.


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>modern french
Remember everyone in Europe was black right? Yeah not buying that.

Historical revisionalists should be fucki g shot.

* fucking

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Yeah, absolute cringe. I loved his Rome and Mongols, but his politics tainted everything after 3 of his political podcasts. Shame.
It's called common sense