When did people get like this?

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Harry potter fags.

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Retarded? Idk just happens sometimes


Do your thing boys...

How can it be a trope I've literally never seen a movie like this. Is this lib just hallucinating?

Hyperreality. They see the world as a movie or other type of narrative, instead of just reality.

What the fuck am I talking about? Having been sheltered from as much every day direct cause and effect, from school feedback to work where you see the quality of your labor like a craftsmen or trades worker or mother or spouse, they experience struggle through stories written by people who mean them harm instead. They live through fictional proxies, and see everything in the shape of a movie script.

The analogy works if the city is Western Culture, the invading armies are faggots, trannies and pedos, the wizards are Christians praying to God, and the assassins are kikes.


Analogies used to be made with actual real physical things you can point at:
> hey you can understand this abstract thing by way of reference to the function of a concrete thing
But centuries of Jewish brainwashing and societal disvaluation and disconnect from real manual labor have today led people to make analogies to fantastical fiction.
> hey try to understand this abstract thing by reference to another fictional abstract thing. What you don’t agree with my emotive repetition of literal nonsense? Then you deserve to die.

Anthony Goodlight on Facebook

Literally the only example of this I can think of is the opening scene in FFXII

When we stopped making them grow up, when we got the horrible leadership we have now, and we let them access a international communication medium.

That was a pretty based post. I enjoyed reading that.

wait who casting the magic shield?

yea ive never seen any medieval movies with wizards casting magic shield to the protect a city

it sounds like the end of Witcher 3

No, I don't know that trope. Please name one movie where that happened. (Also, gay rights is the enemy dude with the knife.)

Is the assassin AIDS?

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Liberal ideology is basicly dead and they need to make up fictional and fairy tale wins for themselves. I don't blame them. They dont have much left nowadays

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Fucking changelings.

See. They aren't really atheists.
This positive vibe shit...

My alma mater:

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