What does Jow Forums make of this? Psyop? Warning? Fake and gay?
> In David Goldberg's final video before his death, he reveals two classified projects underway - Project Pogo & Project Zyphr - to stifle American free speech and the chilling plans scheduled for 2020/2021 that will result in the "extermination" of tens of millions of Americans.
False flag attacks on Americans for war with Cuba.
Zyphr could easily be blamed on Iran. We've been hearing about "sleeper cells" for years now.
If they go through with it, then Whites will have a bigger holocaust than the Jews. The White diaspora will immediately gain an upper moral ground on the world stage. Remember the 60 million, Zog!
Jacob Sullivan
Fucking bump, was looking for this Post the youtube link, nigger
Someone asked for the docs, and the blog owner said this:
> We are preparing for the release of the classified documents, David's hand-written notes, some other audio recordings. We wanted to released his last video to warn everyone right away of both of the classified projects underway so people can be aware and prepare appropriately.