I mean, he’s not wrong

I mean, he’s not wrong

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>Low content shit OP

Shareblue is that youuuuu?

Attached: Shareblue1.png (500x500, 4K)

Gay pride exists to rub it in that they have defeated us.
Cuckservatives get the rope too, btw.

>wanting to have a gay pride parade for straight people
there was literally a south park episode about this

Thats why they use the rainbow flag. It's an anti christian thing. After the flood happened a rainbow was sent down as a pact from the LORD that he wouldnt flood the world again. Everything was wiped away because the world had become super degenerate and gay

If we "don't need one" then they should have no problem with us having one. Gays dont get to speak for straights when it comes to what we do and do not need.

>be thankful you are normal
>but also you must except the abnormal

Sodomy markes the end of civilizations but Everytime faggots be like
>Muh slippery slope
>This time is different.

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>it's not narcissism when we do it

Choose to suck dicks
Become instant victim
This guy is typical