Should there be government funding to help blacks swim?

should there be government funding to help blacks swim?

Attached: 1567514466902.webm (406x320, 2.68M)

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>trying to rescue a nigger

stop with the n word please..

that white guy is a fucking retard for two reasons
1. having the mere altruism to save a fucking nigger
2. you're supposed to lift drowning people from the back, not the front. a drowning person's first instinct to stay afloat is to push the other person below them

and what'dya know, they both drowned. good riddance to this baboon and race traitor

t. lifeguard in Huntington Beach, CA

Never try to save a sinking nig.

did he just drown the both of them?

nigger bone density is too high for them to float


That webm and this webm are perfect representations of our dying civilization.

Attached: westercivilization.webm (720x720, 821K)


>Saves drowning niggers for a living
>Not a race traitor
Do me a favor, Baywatch and take a few laps in the ocean with a cinder block attached to your neck

yeh it happened at Niagara falls I think

nig was trying to get driftwood or shit

No, don't teach them.
Longer more satisfying version of webm.

Attached: nogsoup.webm (592x720, 2.95M)

The government should pay cash rewards for nigger skulls.

Attached: 1556334982174.png (454x453, 151K)

fuck you asshole, most of the people in my town are middle to upper class WASPs. not like you;d know that, PEDRO.

Indeed, full vid.

t. 56%

This is what happens EVERY TIME a white person tries to help nigs. Webm was still funny though.

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>this will certainly drown a lot of niggers
sure man, good thinking.

Is this like a metaphor for how whites tried to help blacks financially and they were worse off and just took whites down with them?

Seriously. How can you not know how to tread water to the point where you die. It looks to me like he's not even trying, he's just haphazardly flopping around.

The US government under OBama already did create a government incentives program for black kids who can't swim. It all started after tha entire Black family drowned 1 by 1 in like 2010 in a lake

There is already community pools. Hell the YMCA has had cheap lessons forever. No the government should fuck off.

absolutely not!
deep water is one of our only remaining defenses from them.
dont try to rescue them either.
if god loved them he would save them.

This. Well known fact that drowning people are dangerous. It's actually used as a comparison alot.

>tried helping
You mean when LBJ said his plan was to make "niggers dependent on welfare and get their votes for 100 years"? Doesn't sound like helping to me.

You are the actual racist here.

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That fucking artist, at least he's very easy to troll. Imagine Twitter's reaction to this

Attached: racistpainting.jpg (970x520, 130K)

slot. Can swim how the fuck can they be this bad at it.

Powerful art

Attached: racistpainting2.jpg (1280x800, 290K)

idk, it must have something to do with IQ

Attached: racistpainting3.jpg (500x666, 75K)

Invert color is a bitch

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Seriously why are whites the only race who can swim?

I was watching ninja warrior international and the black guy literally spent like 30 seconds putting on some fucking goggles for a 1 minute swim and apparently had an asthma attack last time he did it. The yank announcers didn't understand why the Aussies weren't wearing goggles

Attached: racistpainting5.jpg (1001x759, 846K)

>why are white the only *insert anything here*

faggots will say its bone density, its not, fucking chimps out swim nogs all day. this is a cognitive motor function problem.

yes: back to Africa

Yes. To Africa. You have to go back.

That's a terrible idea, people will drown you with them. Better to knock that nigger out first, then drag his fat ass back in.

The left are panicking about climate change because when everything's underwater only white people will survive


the african refugees part made it better

suck shit cunt I got here first

Attached: 45455.jpg (300x300, 24K)

Arabs and Asians don't seem to have any problems swimming.

Holy shit, that makes sense. Stealing that

Asians definitely can't swim

No, just throw them all into the ocean, give the ones that know how to swim the reparations in the middle of OK. Shoot any of them that wants to sell and leave.

Whites evolved from a semi aquatic hominid, higher IQ from high iodine diets. Blacks from some other land monkey or whatever.

Ahahahahahaha! Twin.

Yep most people rescued from surf beaches here are fucking asians who think the sea is a giant wave pool

come to think of it...I've never seen a asian actually swimming at the beach...just getting their toes wet in the water and sitting on the sand

Hey post ur pic again pedro

Or they do stupid shit like swim under waterfalls or fish off tidal rocks

It's funny how the white guy doesn't know how to swim either yet had to be killed by a sinking ape. That shitshow makes me feel bad for the water.

Hm, I don't know. They live around water so... Maybe just Caucasoids are good at it.

Nothing of value was lost

I've never vandalized anything but I imagine two-tone art like that would be pretty easy to spraypaint.

>Western civilization, 2019, colorized, animated

ankle deep in rice paddies isnt living around water , maybe theyre just not used to strong tidal flows and rivers that arent 99% mud

No, rock fish are a native species.

Attached: Indian drowning.webm (640x360, 2.75M)

>nigger bone density is too high for them to float
I have never been able to float in fresh water since I was in 1st grade.
Arch your back user arch your back, I would arch it until it would arch no more and slowly sink to the bottom of the pool.
The first time I swam in the ocean I was fucking amazed at what it felt like to be able to float.

probably hard water which is harder to float in than treated water

It doesn't matter if they do or don't. Either way it will fail. Black people HATE water and everything else to do with hygiene, except for cocoa butter lotion. Now I'm having flashbacks of the time I rode the city bus full of knee-grows and dry heaved they entire way. UGh.... dirty feet, unwiped ass, onion juice....musty laundry....a year old little box that's never been cleaned...

what a moron and I am doubly pissed because I had to watch a white man get drowned by a nigger.

nah, ill pass on that schlomo
you're just some seething beaner in texas so i have no obligation to show you anything. only uploaded that to prove to you that my family owns a boat and that i'm rich and white, two things you'll never get to enjoy being


I've traveled to most big Asian countries. They're just shit scared of water. Busan in Korea for example has a massive beach and you only see white people swimming there. The locals will just play in the sand

In the event that a nigger tries to drown you, swim downwards as fast as possible. It freaks them the fuck out and they let go. I learned this in life-guarding school.

Stupid wife nags him to "do something"

>Niagara falls

More like Niagara Drowns amirite?

the racist posts in this thread are actually very embarassing to the ppeople typing them desu if they are even real people desu

Nigger is in total shock plus too fat to be rescued by a single person with no equipment nor trainig desu...


Interesting. I've only ever gone swimming in pools because I don't believe our lakes are clean (there's algae that eats your brain).

I will never understand why they can't swim. You just move your legs and arms. I remember swimming by the time I was 7 or 8.

Aren't public swimming pools like 20% human urine and 3% feces? Somebody has a graph for this ITT I'm sure of it. The ocean is cleaner than lakes and public pools..

Why the fuck were people recording? Since when is someone about to drown to death a Kodak moment?

Also, I can't swim, what are you supposed to do in this situation honestly? Do I just kick my feet? Assuming I don't panic and kill myself faster

who taught Harriet Tubman?

Yeah but there is no ocean here.

Smart. Prevented a mass drowning.


IDK since even animals know how to instinctively paddle to stay about you just relax and let your body naturally float and scream for help...? you'll be on your back with your nose and mouth open to breathe

or go learn how to swim you fucking retard lmfao

do you think the canadian inuits know how to swim since they hunt seals and walrusizes and fish on the water in north eastern canada by the ocean?

Swimming is so easy. Take some lessons. If all else fails just lie down on your back, extend all of your limbs like a starfish, and raise your abdomen, and just relax and float like that.

No because it's freezing cold.

kek. this is actually brilliant user. I am going to spread these and when my faggot leftist friends sperg out and start virtue signaling I am gonna be like "lol oops wrong ones" and show the real ones and then see what they say, I find publicly humiliating them is the best method cuz the others get in line.

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Also, I can't swim, what are you supposed to do in this situation honestly? Do I just kick my feet?
this is a white man's board. you need to be able to swim to post here

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N - - - - I - - - - - - G - - - - - G - - - - -E - - - - -R





also funny that the boomer seems surprised




No . Go to the beach and swim. Don’t be a useless nigger.

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Even rats can swim you dumb niggers. Go back to Africa.

Attached: 67723474-CBF9-4259-8197-CB40CD041E45.jpg (1024x506, 98K)

Phase 1
Perpetuate that the lost civilization of Atlantis was kangz, and were natural sea fairers who loved swimming.

Phase 2
Kick back a lawn chair at the beach and crack open a cold one, with your favorite pair of binoculars