Title. If we are what does it mean? Are white conventional Christian's cucks for worshipping a God that hates them? Was this the reason the Gnostics formed? If we're just caucasians why have we such little connection to our collective birthplace?
Are whites Edomites?
Semitic god is not the god of the Whites.
If were edomites were semitic.
you forgot to take the shill notes out of your post body user
No, goddamn it. Paranoid kikes refuse to believe that there were other people in the world that their books didn't mention and think Germans were their old Arab enemies in disguise or some bullshit.
Edom was in northern arabia
Considering Edomites were a Semitic group living in and a round Canaan and Europeans descend from a group of people that inhabited the central Asian steppes...Yeah, No.
And if we are, Christ still died for all of mankind and even ended the covenant with the Jews. Simple as. If anything God préfère us to a group of murderous LARPers.
Simple solution... read the Bible.
Stop being lazy, pick up the 66 books written by around 40 men, and study them. You will find out that what you think you know is false and what you are hearing proclaimed by "Christians" and "jews" is not in harmony with what the book teaches.
Shill notes?
Large migrations and demographic changes are common in history. Just look at America or Celtic Europe.
The Edomites were descendants of Esau and were of red skin(whites have pinkish skin and go red of sun burn easily) they were also hairy, like most whites. And I addressed Christ subtly with the Gnostics, who believed the OT God was evil.
I've read the whole conventional bible and the gospel of Thomas so far. I'm tackling Enoch right now too so I think I'm fairly knowledgeable on Christianity, atleast far more than most.
Burn in hell jidf
Explain how anything I've said is Jewish in anyway.
edomites are those who today call themselves 'jews', the idumeans and edomites who swept into the temple after the *actual* israelites left... the pharisees, the polar opposite of the the Essenes, who epitomize the Aryan nature.
Edomites also practiced ritual prostitution and child sacrifice. The cultural ties with todays jews are incredible, when one digs
to clarify, the pharisees were the descendants of the false 'jews', those edomites that Israelites force to convert by the sword. They turned the deep/profound conception of God into an overly legalistic (and corrupt) shambles, and 'reinterpreted' all of reality, with their talmud... claiming 'God himself studies the talmud', and 'never reads it standing up out of respect'
lastly, the Magi that came to pay homage to Jesus were Gothic Aryans, and Galilee shares the 'Gael' etymological root, as in Gaelic, and this is not coincidence.
Do you belief the mormon book is legit too? retard.
Jews are white, gentiles aryan, edomites jews and niggers.
Edomites now call themselves jews.
Have you even read any Gnostic texts? Most your knowledge on them probably comes from 2nd century propaganda created by a Church of corrupters, pedophiles and whoremongers who reinvented Christianity for their own statescraft.
And this too.
I hate to sound like a kike but where does all of this come from? It sounds like a NS' excuse for Talmud Gott worship.
history.. lots of history.
the scythians were known to all in the ancient world as the only just/righteous people, who held the ancient scepter... modern europeans are their descendants, but I can't tell you how or why in a polpost, fren
The white race is Japeth
also, keep in mind the clearest way to trace who's who throughout history is to look at culture and character.. these things don't change overnight.
Can you point to any book or article to dig through and try to understand where your coming from? The Scythians from my knowledge are Euro-cousins like Iranians and dwell in Northern India and Pakistan.
To try to* mobilefag sorry.
I've considered this possibility but Japeth and the Japethites are obscure and I haven't had the time to piece together a personal conclusion to it