Fuck Pshekland

Fuck Pshekland

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Expose your flag your dirty kraut

I once said Poles were slavs and every Pole in the room looked at me like I was satan himself. I was promptly alerted that Polish people are not slavs. They are gothic or Latin in descent.

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they are slavs tho


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They fucking hate Slavs.

So they are kind of slavic jews then

Show flag

We only hate khohols, fuck off

Its an Ukrainian or self hating pole, Germans dont know what pshek means

psheky psheky

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a fucking.....

hi pshcheczychlyszisitczlechy


Ukrainian diaspora

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This ain't a kraut. Its a filthy hohol border hopper

Is it a slav thread now?

Kill yourself subhuman hijacking threads russhit subhuman.

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>U are subhuman
At least i am not estonian its a way worse

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Butthurt hohols posting memes of polish toilet cleaners while they do literally the same thing for us in Poland. What urkos are then being toilet cleaners of toilet cleaners?

>Expose your flag your dirty kraut
Not a kraut. Pshek is a slur in Russian.

A world free of ukropy is a good world indeed

What the fuck is Pshek?

Russian word for poles coming from that we use sz and cz all the time in our words and thats how we sound to them

Thanks Slav Bro

Ivan is pretty creative when it comes to slurs.

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>They are gothic or Latin in descent.
Goths never set foot on polish soil. Some cucks like Kokowski - cuckarcheologist likes to think that Goths lived in Poland
Some Sarmatians (= Poles, Czechs and Slovaks) served in Roman army to repell Huns (= Kvens ancestors of Deutsche)

>Fuck Pshekland

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No we don't
No, only Bandera enablers (Bandera was Deutsche spy)
Cossacks should be respected

atheists, and haters of JPII not welcome

what kind of a retarded cosplaying polack doesn't know that he's a slav?

What does it take to get a based and redpilled polish hottie gf?

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lol we are slavs

What a MEME lord haha good one le resdit

What the fuck is Pshek?

Back at you, kaccapie

Was this in retarded states or m00rica?

Russian derogatory slang for "polak". So OP is either russian or butthurt hohoł, hence no idea why he used memefaggot flag.

Stand strong, polacks

>Fuck Pshekland

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never heard of this word once in my 32year old life

Well obviously, if someone said it in Poland he would be curbstomped to death.

>fuck pshek
>real slavs use cyrylica
pic related average poor ruska kurwa butthurt

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Anony co wy na to, żeby zacząć tłumaczyć infografiki z Jow Forums na polski?

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ależ anonku
dzidowcy już to robią

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Kek is this real?

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Pope thread then

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brzmi świetnie

zapraszam cieplutko

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Hohol detected. Fuck off you bastardized Slav.

jesus fucking christ
>the state of Jow Forums
>everybody responding to slidethreats

True! Poles are pure Germanic people not fucking slav(e)s

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>True! Poles are pure Germanic people not fucking slav(e)s
I fully agree. Be it language or genetics, Poles are 100% Germanic. You can't go against science. lol

Not everyone can be the Belgium of Europe